The "Ultra" Smoke Bomb Jump. Secret trick or Simple Glitch?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by DelVega, August 25, 2010.

  1. DelVega

    DelVega New Member

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    Hello MNC fans. I have a question. I am a seasoned assassin that has smoke jumped hundreds of times, in and out of combat.

    In this video at 3:21, this assassin smoke jumped higher than I've ever smoke jumped as an assassin.

    I'd like to know how to do it as well if its part of the game.

    If its top secret and only members of a secret organization are privileged to know it, pm me with info on how to join. lol

    Can anyone explain how this is done?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  2. jjcpockets

    jjcpockets New Member

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    I'm pretty sure that's a glitch because I've heard about people somehow getting atop the annihilator and spamming shurikens from up there.
  3. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I just lost some respect for the zYn's. It clearly shows this is nothing new to that player. Before he even landed the shurikens were already equipped. Granted he only used that Smoke Bomb Jump 4/5 times, twice was to get the higher (highest) ground and unload their shurikens.

    I wouldn't have never expected them to put an exploit like that into a class gameplay video.

    Also I don't know any of these guys personally so who's to say this was just a public match where they showcased that exploit. Regardless I hope it gets fixed or already is.
  4. Intricasm

    Intricasm New Member

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    Yeah.. Hopefully they've fixed all of the Assassin exploits. The superspeed assassin is the only one i've run into, but i've seen videos of the other glitches (hyper jumping, staying stealthed even while attacking)
  5. o Ace o5 o

    o Ace o5 o New Member

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    Lol, you lost respect for zYn... But yet you are unsure of what they are actually trying to showcase in the video. How do you know they didn't submit this video to Uber Ent to showcase a glitch? These guys are easily one of the most respected teams in the gamming community, just ask around.
  6. Jebiga

    Jebiga New Member

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    The Assassin has so many exploits. The Sprint Skill also.

    Fix it plz Uber.
  7. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Actually from what it's labeled as, on youtube, and from what it says in the description it seems that's normal play for him. It's not a commentary video like the others are so we will never know if he was showing the masses or using it to his advantage. So I interpreted the video as is.
  8. wraithzyn

    wraithzyn New Member

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    After posting this video, I went to report the glitch to Uber. However, it was previously known exploit. I'm sorry that we lost some of your respect, but it was a public game, and I had just learned how to perform the glitch the game prior. You can be assured we'll never be glitching in tournament matches :) I have not personally released how to do it because I would prefer not to see everyone running around abusing game mechanics, and hopefully it will be patched.
  9. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I figured it was along those lines since it was barley used in the video. I wasn't sure if it was a public game or a game with UberEnt. community players.

    Respect gained! lol Nah but for real I pretty much said that to get peoples attention. No hard feeling right? :)
  10. wraithzyn

    wraithzyn New Member

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  11. bgolus

    bgolus Uber Alumni

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    This is a glitch exploit, and yes, the Assassin seems to have a few. It's not on the official bug list because it hadn't gotten common enough for people to complain about it and we try not to publicly call out exploits until they become real problems.
  12. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    Why do I never get the cool glitches? I always get "sprint will not activate" and "Jump after smoke bomb is normal...GG!"
  13. MSIGuy

    MSIGuy New Member

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    Okay, so F the general population then?

    You're just as much of a cheat for doing it on a public server, against people playing the game to have fun, people that paid just as much as you did for it, and have just as much of a right to a fair game as you "the uber tourney player" do.

    Bottom line--you were glitching and cheating. :roll:

    EDIT: And you knew it, but continued to do it! Even making a video.
  14. wraithzyn

    wraithzyn New Member

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    You misunderstand me, and I'm not sure you read the entire thread. My original comment was in response to DeadStretch, informing him that it was indeed a public game, and that the video was also to be used to showcase the glitch for the uber dev's. It is a much better option (as is described by bgolus) to not publicly draw attention to a glitch if it is not well known, so keeping it inside of a gameplay video was an easy solution. Just because i do not glitch in tournament matches does not automatically mean i glitch in public matches, making that connection is just poor logic.
  15. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    haha, same here. Throw in a bunch of fake full juice meters too.

    I guess i've also been fortunate to not ever see anyone else with the sprint glitch either
  16. MSIGuy

    MSIGuy New Member

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    You do though, you even made a video about it. You knew it was an exploit to sit ontop of there and shoot people just coming out of their spawn--but you did it anyway, more than once.

    What gives you magical rights to glitch and ruin others fun? You can't say you don't, we've got video of you doing it.
  17. faits

    faits New Member

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    Yes but why so serious?
  18. xdeadxpoolx

    xdeadxpoolx New Member

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    Lol i feel like an idiot, i just PMed about this glitch. I looked over the known issues list and it wasn't on there... Now heres 2 topic about it.
  19. MeltsYurFace

    MeltsYurFace New Member

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    Ah yes, because reporting a glitch makes up for the fact that you abused it right? I don't think so.. Report it, don't abuse it, move on.
  20. Myrick

    Myrick New Member

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    The devs would be more likely to put effort into fixing an exploit that can be abused. If they knew about this glitch but didn't hear of any serious exploiting or ways to abuse it, it may not be given the attention that other glitches would. Abusing it in ONE public match while capping it proves to Uber that it can and will be heavily abused once it becomes common knowledge. This prevents it from ending up on the back burner. Please don't immediately take up arms against someone when you obviously don't understand the circumstances, especially when it's zYn.

    By the way, GG guys.

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