Almost 7 hours of Team Play Wasted (F*** Overtime)

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Cornstalk, August 24, 2010.

  1. Arcell

    Arcell New Member

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    Well now that's entirely different and you didn't specify that.
  2. Dystopia

    Dystopia New Member

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    Overtime is pretty lame, but a few times I've played Sniper and barely kept the other team's bots off my ball, only to juice up and take theirs down in OT. Only on Mule though, OT has never been an issue for me on Grenade or Laze, mainly due to the map size on the former and the fact that matches never last to OT on the latter. OT IS a big deal on Steel Peel, but OT is the least of that map's issues.

    Someone around here suggested the balls only drain health in OT instead of losing shields, it might have been Optimat. That's a great idea.
  3. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    I'm guessing you simply jumped into this thread without reading the entire thing as it pertains specifically to OT. Also, I was not the one who posted the information regarding the spawn delay so of course I did not specify that previously.
  4. Arcell

    Arcell New Member

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    I'm guessing you simply didn't read the entire thread and didn't see my other posts pertaining specifically to overtime, though I did specifically mention it. Something that affects the whole game affects overtime so unless specified it's kind of left open to interpretation.
  5. jjcpockets

    jjcpockets New Member

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    You shouldn't be spawning with 75% juice in overtime just because you switched to a class with a level three juice endorsement. Once the game hits overtime every player is given gold endorsements in all traits, which is why you start with forty percent juice every spawn in overtime (and also why your gun is more accurate, reloads faster, carries a bigger magazine, etc.).

    If you are spawning with 75% juice in overtime then congratulations, because you have just discovered another rather useful/annoying glitch.

    But yeah, f*ck overtime.
  6. SHAP00PI

    SHAP00PI New Member

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    I'll be honest, I don't usually push the enemy base unless it's for Pro kills or to take out turrets, if I happen to be juiced for sure I'll hit there base but otherwise I'll just hold the spawn.

    I think the problem lies not with Overtime itself but with the fact that the money ball is dropped immediately into overtime, it removes any team based tactic to offense and all is required as aforementioned is a juiced up Pro to rush the based and start rolling.

    Overtime shouldn't exist if one team has played normal time and has managed to drop the money ball and do significant damage, it should be, also as mentioned, an extra sum of time to even out the game and to determine a winner, like any other sport in reality.

    It's too easy to just sit back and collect money, boost your skills, kill a few bots, come the inevitable overtime, the ball is dropped for you, purchase or use your camped up juice and destroy the base, it's not even a conscious decision it's almost impulse for me to go 'Oh sweet, ball down, juice up, point - hold R trigger - win'

    Either eliminating OT unless it is a tie, or allowing Pros to down the money ball instead of it being automatically dropped I think would remedy the issue.

  7. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I said this in another thread about juiced overtime. There are so many I lose track.

    The Juice rush in Overtime in inevitable but still for some reason everyone rushes each teams Moneyball. Essentially this mean neither team has defense and it's all a matter of which teams stronger Pros get there Juiced first and stay there longer. I have never seen a juiced defender besides myself, and believe it or not a 5 second stall can and will help my team get the damage edge on the moneyball.

    I'd say the biggest problem about public online gaming is that each player is selfish. If you can get around that you'll have fun.
  8. Obiwan Kenblomi

    Obiwan Kenblomi New Member

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    I agree that OT is silly unless there's actually a tie at the end. I won't say it "ruins" the game but it sure would be a lot more fun if OT wasn't there. Games today seem to be afraid of long lasting battles. I miss my old computer games where games would last until someone actually won and the game it's self didn't all of a sudden decide "Ok, this game's lasted to long" and does something to make it end. It's fun having longer battles.

    As for juice - make it cost 800. I love juicing but man, I can get it so often and easily that it's starting to not even become a reward for saving money anymore. It's not exciting to get juiced - like it should be. It's just a ho-hum perk I can get every minute or so.
  9. Warhero89

    Warhero89 New Member

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    So far I have yet to see a simple suggestion of control the center where the juice is... Grapples usually waste a players juice and if they die before they can get juice or are forced to use it at inopportune times to save themselves you have effectively countered them. Most games if you are dominant you have more money and should use an early game juice rush to push in and finish the job. The enemy either spends money to hold you back or they let you have your way and finish them before overtime.

    I rarely see overtime and the few times I do, I'll counter the juice rush then finish them off with a rush of my own.
  10. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    The problem is that if you are controlling the juice you are not guarding your moneyball or attacking theirs. In OT an Assassin can go from 40% juice to full in a few seconds so now they have just bypassed your strategy and are still destroying your monyeball, which is wide open since you are in the middle.

    Monday Night Combat is a game about building turrets and stopping bots from being pushed into your base. Why does OT throw these rules out? If they were not good enough then the previous 15 minutes are flawed and we should just have 2 minute OT matches instead. Imagine how many games you could play with full gold endorsement, Jackbot XL spawning, moneyball on the ground 2-minute goodness. Seriously, this is not the concept that MNC has taught me to value.
    Last edited: August 25, 2010
  11. GameScrub

    GameScrub New Member

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    It feels odd to play a hard game of push and defense and in the end is like WTF just happened kind of moments.

