Most Underpowered Class?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by scathis, August 25, 2010.


Most Underpowered Class?

  1. Assassin

    87 vote(s)
  2. Assault

    19 vote(s)
  3. Gunner

    10 vote(s)
  4. Tank

    80 vote(s)
  5. Support

    18 vote(s)
  6. Sniper

    6 vote(s)
  7. None, they are fairly well balanced

    108 vote(s)
  1. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    Assuming the only reason for a selection is based on power.

    If that were true, I wouldn't be slaughtering them en masse as a gunner, backstabbing them as an Assassin of my own, or slapping them around as an assault.

    A lot of people choose Assassin, and they tend to give up a lot of kills in the process and do little to either advance the lanes or protect their base.

    Of course, I'm a fan of false dichotomies myself, so I can hardly blame you for painting that picture.
  2. Cornstalk

    Cornstalk New Member

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    - Gold Rate of fire is required to bring his damage output to a comparable level as other classes without it for Rail and Jet gun

    - Both guns require pin-point accuracy (snipers, so... damn... skinny), and the rail gun has to be lead making it hard to aim in lag

    - The rail gun's tiny 'accuracy' circle is misleading, as the shots DO stray away from it fairly often

    - Burn damage is laughable, and in some cases a reward for the burned players because the 'set on fire' effect looks really cool when it sticks

    - They start with roughly the same health as a gunner, requiring a large investment in their passive just to be able to 'out last' opponents in a fight. Even then at least a bronze armor is required to live through a sword back grapple (so much for durability)

    - Knocks opponents up and away, often landing them out of range of the jet gun
    - Knocking opponents up makes them safe from death blossom until they land
    - The knockdown of the third level is a decent interrupt, but really doesn't boost the skill enough to warrant $400
    - It doesn't move very fast or far
    - The cooldown is ridiculously long

    Charge basically feels like a gimped version of what Assault has, but without the benefit of the bomb or assault rifle to follow up with.

    Product Grenade...
    - The bounce really doesn't help and actually makes it really hard to aim (just like the rail gun)
    - Tiny blast radius
    - The cluster upgrade doesn't seem worth the $400 either, usually putting the tank more at risk of bombing himself trying to close in then adding extra blind time to turrets/pros

    The cooldown is wonderfully short at least, so that's something.

    - used for the quick heal if you have a breather, that's all it's good for unless you're steam rolling the other team (then you don't need it anyway)
    - tank can't change where he's shooting while deploy activates (Gunner can), which is really lame

    Death Blossom
    - This move is bugged, doing full damage regardless of ammo remaining. When this gets fixed, it will be a big nerf to tanks. One they really don't need.

    As more people learn how to play classes like Gunner and Assault, Tanks are going to become pretty much worthless. They don't really do anything except annoy assassins.
  3. BoltThrower

    BoltThrower New Member

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    That is because assassins tend to have the cool factor going for them. The truth though, is that the majority of assassin players are pretty useless for their team and are just free kills.

    As a support I let them think they are being sneaky, and use the shotgun when they get close ( I also have my firebase to get my revenge if some assassin gets lucky.). As a assault I just charge them right after they grapple, and it usually kills them. As a sniper my freeze traps tend to catch most assassins, and then I either casually stroll over to them and grapple them, or I just shoot them in the head. As a tank, most assassins tend to leave me alone, although there are still the stupid ones who give me a really easy kill. Using the gunner is the only time I tend to get killed by assassins, but that is only with the katana backstabbers, with anything else I just slam and then tear them to pieces with the minigun.
  4. heavensnight

    heavensnight Member

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    none , im a full-time tank so please dont alter the tank and make it any stronger .. the other team has enough trouble killing me as it is : )
  5. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    Interesting how this turns out.

