Support Class is not overpowered.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Bambam Bm, August 19, 2010.

  1. Matar Rain

    Matar Rain New Member

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    I thought I'd throw my two cents in to the support op/not op argument. I play Support as my main class. but I also like to roll Tank or Gunner if there is already a Support on the team.

    -Firebase: a little OP when 3.3 but still easy to destroy. Gunners mortar shots can take it out rather quickly while staying out of range. Tanks lvl 3 product grenade works amazing as well while using also shooting it with the rail gun. Snipers flak and exploding shots also work well.

    -Airstrike: I'm fine with one hit kills. Three strikes is a bit much. I think lvl 1 is fine how it is. Maybe lvl 2 should add the 2nd Airstrike. Lvl 3 could be the upgrade that increases the radius to the same as lvl now without the extra AS. That would decrease on the spamming of 3 and it will also increase the cool down slightly since it would have to charge 1/2 instead of 1/3. It is easy to avoid with every class also. if you think you are close to being out of the radius but not sure you are jump. Since the blast radius is a sphere and not a rectangle you can avoid it that way. Gunners, Tanks and Assaults are better at the avoidance method

    -Hurtgun: Very low dmg output if auto lock was removed dmg would need to be up'd a bit. if you are getting drained by the hurtgun move away from the support to break the link.

    -Overhealing for Juice: It is about the same as attacking bots for juice if you ask me only cheaper and not very fun.
  2. Trigger

    Trigger New Member

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    I agree that support is a bit overpowered, but changing the class needs to be done with care, because it would be too easy to change the class from OP to useless.

    I'd say the main thing to change would be support getting juice from overhealing. Overhealing is an annoying enough mechanic as it is, but the fact that the support can spend a safe and carefree minute in their base, improving the health of all their turrets, bots, and pros is an issue. No other pro can amass juice nearly as quickly, easily, and safely, while still being a huge asset to their team.

    Another idea would be to make the firebase automatically destroyed when the support is killed. This would help deter supports camping next to their fully upgraded firebase and being unmovable, while also making assassins much more important for the team.

    I don't think too much needs to be changed however. Some people recommend sweeping changes to all of the supports weapons, which is too much. I would hate for the class to become terrible and unusable, but I do think they need a slight nudge downwards to bring them in line with the other pros.
  3. amt alis

    amt alis New Member

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    I'd say support is OP. To refute the whole low armor thing, a support getting healed by a firebase, jumping around so their hard to hit, using the heal/hurt gun to suck health with gold armor is not going down easy. And since support doesn't need to actually aim with a firebase and heal/hurt gun the support does constant damage even while jumping around like crazy. I know this works because I do it.

    Also, airstrike kills turrets like nothing.
  4. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    I would say that Support isnt overpowered, but If the Heal/Hurt gun worked more like the Link gun from UT2004, in that only the Heal part can bend... I think it would be a lot more manageable. At the moment it has quite decent range, decent damage, and unlimited clip, and seeks you as the enemy jumps about the place... All the others can be dealt with but the seeking could do with being removed.

    That's my opinion anyway.
  5. Judge Fudge x

    Judge Fudge x New Member

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  6. elaeth

    elaeth New Member

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    Christ I can't believe I'm replying to this thread, but here it goes:

    Hurt gun isn't overpowered. Damage is low, the drain healing is even lower, and unlike every other class there isn't a worthwhile endorsement to make it better (crit rate is it at the moment, and it doesn't help much due to the lack of natural crit rate). It can be out ranged, and most classes have other options to deal with a support that close to them. And yes we can jump around, but you don't have to stand there and take it either when YOU get attacked by some random person.

    Fire bases aren't over powered. Even a 3.3 fire base can be out ranged by EVERY class, and I've had my fire base damaged faster than I can heal it from EVERY class. Hell, with support air strikes I can't do anything about it even. They also don't give you juice, they don't give you money when they're attacking the money ball, and more often lead to assists than kills when the rest of my team is paying attention.

    Air strikes aren't overpowered. Like the hum from a cloaked assassin, there's an obvious audio queue when one is thrown. There's also a giant freaking beam of light coming down from the sky. Its hard as hell to stick someone, especially in a laggy game, and when we ARE able to stick someone, I'm glad there's almost nothing you can do about it. Its my reward for getting a lucky (or skilled) throw, just like with assault's bombs. But even so, there IS something you can do about it: run under something. And if I stick you while you're out in the open, you can chalk that one up to your own stupidity. You shouldn't be fighting in the open anyway.

    Juice gain isn't overpowered. You don't get much juice for healing, and you can't sit there healing the same turret for massive juice gain. Once something is over-healed as far as it goes, the rest doesn't count for juice (except the little bit where the over-healing wears off, and you stick it back on).

    Healing isn't overpowered. In pretty much any 2v1 situation, with pretty much any combination of classes, and at least semi-competent players all around, the lone person will die. End of discussion. The difference between having one be support and both being some other class, is that the support is foregoing damaging the lone person himself in order to keep his teammate alive longer, and thereby let the teammate get the kill (sometimes even without assist credit).

    Hacking enemy turrets isn't overpowered. If I want to hack the other team's turrets, I need a distraction (like bots on my side) or juice to survive the turret. I then need 5-10 seconds of peace to actually hack the turret. Any movement, grapple or knock-back will interrupt me. Just pay attention (but that's the answer for everything isn't it?).

