Anyone Have Home-Turret Building Tips?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by Wile E Coyoteee, August 26, 2010.

  1. Wile E Coyoteee

    Wile E Coyoteee New Member

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    I like to upgrade the turrets in our base, but I'm not exactly sure how much damage each turret does, or what their effective ranges are. Has any testing been done on this by anyone really? Also when I play support for example, I'm such a good firebase placer and bot supporter that I almost feel like I'm gimping my team if I stay back to upgrade and hack at home.. But, I have a feeling I get way more kills than I realize with home-turrets cause I automatically assume my firebase is doing it all when that's probably not the case. And is it really even worth upgrading turrets if you're not a support? It just feels like you're throwing alot of money away on something that'll be taken down in a few hits cause it's not over-healed.

    I just wanna know if anyone has any good setups for the type of turrets to put where. For example sometimes I'll make a lvl3 Shave-Ice as the first one you encounter coming in, and try to build a rocket turret behind it. The problem is, you spend alllll that money, and a whole game worth of saving can be taken down by 1 person with juice, a crafty assassin without it, any sniper, any tank with a little patience and a railgun/product grenade, or any gunner/assault willing to launch for a little while.

    Is it a waste to upgrade your base with anything but lazer turrets? I feel like I could just be upgrading my skills and be doing more to bots, etc, and get more kills and make more money.
  2. Monty

    Monty New Member

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    I dunno, I generally just go for laser turrets, with the occasional Shave-Ice thrown in. I think it costs so much money to upgrade a Rockit turret fully, only to have them be taken down by a juiced guy running in. I think it makes more sense to stick with the laser turrets.
  3. MickFM

    MickFM New Member

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    A level 3 lazer blazer does more damage than even a level 2 rock-it turret and costs far less to build, so the rock-it is generally not worth the investment. Personally I like to place a Shave-Ice turret near a wall, out of sight where I'm expecting a lot of enemies to run past, then have a L3 Lazer Blazer near by to take down pros and bots once they've been slowed.

    I'm not a great fan of Long Shot turrets either. They can cause the opposition some problems but they are just far too fragile to be worth the money in my opinion. A competent Assassin can easily take one out and escape without too much of a risk unless the turret is being guarded constantly (and why would it be?)
  4. jovial1

    jovial1 New Member

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    As a rule, though, Rock-It's are a bit harder to take down. When I'm playing an Assassin, I've got little fear of a Laser Blazer, but I typically won't try to take down a Rock-It unless I'm juiced. (Well, at least not at point-blank.) Rock-Its are also far more likely to survive a Jackbot, assuming your team isn't on-the-ball enough to have intercepted it. It also takes a good bit longer to take one down with the Gunner's mortar. I eat deaths when I'm trying to support a bot push by knocking down Rock-Its. It makes me a sitting duck for defenders.

    I don't have any hard numbers or anything - but if I can, I prefer to put up Rock-It's because of their added survivability.

    I'd love to hear from someone more dedicated to Turret build plans, because there's a lot here that I don't know either. I have very few kills from built/upgraded Longshots, but if they focus on bots, then that could help yours push the lanes into enemy territory.
  5. Surberus

    Surberus New Member

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    I feel like a fool for posting my 'Buy Turrets' thread now that Ive seen this, but oh well.

    Upgrading a turrets increases its health and power, but also its range. Now much of my opinion comes from the point of an assassin and which turrets I like to build, and have a hard time destroying

    Laser Blazer - A lvl 1-2 last blazer is rather worthless cus it's dead in a few hits. A lvl 3 at least allows for it to try and take out the pro. A jackbot will demolish these things with little thought. Putting them in corners where they have 180-270 degrees is effective. Think GrenadeIII at the first bridge, put them on the inside. I've also seen them work effectively in SteelPeel on the inside right node, and the front left node, but a skilled Sniper can demolish the left side easily.

    Rocket Turrets - A lvl 1 of these can handle most of the softer pros and almost all bots with no problem. A lvl 2 will handle a lot more bots and is harder to destroy with its increased range. They can be difficult to get at and I usually keep them tucked away in the base, preferably under something. Most of their original nodes are the best places for them.

