What to do with your Juice as a Support?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by syntaxbad, August 25, 2010.

  1. syntaxbad

    syntaxbad New Member

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    I love playing Support, and I've found that a Gold Juice endorsement, combined with aggressive, constant healing of everything friendly in sight leaves me "bursting full of the juices" quite often in Crossfire. However, I feel as though I have not yet settled on the most effective way to exploit this frequent juicing. I'd love some advice on how to make the most of each juice.

    My most common tactic so so far is to juice outside the enemy base and try to hack a rocket turret before I get taken down. But even if this is a good idea (and maybe it isn't), I feel as though I don't succeed as often as I could.

    Thoughts from successful Support players?
  2. Dystopia

    Dystopia New Member

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    Whenever I play Support, I essentially set up a turret wall around my base and run laps keeping everything and everyone overhealed. I don't usually leave to harass the other team unless I have Airstrike 3 or my teammates ask me to, so every time I get juice I just... Use it to taunt.

    I do have a second Support custom based entirely around the shotgun, though. Juice kinda makes it an unstoppable monster. Like drinking a million expresso indeed.
  3. Flyerfye

    Flyerfye New Member

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    All kidding aside, I usually wait until my airstrike is fully recharged, run into their base, hit juice, and take out the most expensive things I can find. Also, shotgunning every pro in sight. Hacking an enemy turret can be a nice thing to do as well, but is only usually successful if there aren't enemy pros around; even juiced up, the support is still fairly vulnerable (especially while standing still to hack).
  4. D3C3P7AKONZ

    D3C3P7AKONZ New Member

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    heal/hurt gun while juiced can take out an entire team... i have done it on about 6 different occasion's

    but mostly use it to either hack or kill turrets or obviously moneyball runs where the support can be very lethal in destroying it quickly..
  5. Wile E Coyoteee

    Wile E Coyoteee New Member

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    Yeah, usually I try to rush in and hack a turret, but if there are pros around, just charge them and shotgun them and all classes will die in one hit, it's pretty funny. Also if you're going against a pro and you have juice, wait until you're almost dead and THEN hit it. You'll get full life instantly AND be juiced, which will prolong your juice life since you'll kill him faster because you did damage even before you used it. Just pretend you're invincible when juiced and using the shotgun. You'll kill first everytime.
  6. Adree1

    Adree1 New Member

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    Hurt gun. Slurp.
  7. Warskull

    Warskull New Member

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    Suicide run on the enemy base with the Hurt gun, especially if you have gold juice. In the case of gold juice, dying is the fastest way to get another juice. Hurt gun can take out a rocket turret while juiced and tear through whoever pops up. If you see an opportunity, you can try to hack a rocket turret too (usually difficult until you have lvl 3 hack.)

    You can get into their base by pushing a bot wave (ideal) or just by sneaking in there. Once you have juice, go for their base and deal some damage. Airstrike anything not under cover and hurt gun those rocket turrets. Remember, never attempt a hack while players smart enough to grapple you are around.

    Juice for all classes pretty much means that you should make your way to their base, juice, and blow as much of it up as your can. If you run into a fight and you are about to die on your way there, pop the juice since you lose it if you die anyway.
  8. syntaxbad

    syntaxbad New Member

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    Good point on using the Hurt Gun, I usually have the shotgun out, but with juice I suppose the Hurt Gun becomes a beast. Plus it keeps you alive as it wrecks things. I read somewhere that you can latch a hurt beam to a turret as you hack it. I assume this works the same as overhealing your firebase as you hack it? Just hit the trigger a split second after you start the hack?

    Here's another question - do people try and deploy their firebase as a distraction while on a juice-crazed assault on the enemy base? It seems like it would be useful, but I'm starting to think that I'm just wasting it since we both end up dying anyway, and then I have to wait for the cool down after my respawn.

    One other question that I'm sure is answered elsewhere, but I'll ask anyway since I'm already posting this: Can you extend the duration of your Juicing by doing things that would normally fill your juice bar, viz. Heal/Hurting, picking up juice boxes?
  9. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    Why would you want this?

    And no, i hardly ever put my fire turret down when i juice-assault the enemy base. I figured it would just be destroyed (since it's so weak when deployed).
  10. syntaxbad

    syntaxbad New Member

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    Hmm... Good point. I guess I didn't really think that through. You don't want your hacked turret ending up with low life once it's on your team. Unless... hack doesn't pop a turret back to full life when it completes does it? If that were the case it would be worth it for the extra life you got while hacking.

    But assuming not, I suppose it would be better to run around wrecking everything you can with the hurt gun, keeping your own life high and then maybe when your juice is near empty, use the last of it to try and hack any turrets that might be left. Then get killed, respawn with 40% juice, rinse, repeat :)
  11. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    Hmmm....hacking once the juice is gone is kind of suicidal. I would rather first hack then see what i can still do after that.
    Remember to start your Juice when you are low on life (juice gives you full life).
    I am not sure if you can start juice while hacking...anyone?
  12. breischl

    breischl New Member

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    I've done this sometimes. If there's a corner of the base not covered by turrets, or only one turret, I'll throw my firebase there. I figure my juice-crazed destruction spree will cause enough of a distraction to let the firebase deploy and annoy them some more after my death. Best case, you and the firebase survive - then you can overheal it and the other team is really hurting.

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