Buy Turrets!

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by Surberus, August 26, 2010.

  1. Surberus

    Surberus New Member

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    Seriously, stop what you are doing right now, and go buy a turret. Or upgrade one. Just please, get a turret. I'm tired of blowing all my money buying turrets to keep my team alive. I'm tired of coming into a current match and seeing no turrets in the base...These turrets need homes, please buy one today!
  2. Rhodadendron

    Rhodadendron New Member

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    There was a time when I would completely agree with this post. But lately I've encountered a rash of gunners, assaults, assassins, or tank using their secondary to range them to death. Snipers just use their main while supports spawning Gapshot or uses Air Strikes to blow them up. Unless you have a Support babysitting your turrets they are surprisingly fragile, and even then a well timed focus fire will take out most of your defenses.

    When I first started playing I'd spend my starting money on a couple turrets but after some experience it just doesn't seem worth it. Maybe some one else has better insight into this but it's been my experience that 50% of the time the money you spend on a turret is wasted, and would be better served buying bots or juice.
  3. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    The main picture here is teamwork. The right turret on the right node at the right level can make all that of a difference. If a player's trying to take out a turret form the distance don't just let them. Go after them.

    Each turret at different levels have different amounts of health. The Rock-It turret having the highest amount of health.
  4. mrfatpockets

    mrfatpockets New Member

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    Why? You get all the money from those kills! I can either wait till I get enough money to buy a fully upgraded turret... or I can buy the first or second version of the turret and then let someone come along and upgrade it so they get all the money and I just waisted my cash!

    Or even better I could buy a turret so that a sniper can get cash from destroying while they sit in their base! Yaaaah!

    All you really need to do is control the lanes... Except in the case of longshots, which are great fully upgraded and fully hacked!
  5. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    I buy turrets :)
  6. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    Rephrase this to "please buy rocket turrets". Everything else dies too quickly, and I hate when my team wastes a nub..
  7. breischl

    breischl New Member

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    Nah, right turret in the right spot. A fully upgraded blazer works wonders in enclosed environments.

    I would also add that Supports really, really need to be hacking turrets. It can make a huge difference. eg, in Steel Peel it's the difference between a turret that can cover the top of the bridge and part of the central island, or an inert lump of metal.
  8. Wile E Coyoteee

    Wile E Coyoteee New Member

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    Well the thing that pisses me off, is that people's lack of common sense wont allow you to build a good base. As soon as the game starts everyone scrambles to make sure every node is a lazer turret because you can fully upgrade it after a couple kills and this gives them a false sense of security that the turret is now uber1337. Then on the other team's very first push they rofl as they tear through all the lazers like they're not even there. It's the most frustrating thing in the world.

    Thing is though, you can upgrade turrets all you want but they're completely useless without level 3 hacks. I mean I've been inside of enemy bases and can attack the money ball while the turret on the other side of it sits there and does nothing. It's pretty ridiculous imo LoL.
  9. koto_saku

    koto_saku New Member

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    Ya you have to hack those things or they are just worthless.
  10. Mutated Muskrat

    Mutated Muskrat New Member

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    I have to say that Turrets have never failed to reward me with cash to offset the cost. I will usually build longshots (1 or 2) and upgrade them and others as money comes in. If I am using a particular area as a safe zone, I will build a lazer turret and max it the very least, it gives my enemy something to think about besides me. Turrets, in my experience, are revenue sources, through pro kills and assists, along with bot kills.
  11. Surberus

    Surberus New Member

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    I agree, hacked turrets > regular turrets. But you can't hack what no one buys.
  12. faits

    faits New Member

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    The hack also has a ridiculously long cooldown and isn't even always going to be the first skill a support upgrades. And even then, if the support blows a hack on a turret in his own base, maybe he won't have one ready for a push and won't be able to hack inside the enemy's base.

    If you want your turrets hacked so bad, roll support and hack them yourself.
  13. rhineville

    rhineville Member

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    It used to be that turrets saved a game but with assassins juicing like crazy they're pretty worthless. I mean, even if you do have a person or two doing some bot clearing and defense around your base, chances are that a juicer is going to slip by and just murder half the base. It doesn't help that a juiced Gunner's mortar takes down turrets in one shot, on ammo mule tonight i literally wiped out 6 turrets in one juice run, shooting at them only once to kill them.

    That's pretty balls man.

    Overall I think a lot of the problems we've been seeing like overtime juice rush, useless turrets and so on could be remedied by just nerfing juice a bit.
  14. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    Very true, it's also extremely annoying to die by a juiced player.

    A juiced player is what, 3x...4x as strong? it should just be 1.5x, an excellent bonus! but not broken...

    <edit> and on-topic, i also stopped building a support.
    I do not enjoy babysitting the turrets. Also if i happen to walk across a turret that's being assaulted, i can hardly keep up with the damage being dealt to it. I spend 1 minute healing it (while it sits there doing nothing) hoping for someone else to engage the assaulter across the map. It didn't happen and i just went on with the game, being glad that i was not the one who wasted that money.
    And hacking a turret, sure, i do so occasionally, preferably a LongShot. But most of my hacks go into my Fire-turret, i re-deploy it often.
  15. breischl

    breischl New Member

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    Actually I do. But as you pointed out, it's impossible for one support to keep up with hacks.

    Personally, I do save hacks for my firebase. But if the firebase has been around long enough for my hack to recharge I figure there's no point wasting it. Might as well hack something...
  16. Rolo

    Rolo New Member

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    I buy turrets all the time. And when I play support, that is all I buy. Upgrade, hack, buy, upgrade hack etc etc. Most times that is the deciding factor in a win.
  17. faits

    faits New Member

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    I don't think I've ever hacked my firebase, but I've only played maybe a dozen matches as support. I always feel like I'm picking it up and moving it too often for it to be worth it to hack the thing.

    I usually play assassin, and I've got a buddy who is a really good support. So when we push a lane all the way to the enemy base I'll cloak and blind a turret for him to hack. When I play support it's usually by myself, and of course none of the mic-less people on my team ever realize I'm trying to hack a thing and they should probably stop shooting at it.
  18. breischl

    breischl New Member

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    Well, whatever works for your play style. But I find that just like base turrets, the FB is much more effective hacked. The range is just so much further. There are a lot of positions, particularly up on catwalks, where it's virtually useless unless hacked.

    I rarely have a team, so for enemy base hacking I either rely on juice, or throw down my firebase as a distraction.
  19. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    I feel turrets are integral to defense, especially when juiced players are coming in and wrecking ****. They wreck all your hard earned turrets? Tough cookies. Juice doesn't last forever and they'll either leave or die when it wears off.

    Now you rebuild and these turrets at least buy you time.

    Hell, even if the enemy is picking them off at range, it's buying you time. Time they could've spent rushing you or time you can spend, as someone else already pointed out, neutralizing them.
  20. faits

    faits New Member

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    Oh, I'm sure it is. I'm just saying that where I'm at with learning the class I never feel like I'm leaving it in one place long enough for a hack to be worth it.

    Yeah, I've had limited success with that. Half the time it seems like the enemy turret has locked onto the firebase, then when I step around the corner to do my hack, rockets in the face. (same thing when relying on some bots as a distraction)

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