The 10 most influential players on the MNC commut onity

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Undercover_Thudercat, December 26, 2011.

  1. Undercover_Thudercat

    Undercover_Thudercat New Member

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    Alright alright. Another **** measuring thread. Woop woop. This is my list of people who I believe are the most influential players in the MNC community. Before I post this list, understand:

    -By influential, I don't mean BEST. There is a difference. For example, it's safe to say that Gunked is one of the best players to ever play this game. However, he did not really change anything about the meta game or make any breakthrough discoveries. Likewise, there are other players who may not have been the best, but still had a massive impact on the community. So by influential, I mean a player who had a massive impact on the community, discovered something that changed the meta game, or brought a lot of the people together.

    -This is my opinion. Chill the **** out. I'm not claiming to be the end all knowledge god of MNC; this is just based on what I've seen from when I started playing this game (about 2 weeks after it came out) to when I stopped playing seriously (the end of the summer). Also note that because I've been out of the competitive scene and off of the forums since then, I fully acknowledge that it's possible that there are newer players that could potentially go on this list.

    That being said, without further a due:

    10. Rev Rabies
    When this game first came out, Rev Rabies was feared as one of the best assassins in the game. If you go back to one of the original "who is the best" threads, Rev always appeared alongside Bolt Aktion. But falling off before the competitive scene even started, why would Rev be on this list?

    The answer is simple. He was the first person to figure out how to get massive amounts of melee kills. As a juiced assassin, Rev Rabies was infamous for finishing you off with a kick to the face. Now, you'll see a melee here and there, and when more experienced players go for them, you'll see them pop up quite a bit. Occasionally, you'll even see them in competitive matches. But during the Oxy Team era, Rev was a pioneer in the art of humiliation, and for that, he slides into this list as #10.

    9. Bolt Aktion
    Once again, another Oxy Team era best assassin on the list. I'm not saying he was the first assassin to figure out how to do well in pubs consistently, but he was the first one to be known for it and show others how to do it. Before the competitive "go negative and destroy the ball" assassin, there was the "kill bots until you have juice and then rack up kills" assassin that people like Bolt Aktion, Rev Rabies, and myself were known for. During a time when most people thought that assassin was a completely useless class, Bolt Aktion was racking up uber streaks with sneaky assassinations, brutal juice rushes, and juice buying from the amount of Lazer Blazer turrets he was wrecking, all while holding bots to the opponents' front bridge. He really established the pre-modern meta game assassin, and was the first assassin to help people understand the importance and usefulness of slaying bots as an assassin.

    8. TOM#'s
    This one may be controversial for this list, as well, but allow me to explain myself. No, he was never the #1 gunner, or even #2. He was never the top anything. But he has been, since this game started, been consistently in the top 5-10 at whatever class he was currently focusing on. Beyond that, he, along with his brother, began the adopt-a-noob program that brought more people into this community than anybody else. In the early game days when Oxy Team was running the show, he was considered to be pretty much the best gunner behind Deadeye. When GP started teaching people the private match meta game and started pissing everybody off by being total aholes to everybody, he maintained friendships with both GP/Destiny and the pubstars who wanted to learn the private meta game. Without Tom as a bridge to connect the two, it is doubtful that the private match community would even still exist; while most of the other top competitive players were simply insulting those who wanted to learn, Tom was patiently and kindly teaching them, giving them laughs and a good time the during the entire learning process.

    7. Miracle JF
    Probably the king of "insulting those who wanted to learn" during that period of time was Miracle JF. This man had more **** coming out of his mouth than the girls from 2girls1cup. But there is no denying his impact on the community - behind Shammas, he lead arguably the best team (at least for its time) to ever hit MNC. And while his tactics may not be popular, he did bully many into understanding the true way this game should be played. As the competitive scene grew, he became known as MNC's best slayer, a well deserved title, as he would never go below +25 as a gunner or assault in any given competitive match. As time went on, he calmed down, adjusted to people's demands that he not be so insulting, and has since become an asset to the MNC community, helping many to understand the competitive meta game.

