Assault Charge

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Learn 2 Die 101, August 25, 2010.

  1. Learn 2 Die 101

    Learn 2 Die 101 New Member

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    Has anyone ever had it not grapple at level three?
  2. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    Only if they 'counter it' by charging back. Other times, even if they move and you miss a bit they seem to snap back into place to be Grappled by me, so... what's the situation? Just it not working at all? If you're lagging a little maybe?
  3. Learn 2 Die 101

    Learn 2 Die 101 New Member

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    Like if I were to charge a Gunner nothing would happen, resulting in my looking like a ******* and getting killed.I charged lighter classes, and all it did was knock them back, as if it were level one or two.
  4. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Yep pretty much everything OptiMAT has said.

    Assault is my, and as far as I can tell OptiMAT's, main class. Him and I, along with the rest of UberEnt Community Assault class players would be more than happy to help you out.

    [Edit - You posted as I did]

    Maybe the Charge was just out of range? I have Charge grappled each and every class many of time. It might have to do with your internet connection/lag.

    UberEnt did not expect MNC to take off like it has so online lag is a bit of a problem as of late. I know in due time it will all be sorted out.
  5. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    I'm pretty sure that the Charge Grapple time is only when he's actually sprinting. i.e. if you get to the part where he slows down - he still looks like he's charging because he has the aura, but I dont think that part counts for the Grapple attack, so what I would say is that if you get to that part you're 'out of range' like Dead said.

    If you're right next to them though just make sure they're not at 90 degrees to you or something, as far as my limited testing goes (don't use Charge 3 that much) you still need to be moving right at them to Grapple, just like any normal grapple - you can't get them if they're on your shoulder.
  6. Learn 2 Die 101

    Learn 2 Die 101 New Member

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    I'll try it out next time I am on.
  7. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    If they jump, you won't grapple
  8. WiredGunslinger

    WiredGunslinger New Member

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    Yah it pisses off assault guys so much when I jump their grapple and drain em to death cause they can't aim worth a crap to hit someone jumping lol. I had one guy reaming me for it cause he said drain doesn't take aim. So the next round I jumped around and shottied him. He just quit ;p

    I believe a gunner/tank in turret form would stop that to right?
  9. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    If you mean that a Gunner and/or Tank Deployed cannot be backstabbed, then yes.
  10. Flyerfye

    Flyerfye New Member

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    If you mean that a Gunner and/or Tank deployed cannot be Grappled, then yes. ;)
  11. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    MNC is P2P so a larger community would only help things. Lag is due to matching players from different regions or selecting hosts with poor upload speeds. Having a larger community would only increase the numbers of candidates that could improve this system not hurt it.
  12. WiredGunslinger

    WiredGunslinger New Member

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    Local matchmaking would also help that which one of the devs did mention they are planning to add.
  13. bfddsux

    bfddsux New Member

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    I've actually been experiencing this for the last two days as well. My roommate was telling me to calm down because I was raging mad hard at the fact I would grapple people and either bump them and not grapple them or literally fly right through them. It has to be a lag thing because it's not ALL the time, but it is quite frequent.

    I'm also surprised at how laggy this game is online most the time. I have a rather good connection, 10mbit business line, and I get insane amounts of lag on a regular basis.
  14. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    While having a good speed is important, Ping to the host is just as important. Connecting to someone overseas where packets are taking 0.7s+ to reach you is bad, connecting just down the road where packets take 0.01s is obviously much better.
  15. mrfatpockets

    mrfatpockets New Member

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    I have had it not grapple when I am too close. If I am right next to someone without a charge grapple (Assassin, Sniper, Support) and we do it at relatively the same time... I will see the charge animation but they often end up winning that battle.
  16. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    For the most part this is all connection based. I have been in the air and still been grappled many times. I even managed to pull off the Guner's Slam and still got grappled. What happens is that your movemets are still not updated so the player is attacking you based on where you were, not where you are currently. In intense cases of latency I have fired a Gunner's mortar and watched it fire from 10 feet to my left/right. Yeah, usually there is a player that is having a fantastic game when this occurs.

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