The best Tank guide ever. Really.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by Reizarvg, August 25, 2010.

  1. Reizarvg

    Reizarvg New Member

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    Well, probably not. But it is pretty fun, and it's a little different to other Tank guides posted here. Basically, it mainly focuses on destroying enemy bots, harassing people at range, spamming product grenades like a bitch and pissing off assassins. Probably not the best for boosting your K/D, but if played well can be incredibly annoying. Can't think of anything witty to put here, so I'll just start the guide.

    The custom setup
    I still haven't found a perfect one for this strategy, if one even exists. Been experimenting a lot recently, and here's what I currently use:
    Gold: Rate of fire
    Silver: Armour
    Bronze: Crit rate

    Don't take this as written law though, this strategy is less about what you're using and more about how you use it. I will offer a couple of bits of advice coming from my own experience though.
    I'm of the opinion that playing Tank without armour in gold or silver is just stupid. That extra survivability is amaxing*, especially when it allows you to survive assassin backstabs (seriously, they never learn. it's like they want to die). Just note that it will only work if you use the correct spelling. You can never go wrong with a bit of speed either, Tank likes to take his time with things. Rate of fire and skill recovery are also very good choices, for reasons I'll discuss later.
    Honestly though, just pick what you feel comfortable with. Experiment a bit and find something that works for you.

    The Skillz
    I'll just run you through my spending habits for most games:
    Upgrade product grenades to 2 and then spend the other $200 on a fully upgraded Lazer Blazer. The next $150 goes to passive, then save up $400 for level 3 grenade (possibly delayed thanks to turret spawns and Annihilator uses, depending on how the game plays out). If I'm having issues with assassin spam, put some cash into charge before maxing my passive.
    This is again a rough guide rather than set rules, but you will want to aim for level 3 product grenade and passive, they're both very important. Charge is nice, but it's not entirely necassary considering you have a gun that shoots a flame lazer. I ignore deploy, hate the damn thing.
    Actually let me just stress this point a little. Getting your passive leveled up as Tank is essential. That extra health is the point of the class, without it, you're just a big, slow moving target. Saying that, I still think for this strategy you should get product grenade maxed before that, which I'll talk about below in the meat of the guide.

    What to actually do
    At it's most basic level this strategy relies on two things: making great use of the railgun and spamming product grenades until everyone hates the sight of them.

    The railgun
    This weapon is amazing. If you want to play Tank, learn to use it. Seriously, it's pinpoint accurate and does pretty big damage. It will three shot a stock sniper, with the second shot leaving them with pretty much no health bar. It also goes through targets, so it's great for taking out bots as well. Don't be afraid to use it as your primary weapon, it's a solid choice and a lot of people don't expect the Tank to kill them at mid-long range.

    Product grenades
    This is my single favourite skill in the whole game. It blinds enemy players and stops bots for a couple of seconds. Fairly simple, really. To be honest, it's nothing special until you start using it liberally. Using this in conjunction with the railgun will allow you to disrupt and destroy Jackbots from a distance, easily eliminate basic bots to help lane pushing, and make other pros run off the map in panic. It's absolutely imperative that you get it to level two right at the start of the game though, otherwise it doesn't the blind effect. Once it's level three, it splits into a load more grenades upon detonation that do serious damage to everything. It's got ridiculous range on it as well, easily managing to hit the other side of the map on GrenadeIII without much upwards aiming on your part. Oh, it also blinds turrets.

    Overall strategy
    You want to use the railgun to pin enemy pros down, as well as pick off weaker ones. Anytime you see enemy bots, pop a grenade at them and fire away. If you have a product grenade ready, use it. Seriously, doesn't matter what on. If it hits something, you're helping. Contrary to how people assume Tank plays, I tend to stay at longer ranges with this setup. Having rate of fire makes the railgun a truly scary weapon to go up against, especially if the wielder can actually aim the damn thing. Use death blossom and charge to kill assassins and anyone else dumb enough to get near you. Try to play more of a supportive role in the team, containing enemy pros with grenade spam and railgun fire, disabling turrets and bots with even more grenades, dsiabling pros with grenades etc. I can't stress this enough, use grenades at every available opportunity.

    I can't think of anything else to add to this, but it basically comes down to putting pressure on the enemy and containing their movements. The grenades and railgun fit perfectly into this role, and the tanks massive health allows him to survive counterattacks.

    Apologies if this guide is a disjointed mess, I've never written one before. Any criticism or feedback is welcomed.

    *I saw this typo halfway through writing this, and was about to correct it when I realised it's a much better word.
  2. NotColemansAlt

    NotColemansAlt New Member

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  3. Reizarvg

    Reizarvg New Member

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    Right. Ok.

  4. Vernox

    Vernox New Member

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    Not a bad build, I run a different build but will test this one out also.
  5. vintoks

    vintoks Member

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    I run a different endorsement build but my Tank play style is pretty similar. His grenade is very underrated. Good stuff.
  6. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I first played Tank as a test. I heard all this hype around it's railgun and had to see for myself. I will say at first I did like the rail as my primary but in some cases is didn't work to my advantage.