    6. Chron1cle
    What is there to say about Chron that hasn't already been said about Miracle JF? In many ways, I could have just copied and pasted the previous paragraph, replaced "Miracle" with "Chron", and have been done. But while Miracle may or may not have been more skilled I do believe it's safe to say that Chron has done more for the community than Miracle. He's hosted countless private matches, brought in countless numbers of people into the community, and helped expand the modern meta game tenfold. While we have always had (and probably always will) our personal differences, there is no denying that the community wouldn't be the same without him.

    5. Kckzi
    The most interesting thing about Kckzi is that I actually first spoke with him before either one of us even knew of the MNC community. At the time, I recognized his name and feared him as the scariest sniper in the game. I also played a lot of assassin against him (back in the go for kills days), and he was a solid slayer assassin, as well. Always looked forward to playing his assassin because we had some tight matches. But what was interesting was that after a close assassin game, I told him he should kill more bots. He told me, "**** killing bots, I want to get kills!" A few months later, he and Miracle JF would be the ones scrutinizing me for not going for bots.

    Despite the fact that I knew him as an assassin and sniper, he quickly rose to the top as the best assault ever. This is a man who took the easiest class in the game and made it look easier. His unique bomb and range build made for one of the most brutal competitive assaults in the game, and thanks to him, his team was able to give GP their only loss ever. If you watch the old tournament games, he was literally bullying Shammas the entire time. As the private match meta game evolved, his build became more and more pertinent, and has since become the most recognized and accepted assault build for competitive play. On top of that, he was the first person to start hosting regular private matches and advertise them on the forums, and really kckzistarted (har har) the entire private match community.

    4. PU5H
    Early in the private match game and kinda in between the Oxy Era and the current competitive scene, PU5H was considered to be the best assassin. There are many people here that would still consider him to be the GOAT. But he goes down as the most influential because he was the first assassin that truly cared about winning the game vs. k/d. The assassin can be one of the easiest classes to play for experts and the most difficult class to play for beginners. Understand how to use her is EVERYTHING, and PU5H is pretty much the guy who is credited for figuring it out. He was trying hard before trying hard was cool. As the first person to play a truly 100% objective assassin, he goes down as one of the most important people to ever grace this community, however short of a run he may have had. Also, he's black, which means he has swag.

    3. IM HUDSON
    IM HUDSON was pretty much the Bible of MNC knowledge early on in this game. When this game first game out, pretty much everybody felt that Tank was UP and juice was unbelievably OP. Hudson was able to figure out how to make the tank useful in pubs, and for a period of time was considered to be the best player in the game. He also posted vids on crowd control, showing people how to counter people's juicing by using grapples and other "sesnd you flying" or "waste your time" moves.

    But his biggest contribution to the community was Oxy Team, the first team that was recognized as a top team in MNC. The community was essentially built around Oxy Team, and the team's skill along with Hudson's insane amount of friendliness helped the 360 MNC community grow to where it is today. While GP ended up beating Oxy and taking their title as best team in the game, Hudson and Oxy helped everybody understand the 101's of the game, and for that he goes down as #3.

    2. DEADEYE
    WOOOOOO yall bout to be made. Don't care. Hate him or love him, douche or nondouche, there is no denying that Deadeye had a MASSIVE influence on this game. Before everybody and their mother was clawing, Deadeye was clawing with his silly build, destroying EVERYBODY. Back when nobody ever saw more than 30-40 kills MAX in a game, Deadeye was hitting over 100. Early in this game, Deadeye was THE clawing gunner, and it was simply an accepted fact that nobody else could compare. People eventually learned to claw and ultimately surpassed Deadeye in skill, at his own game. But for a long period of time, he was the best of the best. His clawing gunner became extremely influential and an important concept to the modern meta game. Where he is now, nobody knows. Probably playing shadow run.

    I mean, Try Hard Try Hard Randy Randy Try Hard.

    1. Fearless Feedle
    Just kidding.

    1. Shammas
    Who didn't see this one coming? A blind man could have seen this coming in a dark room. I'm not even going to write a long paragraph explaining my reasoning here; it's just obvious. Established the modern meta game, lead the best team for its time in the history of this game, the only other original clawing player, and the first to discover the true usefulness of the rail gun. And he was always a pretty friendly guy.