    Shoot there has been times when we are losing horribly OT kicks in I juice up and help win the day. Not fair IMO but it's in the game. Same thing with me trying to play defensive OT hits and the turrets have no value whatsoever. They get easily destroyed by tanks and assassins and take too long to recover so the rest of the time they are just killing the moneyball.

    I'm ok with this gametype if that is what they expected. But I'm also open to different modes. Like keep crossfire the same and then add another mode where only bots can damage the moneyball even on OT where at this point we are helping jackbots instead of blackjacks.

    Either way I'm ok with the game, but changes are welcomed if it's not what the devs intended.
  12. Longshotty

    Longshotty New Member

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    The bottom line is that overtime makes everything done in regulation time POINTLESS other than saving up large amounts of cash.

    You built a tower during regulation...oops, should have saved that money for juice.
    You spawned some bots to help push the lanes...oops, should have saved that money for juice.
    You hit the annhilator to REALLY push the lanes...oops, still should have saved it for your juice.

    What is the point of doing ANYTHING in regulation when it become pointless in OT?

    This game is team deathmatch until overtime. Then the team who earned the most money is able to afford more juice rushes. All that pushing and strategy and everything that makes this game unique is thrown away for an ending that is never reflective of what happened during the main portion of the play time.

    Disclaimer: I have been on both sides of this; juice rusher and recipient. I feel most people have become so jaded by the worthlessness of this tactic that they treat the game as just another team deathmatch with no purpose and that is a shame. Overtime is killing this game period.
  13. c4lvitron

    c4lvitron New Member

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    I do agree that overtime needs to be fixed.

    While in any sport, you only go to overtime if the teams are tied, I don't think that would work in this game. Why?

    Because teams could make an early push, hit the money ball a few times...and then camp the rest of the game and win by time.

    My proposal is that once the time runs out, the money balls slowly start to drop...kind of like the new year's ball. The catch is that the more damage you have already done to the ball before OT, the quicker it drops.

    Like I said, I don't like that people can build up money they whole game and then buy juice to win it in overtime, but I also don't like the idea of most games being won by time without taking out the ball.

    Another idea could be to turn off buying juice once you hit overtime and possibly increase how quickly your juice goes up.

    Until something changes, I won't buy any turrets except for long shots. Nor will I buy bots... I don't see the point, honestly.
  14. Flyerfye

    Flyerfye New Member

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    Honestly, why would I bother pushing early in the game when I can just hang out and camp, making sure my moneyball doesn't get destroyed, and then just build up the money and skills to buy juice and wreck the other team in overtime? (Not that this is how I play, though, that's just boring and lame. I push lanes like there's a baby comin' out!)

    I like removing the ability to buy juice in overtime, which at least means you have to think ahead to have the juice accumulated for OT, and then it's a one-time deal. However, I think we need to talk about how to promote players into finishing the game in normal time instead of relying on OT. Personally, I think it's the fact that games even go into overtime regularly is a problem. And by regularly, I mean at least 75% of the games I've played.

    How about Overtime sudden death? Only one life, and you're done! And if nobody's moneyball goes down, everyone loses! That will make people hate overtime so much that they'll want to finish games in normal time! (Ah ha ha. This paragraph is a joke, in case you can't tell.)
  15. MickFM

    MickFM New Member

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    I was absolutely baffled the first time I played a game that went into overtime, as I was certain my team with our full-health moneyball were about to be rewarded a victory over the enemy with their 25% moneyball. As the OT counter hit and I stood around wondering what in the world was going on, our base was rushed and we lost the match.

    The overtime system is my only major gripe with this game. It just goes against regular common sense. If the teams cannot be separated during regulation play, go into overtime. Otherwise the team with the most health wins. It's perfectly simple.
  16. PhantomPhoton

    PhantomPhoton New Member

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    That is a damn good point sir!

    I wonder why it hasn't been proposed before? I would MUCH rather have matches end this way instead of getting juice rushed...
  17. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Really, all they need to do to fix the problem is not drop the moneyball. Kill the backdooring.
  18. ChrisMikeRack

    ChrisMikeRack New Member

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    Just as I know the devs check these threads often I will add to the list of people who, in someway or another, agree with OP.

    Seems silly that you can get an opponents moneyball down below 25% and then it still get regarded as a tie if the time runs down. This game even directly places itself as a 'sport' of the future. And in sports the team thats completed more of the objective than their opponents seems like a fair winner in any case.

    Still, would be quite funny if in boxing when time was up if there was no KO they just tore up the judges scores and gave them both a huge shot of adrenaline and pushed em back in!
  19. MickFM

    MickFM New Member

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    Actually I would watch that religiously...
  20. gimmic

    gimmic New Member

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    I think the best idea I've seen so far is a 'bleed' on the moneyball in overtime. That way a team who had damaged the ball during regulation play still has an upper hand in case the losing team turtles.

    It would force the losing team to push to have a turnaround.

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