    I will have to agree though that the product grenade is well under used. I've had this game for awhile now and I can go, at least, 4 matches w/out seeing a single one. A few friends of mine have recently got the game and kept asking me what certain things did. Endorsement wise. I explained but was puzzled to know how they knew about it being levels 1's and 0's. They were saying stuff like when I see it on my screen that means I have it tuned on? As you can imagine I was like "wtf are you talking about?" I then realized ohh that is the product grenade and explained it just like a flash grenade.

    I know that little "story" doesn't mean much but I thought it was funny. On a side note I play with a 50+ y/o grandmother (yea, she's cool lol) and at first she thought bots were other players.

    "I have zero kills?!?! I killed plenty of people is this game broken?"

    "Did they look like robots? If so those aren't other players, they're computer controlled bots."

    "Oh well that would explain it!"

    Wow, that was extremely off-topic. I run with Gold Armor, Silver Reload, and Bronze Heath recovery. I use the Tanks charge as a way to either close the distance for my JetGun or to get to cover faster. Also instead of reloading I just use the Death Blossom. You could have 1 bullet left and the Death Blossom will still take down any and all bots in range. I use the railgun as a way to annoy an enemy. As I annoy them I also move closer and once close enough I product grenade them then Charge in.
  7. Reizarvg

    Reizarvg New Member

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    What's the point in that? It's not going to do anything at all :p
    I do the same thing with the jet gun. As soon as I'm low on ammo I just hit left trigger, pretty much regardless of what's around me. And I tend to use charge more as an escape mechanism than anything else.
  8. th3cozy

    th3cozy New Member

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    The biggest help to my tanking has been gold reload, death spin spam does it for me.
  9. pigkilla001

    pigkilla001 New Member

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    I use Armor, Clip Size, Health Regen in that order on my tank.

    You guys are doing it all wrong, if you are not running into their base and product grenading their turrets while wrecking them with you jet gun, then you aren't playing a tank. Sitting back with a rail gun is a terrible idea, just play a sniper if that's what you want to do. A tank is the absolute best class in the game at pushing bots into the other teams spawn.

    You need to follow your bots(use them for cover from snipers and gunners) and death blossom the other teams bots(death blossom damage is based on how many bullets are left in your clip, thus why i use clipsize). When you make it into their base you can use the bots as turret fodder and you can product grenade the turrets so that you can destroy them with your jet gun.

    Having a support with you with the bot aura and healing you, pretty much makes you a one man wrecking ball with death blossoms that hurt so much and the ability to charge into battle and behind cover.
  10. AndyJ087

    AndyJ087 New Member

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    The point in it is that gold armor lets you survive a headshot from a fully upgraded sniper with gold Critical damage, in my books thats an invaluable thing to have.
    Last edited: August 26, 2010
  11. D3C3P7AKONZ

    D3C3P7AKONZ New Member

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    Deathspin = noob spin lol
  12. Sgt_Sideburn

    Sgt_Sideburn New Member

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    As a tank you never really want to use the death blossom against bot unless you're in a hurry. You want to build juice and the death blossom doesn't really give any.
  13. Reizarvg

    Reizarvg New Member

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    It was a subtle joke about the language differences between American english and proper english. You may have understood it had you read my guide.
  14. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Clipsize does NOT effect the Death Blossom. I can't find were at the moment but a Dev. explained it himself.

    As a Tank I like to play the middle area. With a good Support playing Base Defense and I play middle the rest of the team can be on the offensive. I Death Blossom for two reasons mainly. To expose Assassins and to take out bots quickly. I don't want my bots getting into a firefight. I basically want my bots to walk right to their base once they get to the base my offensive teammats take it from there.

    I have a good eye and can easily spot a cloaked Assassin running towards me and that's where Death Blossom comes in handy. The Assassin will either run away or try slicing me while I just burn her to death than taunt about it.

    I will agree though the JetGun just destroys enemy turrets. Some game I do use that method but just to annoy the crap out of them. Come in Juice ready taking as many turrets and enemies out before I retreat back to my base. I keep repeating this. I've had someone say in lobby that was the most frustrating they've had to battle against.

    Yea I knew he was messing with me as was I. lol
  15. sokoto

    sokoto New Member

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    Our gb team is looking for a dedicated tank. Reizarvg feel free to add me gt is sokoto, I enjoyed the guide and your playstyle would fit our team pretty well so yea. We're 25-5 and currently ranked 2nd.
  16. Lukeydoodly

    Lukeydoodly New Member

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    I use this guide.

    Also, you suck tom.
  17. Reizarvg

    Reizarvg New Member

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    Shush. I'm amazing. Better than you anyway. See the post above yours for confirmation of this.
  18. OhGypsy

    OhGypsy New Member

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    just sayin

    railgun + juice + jackbot = go find out for yourself
  19. Lukeydoodly

    Lukeydoodly New Member

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    I made a pizza tonight, so you suck.

    Also, you don't use the jet gun enough. It's ******* awesome.
  20. Reizarvg

    Reizarvg New Member

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    Screw the jet gun, the railgun's a way better primary.

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