MNC Memories

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by peachypony, December 26, 2011.

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  1. crimsonautumn

    crimsonautumn Active Member

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  2. choiio

    choiio New Member

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    Who are you?
  3. crimsonautumn

    crimsonautumn Active Member

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  4. choiio

    choiio New Member

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  5. xl G h o S 7 lx

    xl G h o S 7 lx New Member

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    Hilarious I got mentioned for juice chaining. Hey, it's there to be used. I would still play this game if the lag wasn't so terrible.

    > Playing with Shadowstorm the first day which I learned how OP juice spamming was.

    > Out sniping Sigmar then switching to assault the next game to just make him more angry

    > Dropping 90+ kills a game

    > Destroying thousands of terrible players

    > Getting called a hacker countless times since I "never" ran out of juice

    > Beating pu5h and a few of his friends by myself on steel peel then becoming their friend l0l

    > Carrying Sokoto and Pandemic on GB l0l0l0l0l.

    > Happy leaving this forgotten, laggy game to play LoL/Gears
  6. meat

    meat New Member

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    That's why I deleted MNC off my Xbox.

    Resident Evil : Operation Racoon City FTW. (Japanese version, of course)
  7. x 2TurnTableS x

    x 2TurnTableS x New Member

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    Having Chronicle spread the rumor that I am some type of a rookie and he is a veteran, if
    Chronicle is a vet then I am already dead and buried at sea. Watching all these kids who
    got this game 3 months ago thinking they run this because they play with Gunked(another
    non-vet). The capture-whores that only post videos of themselves decimating noobs.
    Watching all the cool mature players leave one by one and replaced by ego-centric
    Chronicle wannabes that only know one tactic: do what Chronicle says. Watching
    Xenonox destroy everyone of you so-called competitive gods in public matches and then
    running to hide from us in your little stacked private matches. When my good friend and
    mature gamer Edward Coug went out of his way for weeks to set up the first tournament
    and then hardly any participation, every other laughable community tournament, thunder
    eagle gays vs Organous, people referring to any part of MNC being 'competitive', when
    people discovered how to stay on the same team together, when feedle and Lockdown
    showed everyone how to create custom public matches and everyone acted like they
    already knew that, people refusing to play custom pubs because it is too hard to stack
    your teams and is actually a more fair way to play, the support is now good for nothing
    but following around a gunner even if it means suicide, the support is not allowed to use
    his most effective weapon or he is ostracized, shotgun whores ruining the name of
    supports everywhere, defensive/noob/turtle supports ruining the class, ball-tapping one
    man assassin teams, people who don't watch for ball tapping assassins, idiots who are
    screwing around while the ball is down, idiots that don't care if the ball is down, snipers in
    a game that I can run from one end of the map to the other in 5 seconds, juice whores,
    ledge whores, spawn trappers, gremlin spammers, people who say they are too stoned
    and just messing around( i am always baked), kids who say they are stoned(don't do
    drugs kids), people who start 'critique me' threads and then wonder why they get trolled,
    people who can not admit the skill of another player because they are so self-concious
    about themselves looking good, people that actively attempt to send hate-mail bait in
    order to post the response on here, the trolls that think for one second that they bother
    me, getting under the skin of every troll here by using peaceful resistance, people blaming
    me when Ekanaut regulates, you guys sitting in your parties talking trash on me like little
    schoolgirls, you guys hitting me with all the complaints at once and getting my gamertag
    banned for a week, host gunners, host snipers, hosts that brag about how badass they are
    but won't join anyone else's servers, little smartass kids that are lucky this is only a game,
    MNC tough guys, the time I asked you guys what was so funny about mental disabilities
    and you posted the most disgusting remarks that Ekanaut locked your Apoc thread, when
    you idiots tried to reopen the Apoc thread 2 minutes after the owner of the site said to
    knock the sh*t off, scapegoating me every time a thread gets locked, spawning 50
    gapshots on Skizo because he loves the lag they cause, having people say that I am not
    special with the support and have no secrets(psssh I was silent striking fools loooooong
    before anyone, about the time when people were saying, "What, do you think you know
    things about the support that others don't", same time people were wondering how they
    were being hit in the spawn by airsrikes, i still have many secrets, ask feedle, he knows
    about a lot of them. My best memories of this game are when I just got it, made some
    cool new friends, we were all learning together. We didn't have this split community and
    all the hatred. The devs and mods were so cool, they would play games with us and show
    us cool things. Those times were the best of this game, now it is almost like a chore,
    unless you want to conform to what, i guess is required, to play in veteran private
    matches then there just is not the comradery anymore. <3 MNC <3
  8. 2wynbge

    2wynbge Member

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  9. x 2TurnTableS x

    x 2TurnTableS x New Member

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    ^^^^ is that what a lot of words looks like to an illiterate
  10. dadale1990

    dadale1990 Member

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    Round the horn spawn strike on choiio,feedle,etc. on a PM.
  11. 2wynbge

    2wynbge Member

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    If you're going to ask yourself a question, there's really no need to share it with us.
  12. x 2TurnTableS x

    x 2TurnTableS x New Member

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    No need for you to cut and paste pictures of walls either now is there, hypocrite. #bandwagonjumpers #trollturntablesitmakesyoucool
  13. 2wynbge

    2wynbge Member

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    Why not jump on the bandwagon? I find it amusing that all I need to do to get under someone's skin is post a picture of a brick wall without even quoting them.
  14. x 2TurnTableS x

    x 2TurnTableS x New Member

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    Actually, I believe all I did was ask if that is what a lot of words looks like to an illiterate. You got hurt by that and spewed more stupidity, so I am pretty sure my comment got under your skin.
  15. meat

    meat New Member

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    fuq u, u dum
  16. Zatchmo

    Zatchmo Active Member

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    That's my thing. :3
  17. 2wynbge

    2wynbge Member

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    Hang on, so am I butthurt or just jumping on the bandwagon for fun? I'm reading conflicting explanations, I must know.
  18. meat

    meat New Member

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    I know lol. I found it very hilarious so I copied it haha.
  19. x 2TurnTableS x

    x 2TurnTableS x New Member

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    That only worked one time Pyre and it was when I tried to make amends with people in the community so we could all maybe get along. What you just typed was Zatchmo's response, real funny huh. What is so funny about people that have so much hate for themselves that they have to spread it around. NOTHING!!!
  20. x 2TurnTableS x

    x 2TurnTableS x New Member

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    No more responses for you. Go try to find another way to be accepted. :roll:
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