No, the Support is NOT fine

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by Pyrus Invictum, August 15, 2010.

  1. BlueZebra

    BlueZebra New Member

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    The only thing I don't like about the support is that even while invisible with the assassin it can target you sometimes. =/
  2. DCtheEE

    DCtheEE New Member

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    You're talking about the firebase? Yeah, I've had that happen sometimes and it peeves me off. The best thing you can do is Smokebomb it.
  3. ChrisMikeRack

    ChrisMikeRack New Member

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    (R.E Airstrike)

    Good point, well made
  4. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    Only problem with that argument is that the Airstrike is amazingly spammable. Meaning a Support can throw out three of them, all in a row.

    So when you are in a team battle, moving around and trying to kill enemies, all the Support has to do is throw out THREE airstrikes, killing everything in the area.

    Also, when in a team battle, there is so much going on that its hard to distinguish that noise from the all the other explosions/gunfire and the symbol on the ground gets obscured by everything else as well.
  5. Qbakies

    Qbakies New Member

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    They can only throw out three if they have paid to upgrade that skill to level 3. Then they have to wait for that skill to recharge which isn't fast recharge rate (even with Gold Skill Recovery endorsement). Airstrike kills are very tough to get unless the other Pros are just not paying attention. I've never been caught by an enemy support's airstrike because I just run out of the radius since there is a big delay between when the airstrike lands to when the damage is done.
  6. WiredGunslinger

    WiredGunslinger New Member

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    LOL at the angst over the bomb. The only time I get killed by it is if:

    a) I'm not paying attention
    b) They were lucky to get a very rare stick (it's 5 times harder to get a stick then it is to get an assassin grapple)
    c) I was led into one cause I was focusing more on killing them then the big ole icon screaming "bomb" (ties into a: really)
  7. DevilAir

    DevilAir New Member

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    And you can definitely tell which people FAIL against supports in this thread :)
  8. cherrypieluva

    cherrypieluva New Member

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    1. yes i agree with you for some parts of your argument, yes i believe the firebases need to be turned down a little, but as long as their is the 180 degree turning i dont think the health or anything needs to be toned down.

    2. i almost NEVER play as support. my crossfire playtime usually goes like this 90% assault. 5% other class 5% support. ive had this game for like 3 or 4 days now, and ive only played as support for 3 games and that was in 1 day. i dont see it being that difficult to kill supports as long as you have a basic concept of the map and how to use your powers to your advantage.
  9. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    Its a false dichotomy to deduce that everyone who thinks the support class is fine plays support and everyone who thinks the support class needs a nerf fails against support.

    My regular play partner plays support exclusively. After every game he agrees that Support needs a change to be weakened.

    The only class I have a hard time against are Assault. I play Sniper, Assassin, and Gunner (depends on the map and team make-up). A lone support isn't too tough to deal with, BUT I think they need a change because their only real weakness is against other Supports, causing more people to be the Support Class.

    Basically, people can love the support class and still think it needs to be changed to improve the game AND people can succeed against support and still think it needs to be changed to improve the game.
  10. CausticSushi

    CausticSushi New Member

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    Other way around buddy, i think you have the tank confused with an assassin. They have that jet engine for a reason and its not to snipe engineers long range.
  11. CausticSushi

    CausticSushi New Member

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    I clearly reviewed what you said, maybe you should too. When i said, "He started it!" It was CLEARLY a joke because someone called me immature. We are allowed to joke right? lol. I think you're taking what i say a BIT too seriously or assuming that im saying all of this in an angry tone.

    The point is, support is TOO versatile. In a class based system one person isnt supposed to have all the answers, the answers are supposed to work as a team mechanic. If 6 Support can school a team with 1 of each class for whatever reason, its clearly imbalanced. Since you seem to be absolutely blinded by your hard-on for support its never going to get through, so im done. Hopefully the devs take something useful away from this thread or are already working on a rebalance.
  12. razinzell

    razinzell New Member

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    I 100% agree
  13. Red Rain

    Red Rain New Member

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    the support is definitely the hardest class to kill. even harder than tanks with full defense. and its fun to finally kill one just to get stuck with an airstrike and be instakilled
  14. blurr

    blurr New Member

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    You're right, considering your past reponses, I guess we shouldn't take you seriously at all. It's too bad you seem to want to stick to your petty insults, the rest of us are having a proper discussion here. The fact that you don't like what we're saying and are therefore 'taking your ball and going home', doesn't bode well for your participation in a mature manner.

    The problem is that you want the support nerfed until he can only ever be effective if he's hiding behind someone and hope they win it for him. This is a bad idea, and it's not what MNC seems to be about. Perhaps if you wanted to play MW2 or TF2, it would be more to your liking? The reason Support has offensive abilities is because each class needs to be able to be played as both offensive and defensive.

    Support's offense is nowhere near as good as most, if not all of the other classes. People complain about the airstrike, but if you use your head it should only be a lucky kill if he gets you. Firebase also only gets you if you let it. Getting hit with the shotgun is a risk you gotta take if you're trying to get in melee range with him. You will get killed far more often by an assassin or sniper than you will by a support, unless you're walking right into his setup.

    Support excels at defense, but mostly area defense. If you work outside his area, he really can't do anything to you.
  15. DevilAir

    DevilAir New Member

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    Unless you're so idiot to go in his face when he has the shotgun out, or you walk right into his trap of firebase and airstrike, at which point you deserve to die.
  16. fake

    fake New Member

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    Yeah. Support =/= sub-zero in the first Mortal Kombat. Most good teams have diverse classes because they realize there isn't one class that dominates.
  17. fake

    fake New Member

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    That's only a support w/level 3 air strike. And, if a support has spent that much money on their air strike, chances are it's either late in the game and your team has enough perks or upgrades to balance that factor; or it's early in the game and that support has sunk all that money into one element, leaving others at risk.

    I play support all the time and I know that if my airstrike is that high, I've got weak turrets at our base and basically no FB skills to speak of.

    If you're that close, it's an issue with your gameplay, not the class itself.

    So, you're complaint boils down to "it's hard."

    Typically challenge = fun. Get better. Stop griping.
  18. karr1z4j2

    karr1z4j2 New Member

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    I have to disagree completely with your desire to nerf the airstrike ability. The airstrike is the only way for a Support to try and stand up to either heavy class. The best way to do this is to stick them, which takes a considerable amount of skill. Then even if you manage to pull off a stick, all the opponent needs to do is walk under a bridge, something every map has plenty of. The airstrike also takes several seconds to activate after being thrown and all players can the them once they have been dropped. All of this makes the airstrike a pretty poor player killer.

    As for bots and turrets the airstrike does very well, which it should. I do not think this is broken or in need of a nerf however because it is the Supports only way to really go on the offense.

    Let me end by saying the two opening rocket turrets each team gets are placed under bridges on purpose.
  19. TangerineMoney

    TangerineMoney New Member

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    The Support is fine, shotgun just need nerfing :evil:
  20. Demoz71

    Demoz71 New Member

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    Man, you can tell how unbalanced the Support is by how hard they try to say they arent.

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