Sniper's grapple OP?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Bambam Bm, August 20, 2010.

  1. Zuonius

    Zuonius New Member

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    I don't really think it's that OP. What else are they supposed to do when an enemy pro is too close to snipe and not far enough away to ward off with the smg?
    ...It does hurt like hell, though.
  2. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    same thing with a tank, what r they supposed to do with someone whos too far way? use that horrible off gun lolol. Your argument is saying Snipers are supposed to be great at long distances, and short distance, no other class is like that, assassins? only good at short range. Tanks, usually only good at short ranged. Gunners? Mid range. Assualt? Mid range. Sniper? Appearently, Long range, Mid Range, Short range. <-- thats the op part
  3. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    Also how the Sniper's grapple seems to be a little bit slower than other classes, this may sound underpowered on paper, but in the games, it actually seems to be an advantage, because you can click your grapple before your in range and once your in range the grapple will go off before the enemy's can. Its amazing when your the sniper and someone's in your ice trap, seems more of an advantage than a disadvantage for it being slow.
  4. Monty

    Monty New Member

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    Eh, I don't have a problem with it. Want to know how to beat a sniper? Get him to pull out his Uzi and back up. That's it. Just keep taking steps backwards, while firing your gun. He can't grapple you, and you'll generally outgun him. Problem solved.
  5. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    True, without the traps in the equation

    xCOLONEL QUESOx New Member

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    Correction: GOOD assassins are the only threat to good snipers, lol.
    Also, my second best pro is the assassin, and one of the funnest things I do to snipers is smoke screen-super-fantastic-jump over to where they are and land behind them (as usually their traps aren't underthem, and even so if you land right behind them you can still grapple) and 1 hit grapple kill 'em. Trying to run at a sniper as an invisible assassin is.. well dumb lol. Really a good assassin should be watching for these traps as they move anyways and that makes it not so big a deal when it comes to being super-precoucious.
    Last edited: August 23, 2010
  7. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    If you are playing tank, gunner, or assault, just fly over them.
  8. quaabi

    quaabi New Member

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  9. rhineville

    rhineville Member

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    I play a support and DAMN that sniper's grapple is annoying. With it there's pretty much nothing I can do; If I don't already have my firebase up he'll likely tear it apart before I can get it deployed and hacked, if he's aware of me at all my airstrikes probably won't do anything, and even if I manage to avoid his ice-traps when I try to close to shotgun him he'll kill me in one hit?

    No. Noooononononono.

    Even the assault's hit won't kill me off the bat unless I ring out, why should the snipers? If he grapples me fine, but have him just toss me away to a safer distance where he can try to snipe me (since it's y'know, sort of what he's supposed to do) or throw down traps along the path back to him. The only thing I can do is hop around like a jackass with my hurt gun on him.

    I know it's supposed to help the sniper at close range since he's weak close-up, but it'd make sense just to have him toss enemies back.
  10. fake

    fake New Member

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    I haven't felt anything about this game (turrets, pros, bots) are overpowered. It's all a really nice challenge.

    Maybe put a poll at the top of this thread, though?
  11. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    if i knew how to do a poll, haha still havent figured that one out yet
  12. fake

    fake New Member

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    I think you might have to put it in when you originally post the thread. If you hit up one of the admins, maybe they could do it for you.

    Anyway, might be nice to have the results and consolidate some of these OP/Nerf threads.
  13. Trademark

    Trademark New Member

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    grappling assassins is my favourite thing to do after they try and stab me from the front.

    Why should the sniper be limited to killing people with his sniper when every other class has multiple ways to kill people as well? Anyways, its easy enough to kill a sniper with your shotgun without getting too close, I've done it plenty of times.
  14. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    The Sniper has the strongest grapple in the game.. thats the problem
  15. Tango217

    Tango217 New Member

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    Obviously, it looks like some people have been embarrassed too many times by a sniper. Best way to kill a sniper is with a sniper. If you have better aim you'll win every time.
  16. Warskull

    Warskull New Member

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    A lot of classes really can't do anything about the traps if they are placed intelligently. Assault's Rifles and Gunner's gun are actually the two best at killing traps. Tank, neither of his guns seem capable. Same with assassin. Support's shotgun is iffy for taking them out.

    The traps are one of the easiest skills to use in the game and incredibly powerful if you use them intelligently. There is also very little the opposing players can do about your traps.
  17. rhineville

    rhineville Member

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    It's not limiting him if he's equal to other classes. No other class can have an instakill grapple from the front with full health, I don't see how the sniper should. the assault kills me enough with his grapple because it knocks me away, dazes me, and he can a chance to kill me from range. You'd think that a class that's all about range could have that setup and have it work extremely well for them, while STILL giving the poor sap he hit a chance to live.
  18. Trademark

    Trademark New Member

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    Yeah, I see your point. Personally though I usually take out snipers well before they even have a chance to use their grapple. They're pretty delicate after all. Even as support I can usually get in 1 good shotgun shot before he has a chance to grapple and that's usually enough to kill him.

    I'm on the fence about it.
  19. DelVega

    DelVega New Member

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    The sniper's grapple when used with the freeze traps is one of the deadliest close range setups in the game. As a sniper, assassins are "supposedly" your counter. With well placed freeze traps, assassins are free kills for snipers and their level 2 grapple.

    In fact, I believe the sniper is the only class without a counter. Anyone else agree?
  20. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    I completely agree, this is why this thread is made.

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