    With the right Endorsements: None.
  6. Vike113

    Vike113 New Member

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    I voted that they're balanced, anyone who is skilled can do really well no matter what class they pick. But if I had to pick it would be the tank or the assassin. But I feel that I can't vote assassin because that's the class I play. And I can't vote on tank because that's my counter-class so I don't really know how it does against other classes, but tank is probably the least played class.
    I don't think that the assassin is underpowered but there's a few bugs that make assassin really annoying to play, this might not be the right thread to post these issues on but I'll post it here anyway because I know that a dev will read it. ;)

    Bunny hopping = when you mash A to avoid a grapple. I think that this is a cheap tactic because it doesn't really require any skill and it was probably not intended. The class I see using this the most is the support class because they can do well even with the loss of perfect aim, they have an auto aim hurt gun, a shotgun with alot of damage and big spread and last but not least the firebase. The grapple immunity should be removed or put on a cooldown after 1-2 jumps, I have no problems with gunners or assaults using their jetpacks to avoid being grappled but when a support or sniper does it it will get really annoying and it feels cheap to get killed because your opponent held down the left trigger (hurt gun) and spammed A while moving backwards.

    The other problem I have is that the smoke bomb fail often and doesn't give you a "super jump", this has killed me and made my team lose more than once.
  7. metalsnake27

    metalsnake27 New Member

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    No class is really underpowerd, each have a specific area they excel in hugely and one they suck at hugely.
  8. Karishadz

    Karishadz New Member

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    I found this funneh,

    But on a more serious note. In my opinion i find all of the classes to be pretty much balanced as it is now. Just giveing the Tank more range would be horror just based ont eh fact on how much health he has. And then finding out that now he can take you at a much longer range. Though his Secondary Weapon range is pretty good, its just that people find it hard to aim with.
  9. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Gunner has almost as much health, and does more damage at all but extreme long ranges (yes, gunner beats tank at close range)
  10. faits

    faits New Member

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    Yes, it's such a HUGE reward for an assassin to be on fire for the rest of the match, rendering their cloak completely useless.

    The other night I had the shave ice effect, sniper ice trap effect, dizzy effect AND tank burn effect stuck on my assassin. What a huge boon to the assassin's play style.
  11. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    Perma-effects have nothing to do with class balance. They are a known issue that Uber is working to resolve and have no impact on a class being over/underpowered.

    The point was made that burn damage has minimal effect on a Pro and this point stands. As of now the only real benefit is a small damage over time effect that prevents a Pro from regenerating health quickly. Yes I have died from burning a few times but these instances are few and far between. I would agree that the Tank is the 'weakest' of the bunch as never once have I encountered one that made me fear for my life.

    Snipers, Assaults, Assassins and Gunners are another matter entirely. Supports are a nuisance since the only time you see them in open conflict is when they are juiced, next to their Firebase, or following/healing another Pro.
  12. The Reaver

    The Reaver New Member

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    You can time your grapple to hit them when they land. If they've started bunny-hopping, they're probably already noticed you anyway and you aren't likely to get a backstab off.
  13. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    Saying the assassin is underpowered is ridiculous. She has a guaranteed insta kill on anyone by sneaking up behind them (invisible) and pressing left trigger. Note some upgrades need apply but still..... if you can't walk up behind someone while you're invisible then maybe the assassin isn't for you.

    I can tell you why people feel the tank is underpowered: he is THE hardest class to play. Everyone else can fight at range. The tank can kinda sorta get a few hits in with the rail gun, but his main tactic is close range combat. At close range he's unbeatable against a skilled opponent. Charge and deathblossom will kill most enemies in the blink of an eye.

    All that aside, I voted for gunner. Now before you say I'm crazy hear me out. I voted because the gunner has the absolute worst upgrades in the game. Now I only buy the gun upgrades.

    Sometimes I buy the turret upgrade level 2, but never the level 3 upgrade. Why is an upgrade that downgrades his damage in the game? Is having a helmet too powerful? I think it's so powerful I skip buying it. A sniper can kill you in 4-5 shots; the snipers worth worrying about have upgraded themselves so they kill you in about 3-4 seconds. Why the hell should I even bother with the helmet? If there are no snipers, then this upgrade does less than nothing.... it lowers your damage and wastes $400. If the gunner has crap upgrades, should all classes have crap upgrades? Why doesn't buying the sword upgrade make the assassin more visible while cloaked?

    The slam power is awesome! I love it and I feel it's just perfect. Unlike the blue button, the red button is worthless. It's best use is for hugging bots or slow classes that front grapple you. If upgrades for the melee gave you passive health, or perhaps passive grapple damage resistance (so you could survive a rear assassin grapple) it MIGHT be worth it. I haven't bought any melee attack upgrades in say oh... the last 400 games (And the last 397 or so of these games were wins).
  14. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    You really can't consider permanent effects that result from bugs. If you follow that line of logic, the assassin is 100% the absolute most broken class: Air walking, permanent dash bug, extra damage on dash attack, etc.