    Shotguns aren't overpowered. Seriously, you think its easy to kill people at point blank range? Assassins can lunge, snipers can grapple, tanks can death blossom and charge, gunners can slam, assaults can charge, and supports get shot guns of their own. EVERY class can deal with it. Shotgun damage falls off extremely quickly as well, to the point where I can't one-shot kill a sniper or assassin without armor endorsements if they're only a few feet away. And by the way, if you're an assassin charging at ANYONE that is running away while FACING you, you are SERIOUSLY screwed up in the head, and deserve to get one-shot. If it takes me doing it over and over to get you to realize this, my kill count thanks you in advance.

    If anything, our money gain is a little lower than it should be. I get very little money from healing people, and don't get any credit when my healing target kills other pros. I'm stuck with bot and stupid people kills from my fire base for money, and the occasional stupid person that wanders into my shotgun with low health.
  7. D4rk_Angel

    D4rk_Angel New Member

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    Uhh.. No. The Sniper and Assansin are. You wouldn't believe how many times I've tried to kill a Support with Gold Armor endors. It's hilarious..

  8. JackBotXL

    JackBotXL New Member

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    I said i hated 3 things, i don't hate the fact that he looks like mario and no i'm not jealous, just annoyed. its called fair game.
  9. Trigger

    Trigger New Member

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    I stopped here. I disagree with the firebase point as well, but this was just ridiculous. You get tons of juice for healing, and there's no shortage of things inside the base to heal. Oh no you can't heal that turret anymore? Go to the other one two feet away. Oh that's full too now? There's bots right next to you that could use some healing. If you're sitting there trying to build up juice by healing the same thing over and over no wonder it's taking forever.

    This is exactly why it's dumb that supports can get juice so easy, because they benefit so much from juice. You say that you need juice to do it like it's going to be hard for you to get.
  10. Tawpgun

    Tawpgun New Member

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    My main problem with the support is the rate in which firebases are healed, and firebases in general.

    A 3.3 is overpowered as all hell. It's funny to think I'd rather have a 3.3 protecting my base than a maxxed out laser blazer.

    First of all, those things have 360 degrees of motion and can also look up too.
    Second of all, their damage is ridiculous. It will mow you down faster than any weapon in the game save for maybe Dual Miniguns are close range.
    Third of all, it can detect cloaked assassins. Seriously?
    Fourth of all, the firebases only counter is to kill it from long range. But it's range is already way too far. So the best counter is a sniper. Fair enough, but the problem is that a fully upgraded sniper can't take out a firebase that's being healed. The the range of the healing gun buts them out of splash damage range of the sniper.

    My suggestions? Keep EVERYTHING about the firebase the same... except for it's degree of motion.

    Make it only be able to look 180 degrees in the direction it was placed, and 45 degrees up. That way, it can be flanked and taken out from behind, or from above. This way, a support has to actively protect it instead of placing it somewhere and racking up kills.

    Also, this way the supports hacking ability is even better since he can hack enemy firebases if he can sneak up on them.
  11. Trigger

    Trigger New Member

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    No it can't. It may be able to shoot at you if you're already detected though (like on fire). I'm not sure about that.

    I do like the idea of the firebase not having full rotation though.
  12. Dystopia

    Dystopia New Member

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    The Support's ability to deal meaningful damage to the moneyball has its own healthbar, and once destroyed has a pretty huge cooldown. Since that's the whole point of Crossfire, that's about as far from overpowered as it gets. You should be more worried about how overpowered that Tank is going to be with one or two heal guns trained on him.

    Aside: his back is huge, and his tears are delicious.
  13. XJaeX

    XJaeX New Member

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    alright im on of the top supports in mnc. i agree with privatejohn.. i think thats his name.. play as the support to scope him out see what his weaknesses are and his strengths . you can do this with all classes so you know how to handle them.. but if you said you were having trouble as an assasin. do this. it requires you to not me a noob. he should be camping near his firebase to keep it overhealed. so cloak, go to his firebase, use b(not only for jumping high, also blinds and stuns bots and turrets. firebase included) if upgraded he will be blind, go stealth immediately, assasinate, as you are go cloaked as you grab him to not get shot by nearby turrets, (you can recloak during assasination) leave the area have sniper or more powerful teamate kill the turret, kill the support when he comes back, or use b again and go crazy on the firebase yourself...
    any other class support is a joke.. unless they know how to use him.. for the hurtgun they usually jump around, go charge them(rb or b) , slam , throw bombs, strikes, or back up, close his range and rape him. note that you can kill turrets using ejectors. also.
    but a smart support wont use his hurtgun on you, if you ever see me i got my shotty by my side..
    otherwise i love the support he cracks me up.. i dont think he should be nerfed tho he is a great asset to the team and also a neccesity almost in blitz. but with any weapon. any class. in a game. people will abuse the materials given.
    hope this helped somewhat. hope to see you in the arena. take it easy.
  14. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    I take my statement back, Support Class may be just a tad bit overpowered.
  15. MethTicalSR

    MethTicalSR New Member

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    The hurt gun does a low and steady amount of damage, but when you're being gangbanged by 2 or more support because the whole opposing team is playing as support, it does get annoying. Also the fact that the only class I seem to have the most problem with hit registration is on support players, which is extremely frustrating as a tank because I have the most health. I sit there torching the support that takes no damage as he, or more supports steal my health and I can't do anything about it.

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