    So that's it. That's my top 10. Feel free to post yours. Here are some close misses:

    Teapot Yo - Private match hoster, one of the best assaults.

    Jon#s - Only guy to be respected as a support, best support, funniest poster on the forums, but most importantly, his general friendly demeaner has done a lot to help tie and keep the community together.

    Fearless Feedle - brought a lot of newbies into the community. Even though he told them all the wrong stuff, just by bringing them in, they would eventually discover the right stuff.

    HI IM SNARF - Not stroking my own **** here; I don't claim to be the best assassin, but I do claim to be the best writer. Going by the messages I've receieved before I switched my GT from HI IM SNARF, my assassin guide was extremely helpful. While there isn't a really good guide out there, mine probably is as close as it gets to a good assassin guide.

    Obsydiantite - Sure I spelled that wrong, but pretty much the same goes for her as me.

    Billy Reubin - One of the best at every class back in the day; a lot of people learned just by watching him.

    Deadpool FTW - Has been a top 5 assassin for longer than anybody else in this game. While his assassin thread isn't a true guide, it's the best resource for learning how to play the most counter intuitive class.
  2. ZOoo00OOm

    ZOoo00OOm New Member

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    If someone were to take the time to organize the history of the MNC Community, I would have you do it Snarf.

    Wish I would've discovered these forums and the community earlier so I could've contributed.

    I love you guys <3
  3. aflyingtaco

    aflyingtaco Member

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    Wow, is zoom actually posting something normal?
  4. ZOoo00OOm

    ZOoo00OOm New Member

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    Yeah, you can unblock me now
  5. aflyingtaco

    aflyingtaco Member

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    most of your posts are random **** so I was shocked
  6. ZOoo00OOm

    ZOoo00OOm New Member

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    Trying to ditch that. I think it's because I'm sooo far behind on the competitive scene that I have nothing to contribute.


    Anyway, back on topic
  7. aflyingtaco

    aflyingtaco Member

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    What competitive scene?

    LOLOLOL jk
  8. Undercover_Thudercat

    Undercover_Thudercat New Member

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    It's not so much that - there's just nothing new to contribute really. The meta game has been figured out. The proper way to play each game has been figured out. The only way this list could really change is if somebody came along and figured out a way to make a class more useful at a different job, or some type of community-tying type of role like Tom#'s.

    Also, how the **** did the thread title end up spelled like that? commut onity? wtf? lol
  9. aflyingtaco

    aflyingtaco Member

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    I didn't know tom numbers was the "connection" between the mr egos and the average people with lives

    all he did when I was new to the game was follow me around on uber trying to troll me
  10. The_Jeff

    The_Jeff New Member

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    1.Shammas- Guides and knowledge. You would think he made the game.
    2.Wraith- Showed assassin was useful.
    3.PU5H- Defined how we play assassin
    3.Chron- Community play date leader and defined how to play assault
    4.Tom- Really got the privates started.
    5.Hudson- Community leader, everyone seemed to love him.
    6.Kckzi- Created the hit and run play style for assault.
    7.Jon- Really the only person to impress me on support and was the first person to play it right
    8.Sigmar- Sig showed everyone how important sniper is.
    9.Chaos- Juice.
    10.Farm animals- Without them this game would be much better, unfortunately they influenced it poorly
  11. Undercover_Thudercat

    Undercover_Thudercat New Member

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    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah forgot about Sigmar.
  12. De Troll

    De Troll New Member

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    First of all, thanks dude!
    I think early on, there were lots of people who had large influences on the meta game and even showed me some things about the game. For instance, watching Arctic play is what modeled my tank playstyle. In the beginning, I thought the assassin would be useless just like everyone else, but PU5H was constantly butting heads with me and trying to show me it was useful. Deadeye was the first person I saw to really make good use of the jet pack. Wraith made gremlin spamming the original assassin standard. Kman was the original inventor of the "sniper who isn't good at sniping" playstyle, meaning that he was effective and able to do a good job without getting headshots or having a scary shot. Sig showed us all how dominant one person could be with a sniper in their hands. I even learned to buy juice as often as possible on gunner after watching Chaos play.
    I still learn stuff from time to time, even now. All it takes is some good judgment and awareness to figure out what is and is not a good idea.
  13. Light My Pyre

    Light My Pyre New Member

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    Since Top 10 will put people to asleep, I'll make top 3.