    Long Shot - These can be vicious if the opposing team is a little mentally slow. They will demolish turrets left exposed and sometimes it's worth the price to build a lvl 2 one to wipe out your opponents turrets, knowing it will be destroyed, because it WILL be destroyed. These sadly need to be left in slightly open areas, have little armor, and rarely dmg anyone who is directly attacking them. On the plus side, they're like a nuke, drop one and let it do its thing, then enjoy the aftermath.
    Side Note: Gap Shots are cheaper and far more effective

    ShaveIce - A great tactical turret with no real strong placement in this game. Again, a turret that doesn't really effect people attacking it, and the armor is okay, but not great. These can do well if tucked into a corner and paired with another damaging turret or firebase, sadly there are few good spots to use them. I've seen them work effectively on all maps, but they are rarely a game-changing factor, and their absence goes unnoticed.
  6. TigerGuitarist

    TigerGuitarist New Member

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    For the very front lines i always have shaveices.
    For the very back I will have the mortar turrets.
    Everywhere else i will have lasers, which shred pros/bots coming in who are slowed by the shaveices.
  7. Rhodadendron

    Rhodadendron New Member

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    Lately the only turrets I've been messing with are the 2 starting rocket turrets. Due to their position their harder to destroy and with just a little extra cash I can upgrade one to level 2 at the start of the game. Other than that I've been a little disappointed with my turrets lately.
  8. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    A buddy of mine that just got the game likes playing as the Support. He also likes to "camp," but we already liked to play objective based games, so naturally he defends. This, Imo, is where the Support really shines. Sure they are great offensive too but at base defense you really only need one.

    He can overheal turrets, hack them for increased RoF, and his skill add ally healing to them. The perfect position of the firebase for sneaky Assassins and the Airstrike to handle crowds.
  9. mrfatpockets

    mrfatpockets New Member

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    Whenever I do build turrets they will be longshots and also upgrade the 2 starting rockets.

    But all turrets need to be overhealed and I always hack one of the rockets and at least one longshot. The level 3 rocket turret overhealed and fully upgraded is great for holding off a jackbot.

    Although most of the time I don't bother... I just post my deployed turret in one lane (preferably the one that the jackbot does not come down) and hang around the other or let other pros control that one. So I basically control both or one the entire time and never get any kills with my base turrets. Unless it is my upgraded longshot! :)
  10. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    ShaveIce/Laser at the top of the choke point or round an important corner or doorway.

    Longshot far from the bot paths (except on Steel Peel where don't use them at all) and right at the back.

    Rocket Turret elsewhere.

    That's the short version.
  11. Fighter4Christ

    Fighter4Christ New Member

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    I usually don't build turrets. Why? Because after blowing a couple thousand dollars on turrets and juiced up assassin or gunner can take them out in 15 seconds. Infact, that is my primary strategy when playing those classes.

    1. Take out turrets
    2. Escort bots
    3. murder the moneyball.

    The gunners mortar will take out MOST turrets in 3-4 hits, which takes about 5 seconds. I LOVE seeing a level 3 turret for me to take out, knowing somebody just spent all that money for nothing!

    the ONLY time I would ever build turrets is if there is a dedicated support to hack, overheal, and defend them. Those are the games that take the longest to win...
  12. jovial1

    jovial1 New Member

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    Turret Destruction is less of an issue when portions of the team defend their base. When I play a gunner, I love seeing lines of turrets for me to blow up - especially Laser Blazers. But if I've got my mortar out, I'm not that hard to pick off.

    I'm of the philosophy that turrets are primarily for destroying bots. They can take out a pro or two now and again, which is nice - but pros move more quickly and erratically making them tough for turrets to track well. So I look at it this way:

    Pros defend turrets defend the moneyball.

