Trigger Man [ASSAULT]

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by OptiMAT, August 25, 2010.

  1. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    Assault Set-up by OptiMAT

    Gold Critical Hit
    Silver Accuracy
    Bronze Skill Recovery

    Not super-unique by any means but wanted to put a thread up about it because I did a lot of messing around to get this set-up right and I want to share some in-depth stuff. Assault is my top class and I play it pretty much exclusively for lack of need of the other classes. I have just gotten over 500 Assault Rifle Kills, ~150 Launcher Kills, ~15 Dash Kills and ~10 DashGrapple Kills.

    I used to use the Grenade Launcher a lot. A lot A lot. I would never use the Skills either minus Bomb. I used to base my Custom Class around this and ROF, Clip Size, and Reload Speed featured in pretty much every set-up I tried because Accuracy is useless and ROF is epic for Spamming a moving target (spamming is bad, but moving targets are hard to hit).
    Now, although the Grenade Laucher is still a useful tool after realising how many more Kills I would get by focusing on the Assault Rifle/Skills against Pros and using the Grenade Launcher as a 'special weapon'.

    Gold is Critical Hit, and because of this when you spawn always buy Assault Passive first. This adds critical hit to the Assault Rifle and your increased chance means the Assault Rifle has a chance of doing a lot of damage; you will count this as your saving grace going up against Dual Minigun Gunners. Grenade Launcher in general has a high chance of Crit and is great against BlackJacks.

    Speaking of when you Spawn, I always buy Turrets with the remaining. Usually a Longshot/Laser or Shaveice/Longshot. It helps the team out a lot if you do this because in the right spot a Shaveice can stop Assassins dead and 'shot is good against firebases etc. However I know a lot of Assault Players would want to buy a second skill upgrade at spawn. For this I would suggest Bomb or Dash, with a preference towards Bomb, as it's unique to the class.

    Silver is Accuracy. At first I was skeptical of Accuracy being so high, but when using the Assault Rifle so heavily it helps a lot because you can concentrate fire at mid-range when aiming down sights much much better.

    Bronze is Skill Recovery because Dash is a great tool for getting out of trouble or causing it and without skill recovery I sometimes find myself waiting too long for it in a tough situation. Fly is in the same boat; Bomb I find tends to recharge quick enough.

    Bombs: Use them as lane traps on jump-pads where you just know players will come to try to get you. Brilliant against lighter characters when you get Level 3 because there's a high chance of killing outright and a massive chance of ring out. At level 1 Bomb can be a little underwhelming so this is why I suggest it as first Skill to upgrade.

    Fly: Brilliant for shooting over cover, staying in bounds, or quickly catching up on targets trying to escape. A Support has no choice but to look for a jump pad to get to the centre ring in retreat but you can just fly on over to them and continue your Onslaught. Fantastic.

    Dash: Originally my least used skill but upgrading this quick can make you a devastating force. Against bad Assassins the Dash is your best tool; when they Grapple you from the front in a one-on-one, take a sip of your beer while Mashing B and watch as you win, or at least do enough damage to make them poo their tight pants. Even at Level 1 this is the case. Dash also can save your life if you can dash into cover at low health before getting wasted. On open maps, DashGrapple is just as powerful as any other Grapple Attack by another class, because Ring out is almost certain.

    Upgrade Order:
    Grey, Blue, Red, Grey, Blue, Red, Yellow, Yellow

    P.S. Get good at bounce shots with the Grenade Launcher. If you can force your enemy behind class walls with the Assault Rifle and they think they're safe, a quick thinker will change tou launcher and bounce it round the corner for a quick kill, rather than moving forward and exposing yourself.
  2. Dystopia

    Dystopia New Member

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    I'm about to jump on, so I'll give this a shot.
  3. Purple Dusk

    Purple Dusk New Member

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    Dash is next to useless against Assassin who does a front grapple.

    I used to play Assassin, and if an Assault turned just before i got him and made it a front grapple, i'd just hold left or right on the thumbstick, gets you out of the way 99% of the time (the other one percent is when you walk into a wall).

    Sometimes its fun to Front Grapple Assaults next to the edge, as all they do is spam dash and suicide :)
  4. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    It does say bad assassins :lol: Even if you miss you're far enough away from them then to finish them off with the Assault Rifle, assuming you actually shot at them before they grappled you from in front.

    Still need to get into the habit of pressing Y when I see one come up to me, that way they can't grapple at all! But sometimes, especially with level 3 Charge... just letting them finish and then giving them a knuckle sandwich is better most of the time.
  5. Lightwrks

    Lightwrks New Member

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    Try the tactical button config. Much better!
  6. tlbww

    tlbww New Member

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    I think he should be called "Fumbles".

  7. Learn 2 Die 101

    Learn 2 Die 101 New Member

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    The only time the grenade launcher is useful is when your fighting bots or a tank/gunner is deployed or someone is behind cover or fighting turrets.So it's pretty damn useful, I wish I was better using it on moving targets and making it bounce though :mrgreen:
  8. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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