All gunner teams cant be beat

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by Hawaiianspawn, August 23, 2010.

  1. Great2seeyou

    Great2seeyou New Member

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    PLEASE READ THE POSTS. No one is claiming 1 guy can take on a team. I think each class has a value in the team and a balanced team is best. The best team I can think of to beat an all gunner team would be 2 snipers, 2 supports, and 2 tanks. A defensive heavy team but will the very offensive team of gunners should be good.
  2. Wutang85

    Wutang85 New Member

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    An all Assault team of equal skill could easily take them down..

    1.) Could move about the map to defend and attack faster than gunners.

    2.) can stick gunners and to area damage and lvl. could ring out on certain arenas.

    3.) Multiple Assaults with lvl 3 grapple charge would destroy Gunners.

    4.) anything left over would be wiped out by upgraded rifles.....which own Gunners.

    it wouldn't be a massacre but Assaults would win. they could advance faster and push certain areas faster after taking out the gunners.

    Gunners would be forced to defend and deploy and Assaults would just hove about and grenade and drop nades.

    But you are prob right about 6 Gunners destroying pretty much any random group of people.
  3. D3C3P7AKONZ

    D3C3P7AKONZ New Member

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    agreed pub nubs would be absolutely pawned but any team thats hovering around public games having fun would counter this pretty quickly
  4. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    Actually my friend and I's assassin duo ended up with a team of 4 other assassins and by pure chance they all happened to be competent too. The enemy base was a smoking crater within minutes and the only thing the opposing team had to say for themselves with the scoreboard came up was one guy whispering "f**k you" into his mic. It was both the funniest and quickest match I've yet played, even compared to our support rush run :p
  5. faits

    faits New Member

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    Two friends and I were auto-joined into a match where they got stuck on one team and I got stuck on the other. The team they got stuck on already had four assassins, so they figured what the heck and both rolled assassin.

    I also rolled assassin, but the team I joined was actually balanced.

    That match was over so fast (they did not win)
  6. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    That's why the assassins need to be competent ;D

    That said though, I think if you have a team of competent players it doesn't really matter what class they all are, as long as they can play them well :3
  7. BongSatanZ

    BongSatanZ New Member

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    my team of full support would molest and discard your team of gunner's like you were a bunch of poor young female Bosnian villagers. You'd have airstrike beacons stingin' you like a thirsty mississippi mosquito on a hot summer day at the swamp with your kin who sweat less then you :?:
  8. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    Last post: Fri Aug 27
    Your post: Fri Oct 08

    This thread was happily dead and you offered nothing new to the conversation.

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