    Considering the assassin has an instant kill attack, bunny hopping only seems fair. I've had assassins back grapple me while my back was to a wall, so I counter with bunny hopping.
  15. faits

    faits New Member

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    What's so hard to understand about cornstalk saying that being on fire for the whole match is a "reward because it looks cool" and me arguing that it's not, because it prevents the assassin from cloaking?

    I never argued that the tank isn't underpowered or that the fire effect is overpowered because it glitches and stays on, I contested the point that it's a "reward" when it does.
  16. Cornstalk

    Cornstalk New Member

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    I didn't say it was -always- a reward. I said in some cases. You try ignoring that point when every time you play with a buddy he says "I love it when I get set on fire, it looks so cool! Sucks when I'm assassin, but still. I look awesome!"

    More on topic... I'm not saying the tank needs a lot to be better, he's just pigeonholed into endorsements and play styles that don't flow together well. This basically makes him harder to play and generally less effective then a Gunner at everything except living through assassins from behind and killing Jackbots.
  17. Vike113

    Vike113 New Member

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    Not really, they can just start jumping when they hear the sound of a cloak, and most of the time it's supports that do this, so ask yourself, do supports really need another class they can kill without having to think?
    And with a little tactics a front grapple is still lethal.
  18. Red Rain

    Red Rain New Member

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    lolz when i play sniper the only thing i upgrade is grapple for more defense and then ill headshot u with my weakass gun
  19. Save 4 Less

    Save 4 Less New Member

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    I voted Tank. He isn't necessarily underpowered (I won my very first crossfire game as a Tank and I had a positive K/D) but he just doesn't seem as useful as the rest of the classes after I had tried the rest of them.

    Jet Gun
    The range of it is too misleading. The range is actually shorter then the beam shows which misleads people into thinking it has farther range (I've seen Tanks trying to hit me from farther away with the Jet Gun only to see themselves killed by my Assault Rifle).

    The afterburn doesn't do enough damage. I've been set on fire by tanks and have fled only to receive minimal damage from the after burn itself when I'm an Assault. The only time I've really died because of afterburn is usually if my health is too low.

    Death Blossom is really the only thing about the Jet Gun that isn't so bad. It's great for killing Bots, Assassins, and Turrets (Especially when juiced).

    Rail Gun
    It's pretty much very hard to get a kill on a Pro (It's great against Bots though) unless you have a custom class Tank with a Gold/Silver Rate of Fire, otherwise it fires too slow and the enemy is likely to escape. The Grapple is somewhat useful since it can ring out pesky Assassins (It's actually how I got the Ring Out achievement) but a Tank should be using Death Blossom against Assassins.

    As for skills

    Tank (Passive)
    It's kind of annoying how the tank doesn't have a good amount of Armor compared to a Gunner before this maxed unless he has a Gold Armor endorsement. A Gunner with a Gold Armor endorsement probably has more health before a Tank can max this.

    Product Grenade
    It's a great skill. The only thing that bugs me is the bounce, other then that it's amazing for destroying Turrets.

    Sadly, it's the Tank's most useless skill due to his limited range. The only thing useful about it is the infinite ammo and the high health regen. The ability to burn from behind by pressing Jump is nice for killing Assassins while deployed, but most opponents who know about the Jet burn are smart enough not to stand that close behind a tank. It just doesn't seem good at all due to the Jet Gun's limited range.

    Rocket Charge
    This skill is too much of a joke. It literally is a weaker version of the Assault's Charge that has a very long cooldown and very short distance. It can't be used for getting around fast due to the short distance and long cooldown. The fact it pushes away opponents is pretty bad for the Tank due to his limited range.

    With that being said, I like the Tank and I would like to see him get buffed. He just seems like he's really only good in Blitz mode and for killing bots/harrassing Assassins in Crossfire at the moment.
  20. Veras Gunn

    Veras Gunn New Member

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    Except it kind of was. There's a protip during the loading screen that says you can't be grappled while jumping, so it stands to be said it was an intended addition.

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