    Having turrets doesn't mean that your base is safe, because there are so many classes that can quickly and easily wipe them out (in some cases from clear across the map). I'll build and upgrade turrets, but depending on the class, I may race my own upgrades first. (Double mini-guns are a necessity, not a luxury.) The main exception to this is Steel Peel. I don't build there for the simple reason that all but three turret nubs can be easily sniped from the opposing base.
  13. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    if the enemy is pushing all on one side, they tend to do a good job taking out turrents, even lvl 3 rockets with a support right beside them. if the turrent is gone, they get the idea they can come near your base on that side. this is especially true of greNADE III.

    i find i can help this when i am a support by putting my firebase within my glass-covered area, and by hacking the other side rockit turrent and perhaps upgrading it so it can reach the opposite side as well. this will keep them out that side and they cant destroy these turrents from their side.

    i.e. they have 5 pros on right side, 2 of which are snipers and 2 gunners with mortars. by upgrading and hacking the left side rockit turrent, and setting up a firebase to fire on anything just past the bridge, enemy pros and bots cant come inside the base, and they cant destroy the opposite side from their current side. they would have to switch sides and start all over again.

    you can even build onto this by adding an inside lazerblazer turrent and a outside longshot turrent on the left as well, and then leaving your base to attack theirs on that undefended left side. then at least your taking a college try at defending a 5-pro push using 2 pros, and then making your own push on the opposite side.

    because it seems to me like assassins cause attrition and retribution on gunners and snipers camped right outside a base, but they dont actually oust them.
  14. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    lvl3 lazer blazers on ammo mule are crazy good if you hack and keep them overhealed
  15. Magikarp

    Magikarp New Member

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    I was just about to say this.
    Absolutely nothing can get in, especially if you keep your firebase ready. They do get raped by juiced assassins, but usually can take down more than half their health. You're healing and getting tons of kills, so money isn't really a problem. If they both get destroyed, move your firebase to the corner until the nubs come back. I find gold skill regen (apiltube) to be the best for this strategy to keep hack ready.

    On Ammo Mule I went 31-2 and 32-6 (******* assassins) using this amazing strategy.
  16. Manouso

    Manouso New Member

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    Two things I'd like to add:

    If you're going to build a Lazer Blazer don't leave it at 1 or 2. Always make it 3. I specifically go for lower level blazers because they're so easy to kill. (kinda like Terminator, kill it before it becomes powerful)

    If you're going to build a Shaveice Upgrade it to at least 2. Level 1's I build die so quick but, when I make it level 2 I find it stays in base unattended MUCH longer. Especially if you put it as a front line turret since a few waves of blackjacks can kill level 1's. I'm not sure the exact increase, but they have way more health than level 1's.
  17. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    Except that there are way better combinations of turrets. Laser turrets on the inside are likewise a waste considering that you are passing on much better turrets. Most people are afraid of the two standard rocket turrets you have at the start of the game. You can achieve much better map control on ammo mule with a double firebase setup through the middle. An assault or gunner on the roof with 2 firebases below will restrict the enemy to their ball area and the outer sides of the map.

    Gunners can kill the outside turrets from across the map in 3 direct hits. That's reason enough to never put a laser blazer on the outside.

    Every map has a different optimal turret setup. How you place turrets depends on what classes you have and what classes they have.
  18. Greggyyyy

    Greggyyyy New Member

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    *waits for SXD's reply*
  19. Leonyx

    Leonyx New Member

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    I've actually been trying to play without building turrets, and I honestly must say that I'm being more successful. I have plenty of money for my skills and juice now, and I don't have to waste money rebuilding turrets that will be destroyed by a juiced assassin or something. The trick is to make sure you're always pushing the lanes. That way, you don't need turrets. Just my two cents.
  20. PhantomPhoton

    PhantomPhoton New Member

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    I play a lot as a Support, and like to concentrate on pushing the lanes and keeping them clear of enemy pros.

    For turrets, I like to throw up a lvl2 Longshot next to a lvl3 LazerBlazer so that the LB provides some cover fire for the Longshot. Since I will be swinging by the location fairly regularly (either coming back to pick up a new squad of bots, chasing down an enemy pro, or respawning after a push on the enemy base), I can generally keep the turrets alive, or rebuild them if they're down. They usually make their cost back fairly quickly, and the bots I'm mangling keep me in enough cash not to worry too much about how much I'm spending on turrets....

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