Uber live Monday August 30th, 4PM PST Post your questions!

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Ekanaut, August 25, 2010.

  1. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    We'll be playing Monday Night Combat and answering questions. If you want to play with us add our GamerTag Uberrific as a friend. Post your questions or topics here that you want us to talk about

    Live stream link:
  2. fake

    fake New Member

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    Re: Uber Live Stream on Justin.TV Monday August 30th, 4PM PST

    Class balance, upcoming changes/additions/DLC and map-based strategy.
  3. PhantomPhoton

    PhantomPhoton New Member

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    What do you guys think about people subverting the gameplay you designed for MNC?

    Are there going to be more maps coming out as a pack (I would totally DLC the hell out of some more maps!)? Would this make you the first XBLA game with it's own DLC?

    Are you guys sick and tired of your own forums yet?

  4. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    What does that mean? I get the feeling you want an answer to something specific.
  5. gimmic

    gimmic New Member

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    How might you improve the matchmaking/host migration process?
    Would it be possible to allow groups to play as a party and move between Blitz and Crossfire modes without having to re-invite?

  6. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    August 30th, 4PM PST...I'll be there hopefully in both chat and game.

    I will think and save anything worth asking till then.

    Btw, I hope the broadcast guide I linked the other day helps out.
    Last edited: August 25, 2010
  7. Just King

    Just King New Member

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    I get home at 6:30 PST after one of my classes, but if you're still on I'd love to join your game :) My Gamertag is Just King.

    My question is: How were the personalities of the classes created and are any of them closely related to someone at Uber Entertaintment?
  8. D3C3P7AKONZ

    D3C3P7AKONZ New Member

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    added...trying to think of an inteligent question to ask...this may take a while
  9. PhantomPhoton

    PhantomPhoton New Member

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    I mean what are your feelings towards groups of people playing the game in ways that avoid the bots/turrets/moneyball mechanic you guys designed?

    That could be anything from:

    - Juice-rushing the moneyball in OT
    - Exploiting the moneyball bug to avoid escorting bots
    - Long distance sniping of turrets and the moneyball itself from across the map
    - etc.

    Basically, any gameplay style that avoids having to built turrets and escort bots. Were you guys expecting this? Are you interested in the emergent gameplay styles or are you taking steps to rebalance the game in order to reward the type of gameplay you are promoting with your promotional materiels?

    It's not supposed to be a loaded question, just something I'm personally curious about and I think is topical given the number of related and semi-related threads on the subject here in the forum.
  10. Reizarvg

    Reizarvg New Member

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    Who did the voice acting for pit girl?
  11. l2ELLIK

    l2ELLIK New Member

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    Enjoyed the last cast and looking forward to checking out and possible play again on the next cast. :D

    Keep up the good work.
  12. cherrypieluva

    cherrypieluva New Member

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    are you guys gonna make any more merchandise besides hats, t-shirts and are you going to make every character into a statue?
  13. nodoctors

    nodoctors New Member

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    PC release info
  14. hatemakerr

    hatemakerr New Member

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    1) How do you guys feel about players hunting only the other players? Any chance for a larger reward for hunting the robots?

    2) The assassin can cloak while doing a grapple, is this intended?

    3) Could there be an option for the sniper's crosshair dot to be larger?
  15. MeltsYurFace

    MeltsYurFace New Member

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    MNC has been met with critical acclaim and according to the LIVE leaderboards, the game has been bought over 155k times.. are you guys surprised with the games success?

    What does the future hold for you guys? Would you like to stay a small arcade development team or perhaps expand and move your games onto store shelves?

    Any other titles in the works? Come on, the forums can keep a secret!

    Any chances MNC makes it to ps3?

    Any DLC planned for the future?

    How far along is the store? (I REALLY want a shirt that says "OHH LETS DO THIS TIKI STYLE!")

    How come the Uber gamertag has so many games and so few achievements!?!? :p
  16. AssassinsGoneWild

    AssassinsGoneWild New Member

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    Was the Tank's rail gun supposed to be hard to use on most pros? I can only really hit turrets, bots, gunners and other tanks with it since they're much larger targets than the other pros. I would understand if this was it's intention since the tank is pretty much optimized for close range combat with the jet gun and charge.

    Also, when a Tank and an assault use their respective charges against each other at the same time and colide, is the assault supposed to totally nulify the Tank's charge? I've had this happen several times, fairly annoying since I was under the impression that the Tank was the close quarters combat class as I mentioned above, not to mention the Tank's armor is probably much heavier than the assault...

    EDIT: Just noticed I put Soldier instead of Assault. D=
  17. Phobos zYn

    Phobos zYn New Member

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    MNC is one of the most unique games to recently come out. It feels like a tower defense game mixed with a third person shooter. What games influenced you or inspired you to make Monday Night Combat?

    What is your favorite type of bacon?
  18. Veruca

    Veruca New Member

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    Any chances of putting more PitGirl-time in the game? :p
  19. ChrisMikeRack

    ChrisMikeRack New Member

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    Do you now, work on a MNC 2 or instead release a new title?

    Would your next full game release be aimed at being again a download only purchace, or would you hope for a full disk release?

    Over the past few weeks theres been alot of talk on your forums (where some dev's are failry active) complaining about classes. Some say OP, some say UP. Whats your take on all this? are you still happy with the balance, or now since release to the masses have certain class abilties seemed unfair to you?

    Are 3rd person/class dependant/tower defence style games the biggest passion of your staff? If not what are? And could this mean we will see some other style of games from Uber? 'Majic Knight & the Quest for Perfect Bacon' - A turn based RPG. Make it happen!

    Whatever happens. Dont get too popular. Or EA will try and buy you!

    Any chance of a 'Dev's Vs Forum Users' battle? Id happily head a team for a bit of friendly banter and some games!
  20. RACIN N420N

    RACIN N420N New Member

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    Trials HD ;)

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