New Bot ideas!

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Wishlist' started by AtomGone, August 24, 2010.

  1. AtomGone

    AtomGone New Member

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    So I had a crazy thought for a new MNC bot, one that could add some total craziness to the game: the Ref Bot!

    Basically it's from a much older league of Monday Night Combat, when the sport still had "rules". Back then, no sane human judge would walk the fields of battle, so they automated the system with a series of ref-bots. Unfortunately, the sensors were set too high, and so they handed out penalties to EVERY player in the match. They were quickly pulled from the sport, and supposed to have the programming error fixed, but it was considered by the league-runners that this would be a waste of money, so they were put in storage. Now the league has decided to make some space in the warehouses, so they've decided to toss them in random Crossfire matches. Watch out for their Penalty Box!

    So in-game the way they'd work is the Ref Bots would speed around until they find a spot on the map to patrol, wait a while, then move to another random location. If they see one player kill another player, they call a penalty and start shooting high speed Red and orange flags at the player for a distance. If the Ref Bot itself is attacked, it speeds up to the first one to attack it and performs the melee "Penalty Box" attack for the offense. In this attack, the Bot turns into a literal Box that traps the pro for some time while a timer ticks down. When the timer ticks down, the box and Bot explodes, doing heavy damage to the Pro (and killing the Pro if they're already weak).

    The Box itself can be destroyed by players on any side, but you probably want your team to get to it, or the opposing team can open fire on the recently released player. It takes a fair amount of damage, but Assassins can pry open the doors quickly with their blades, and Supports can perform a quick hack to open it more quickly.

    So that's my thought for a new bot, any others out there?
  2. cazoofoo

    cazoofoo New Member

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    I like it, but it's a bit complicated, would take too much work from the dev's and it would be annoying. Just my 2-cents.
    Egg Bot
    Replaces the bouncer for the tank. Egg bots are very large floating egg shaped ribots with one huge cyclops eye. The egg-bot has a very high amount of health, it cannot attack however enemies that shoot it are blinded and set on fire.
  3. jjcpockets

    jjcpockets New Member

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    I wish one of the classes could spawn anti-bot bots. Just something that could clear a path through waves of blackjacks and make short work of bots spawned by other players. Presumably something any class can knock off easily enough, otherwise you'd have issues with people spamming it.
  4. DunkTank

    DunkTank New Member

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    So whats the point of the bot? How does it die? What if pros just dont shoot it?

    How about it shoots a shield reducing laser once every 5 seconds and it makes a pro very very vulnerable?
  5. Styli

    Styli New Member

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    It's a suicide bot? Blows itself up close to the money ball? :|
  6. VawnOTheDawn

    VawnOTheDawn New Member

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    As long as attacking does not blind you can set you on fire, I'm fine with it.
  7. AtomGone

    AtomGone New Member

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    I like the visual idea of the egg-bot, but I dunno about the functionality, it's just a bit too powerful as originally described.

    I had another one though:
    The Doppel-Bot!
    Basically it's a robo-clone of one of the Pros, though kind of a hastily put together copy that if you get a decent look at it, will be obvious to tell apart from an actual Pro. They can be bought from a vending machine and will follow the movement path from any pro that buys them. If the pro guides them to the Moneyball they'll suicide leap on the thing, but until then, they act more as protection than anything else.

    If a sniper is aiming at the Pro, it can get confusing if there are look-a-likes, especially if the Pro is running in circles. If the Pro is grappled, the Doppel-Bots will jump in the way and take the grapple instead.

    Basically they're bodyguards.

    The downside, they're REALLY expensive, I mean, we're talking a $1000 at least. But for those that can afford the protection, they can prove invaluable: just like in real life!

    Any other ideas out there?
  8. Clone2596

    Clone2596 New Member

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    How about a bot that flys around like a buzzer, but hooks on to peoples backs and explodes for a lot more damage. Im saying just enough to kill snipers/assasins. In order to get it off it would have to be shot off or destroyed another way. So your teammates could destroy it (Make it flash danger lights?) or you would have to destroy it with an AoE attack, thus hurting yourself

    As it is attached to a pro, that pro can not use any speen enhanceing abilities, including endorsments and can not deploy.

    The two classes that would be most afected are snipers/assasins, snipers could destroy it by useing their own flak and assasins ... well they can turn invisable ... or maby smoke bomb

    The main purpos of this is just to take a pro out of action for a momment or 2 and make them deal with the explosive device on their back. Also the beeping and flashing lights would be a real croud pleaser, so taunting with one on you would make about 50 bucks.

    Im not sure how long juice lasts, but it would stay on for about that long befor the big boom
  9. Kappy

    Kappy New Member

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    Or we can just leave them all the same and just make the snipers bot actually take away a skill so they have to buy it again instead of just draining them?

    But if there had to be an idea for the new tank bot, I would say maybe a mini tank? maybe even acouple spawn at a time that charge the pros instead of grapple and when they make contact, they knock the pros back setting them on fire as if a tank charged them and death blossumed them (with decreased dmg slightly than the normal thing of course). hm?
  10. Show me the Bacon

    Show me the Bacon New Member

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    I think what the game needs is more boss-bots. Just Jackbots gets kinda predictable after awhile. A couple options for player spawned bots could be awesome too, so when you go to spawn you can select from 2 different bots to spawn. Maybe the second options could cost more, and be more powerful.

    Assault could choose between buzzers and single larger, moderately armored flying drone that would harass enemies with laser fire. Need a catchy name. "Blazers," maybe?

    Support could have gapshots and "zapshots"(lol) which would replace the mortar with a bot-frying tesla-coil on their backs. They would advance up lanes dealing heavy damage to bots at short range, and any pros foolish enough to come close. Maybe the shocks could have a small stun effect.

    Snipers would get new "Creepers," spider-like bots with abdomens similar in appearance to a shave-ice turret top. Medium speed, hunt down pros with an AoE freeze effect before closing in to slash at their trapped prey. Players frozen for no more than 5 seconds at a time. (Could be too powerful, but makes up for the weakness of Scramblers)

    Tanks would have "Burners"(how creative!), burly humanoid bots with short range fireball cannons that would charge after enemy pros. Careful, the explode violently when they die!

    I don't have any very good ideas for the Gunner & Assassin right now, but you might have noticed that I've been trying to link a pro's bots to their abilities or weapons, or keep them in a general theme with their existing bots. (e.g. The Assault bots all fly(like him), Support bots would have the same basic body, Sniper's new bot mimics his freeze traps, Tanks new bot mimics(sorta) the jetgun, etc)
  11. AtomGone

    AtomGone New Member

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    You know, thinking about it, the Tank DOES really need his own bot to spawn . . . how bout this:

    Shin-O Bot-O a.k.a. The Great Ball of Fire.

    Essentially this is a Bouncer Bot that the Tank Spawns, It's almost completely round in shape and has a simple AI system: Roll in one direction for a preset period, stop, extend visual sensors, target enemy pro and then roll towards pro. When rolling, jets of flame shoot all around the bot and it does moderate damage but mostly catches things on fire.

    It's smaller than Bouncers, but faster, and doesn't do as much damage, but has greater armor.

    Pretty simple idea really.

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