I think he's making a team possibly, 8 man, a full team plus subs. But just a guess so we'll see when he clarifys.
I think he said something like have 2 people stomp on the other team, then when they quit fill them on with your 6 others from your team, and pub stomp the 4 on the other team, so that you are pub stomping 10 people instead of 6.
I think his 8 man theory is simply a reference to how many men an orgy must have in it in order for him to participate.
it was the theory that during the GP/Destiny era there were 8 people significantly better than everyone else, especially at their respective classes, and that the only reason GP was the best was because they had the majority of those 8
it just makes sense since a number of good players have come and gone and due to meta game evolving theres no way to directly compare, so we just separate by eras. like deadpools assassin vs wraith's, etc