    3. XENONOX - Whether you agree or disagree, your opinions don't worth sh!t. This guy helped a lot of people by his vids but also made a lot of people to hide in their base. But you can't deny that his vids were helpful.

    2. Im HUDSON - Same with Snarf's reasons.

    1. Sigmar - Do I really need to explain?
  14. Undercover_Thudercat

    Undercover_Thudercat New Member

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    Ehhhhh. Sigmar as number 1? Yes, you need to explain. I mean, he was influential, but if I was going to put him on the list, definitely not 1.

    Xenonox? Naaah. Don't get me wrong - he's both skilled and extremely nice. But he had a playstyle that nobody could immitate, but everybody tried to. Only really hurt random pubbies who thought they could get away with no armor builds.
  15. Light My Pyre

    Light My Pyre New Member

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  16. Undercover_Thudercat

    Undercover_Thudercat New Member

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    Poor troll attempt, but it's cool.

  17. Not Officer Willy

    Not Officer Willy New Member

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    1) Pu5h - without him no one would know the importance of the annilator in competiive play
    2) Pu5h
    3) Pu5h
    4) Pu5h
    5) Pu5h

    6) xShammas - Started Trolling since the beggining, trolling wouldn't be where it is without him
    7) xShammas
    8) xShammas
    9) xShammas
    10) xShammas
  18. joker

    joker Active Member

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    in no particular order, and not even 10:

    Deadpool - he really shows how anyone can have an impact on MNC if they are smart enough, even without good shooter skills, his other classes are pretty terrible, but he plays a very good assassin, good enough he usually goes in the first round of drafts.

    Gunked - this may be surprising, but he is the perfect example of what everyone with some decent gun skill is capable of. it wasnt too long ago gunked was making videos of juice chaining in pubs and everyone making fun of him, to being a formidable slayer in private matches. over the past several months he has gone from very passive to fairly aggressive, took criticism on weaker parts of his game, and without the song and dance involved with so many people trying to improve, he simply just got better through his own effort. kudos

    Teapot & Hawkshade - these two more than anyone else during the GP era believed GP could be beaten, and that they were not immortal. they took what appeared to be just an above par group of decent pub players and formed a damn good team that quickly gained the respect of the community, and gave birth to several regularly named star vets

    Miracle - but not why you may think. He proves what the support is truly capable of in private matches in the right hands while still keeping a level head and protecting his gunner around the map. he was also the one who introduced me to this community

    Deadeye - while there have always been players on his level, during a weaker slaying era he was one of the best, and his attitude made you want to beat him so bad. an attitude so annoying that the community grew stronger in slaying because you wanted to beat people like deadeye

    PeachyPony - despite anything you have negative to say about his gameplay, he was the least likely person to quit a game no matter how high the odds were stacked against him, and i have witnessed it personally for a significant number of games in a row. he was living proof that if you thought someone like him was bad just bc they lost a stacked game, then you truly were an idiot, because he was a pretty solid player, notably assassin

    Tom, Kckzi, Teapot, Wildman, & Myself - for almost a year now we have been the driving force behind private matches and competitive play. yeah you can say the FNcup, but that was like what a grand total of 10~ matches? heh, we do twice that in one sitting

    And i would lastly like to thank those who mentioned me. I've done my best to drill it into peoples heads on how to be successful in all scenarios with every class, for better or for worse, through cuddling or through harsh criticism, i've done my best to improve the average skill level of those who play this game competitively, and to keep the spirit and desire of competitive play alive for as long as we can
  19. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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  20. gunked

    gunked New Member

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    In my case the most influential players were everyone that played privates and help me understand the game from a different point of view that just public games

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