Increasing the level cap

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Wishlist' started by Just King, August 26, 2010.

  1. Just King

    Just King New Member

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    I absolutely love this game and it's no surprise that my friends and I are getting addicted to it very easily. As such, I feel that I will hit level 99 in a fairly short amount of time and at that point all I will have to show for playing is purchasing all the protags and working towards completing other milestones. It would be really nice to have the level cap either increased or have a system that allows you to go back to level one once hitting level 99. For example, in the gray box next to your level, there could be a strip of bacon (bronze first, then silver, and finally gold for maxing out four times) signifying that you started over again.

    Any thoughts?
  2. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    So...Prestige minus any real incentive?
  3. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Your level means nothing. All it really shows is how long you've played for. Would you rather it showed you played a lot or would you rather it showed you played a lot more?
  4. m0nkeyb0y77

    m0nkeyb0y77 New Member

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    I'd like to see the bacon idea only once you prestige once, you get 2 gold endorsements, and prestige again, you get 3 gold endorsements.
  5. Archangel

    Archangel New Member

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    Would make the people with no lives that much harder to kill. i dont want to climb the exp ladder 3 times more so i can become super OP.
  6. m0nkeyb0y77

    m0nkeyb0y77 New Member

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    Just a thought. All I know is, getting to level 99 won't be hard. I'm already at 80. I tend to lose interest in games after I hit the highest rank. I always need a goal.
  7. MeltsYurFace

    MeltsYurFace New Member

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    That wouldn't work, if you are going to get bonuses for being able to play more than they should make be purely cosmetic, I'd like to be able to unlock some different skins for my classes, or make my turrets/bots look much cooler if I choose to go 1-99 all over again.
  8. OoPpEe1985

    OoPpEe1985 New Member

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    Having reached 99 quickly too (actually ranking 104th in Crossfire last time I played) I too feel that there needs to be something more. However doing this too will encourage many to cheat. Look at the people in the top 50, over 100 billion - not possible yet even with 24/7 playing. People would simply hack to unlock the extras.

    I wouldn't mind seeing a class specific ranking system and have the records SERVER SIDE so people cannot hack it. Then upon leveling they unlock extras - like a hat, new head, "skinned" weapons (gold plated, or new weapons with same stats - bad example is Assassin can unlock a Lightsaber-version knife). New unlocks every 5-10 levels?
    Cosmetic unlocks carry over to all classes - so lets say you unlock a hat that is similar to the TF2 Snipers hat - must be unlocked by playing sniper - you can use the hat on ALL classes.
    Although certain things will be class specific (like if they reskin a head or make a female head of that class)
    This would force people to play all classes to unlock everything, and due to it being server sided - not hackable (or alot harder to).

    Of course this would result in Uber Ent having to host the servers to do this. Can be done without server side, sadly would make hackers get them instantly but since it's only cosmetic changes won't hurt players.

    That 3x gold sponsorship WOULD hurt players. Hell I would be owning more online if I had 3x gold sponsorhips lol
  9. Justice Pie

    Justice Pie New Member

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    Way to think outside the arena, but that's really a terrible idea. Since there's no way matchmaking would differentiate between someone with 3 gold endorsements versus someone who just started, I can hear the Pro's bleating like lambs to a slaughter.

    If you find yourself getting bored, there are 6 classes to get good with, numerous pro tags to acquire and a plethora of Pro's to kill.
  10. Just King

    Just King New Member

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    I'm all for having some sort of incentive for resetting my rank so long as it does not affect the gameplay. If Uber did increase the level cap I'm positive they would make it worth players' whiles.
  11. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    How about if they color-coded your number so that you knew which players have exceeded the 99 level limit. As a bonus they could possibly give your Pro a matching Captain's armband to let other players know how high you have gone in-game. Although I think full customization would be ideal you want to keep the Pro models simple so that they can be easily recognized.

    Another bonus idea could be to unlock golden weapons with a limit of one weapon per 'prestige'. In this manner it would take 12 (possibly more if other classes are added) 'prestiges' to unlock every golden weapon. Still it would be great to see Assault running around with golden ARs or launchers and even worse to see Assassins with golden daggers/katanas. The best part is that it would not affect the Pro models so you could easily recognize what class they are playing.
    Last edited: August 27, 2010
  12. Ghostdog 360

    Ghostdog 360 New Member

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    My exact thoughts too!!!!
  13. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    There's really no need to up the level cap. I'm 99 and I enjoy playing the game, so I keep playing. Multiple permanent gold sponsorships would not be a good idea as it would unbalance the playing field. I should have an advantage because I have played longer and therefore have more experience. Having a bonus on top of that just keeps new players from ever being able to compete. If however there was a crossfire gold mode....where everyone had 3 gold endorsements, that would be different.

    I'd have to agree about the achievements. It is rather frustrating to see that I'm just out of the top 100 when the top 50+ player scores are obviously hacked.
  14. wickedxtheboss

    wickedxtheboss New Member

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    Or if you do such a thing make your perks better or more hp type thing there has to be a point to it.
  15. DrSnaggletooths

    DrSnaggletooths Member

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    Be number 1 on the leaderboards. There's your goal.
  16. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    Until the hackers are removed this is impossible.
  17. Just King

    Just King New Member

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    There is a phenomenal replay value with MNC and to me I feel that would even furthered by increasing the level cap. Honestly, I don't care if my rank resets and all I have to show for it is a new icon or something.
  18. wickedxtheboss

    wickedxtheboss New Member

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    I think to make the game fair your lvl number gets a strip of gold ect. but it also makes your classes armor look cooler!
  19. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    Long as it doesn't impact team colours or make you less visible, I like more options.
  20. vintoks

    vintoks Member

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    As long as it doesn't affect the gameplay I don't see the harm in giving committed players some kind of prestige or adding more protags to work toward after they max out their level.

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