Almost 7 hours of Team Play Wasted (F*** Overtime)

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Cornstalk, August 24, 2010.

  1. Cornstalk

    Cornstalk New Member

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    Every game I either play defense support or push on offense with a different class. I'd say about 4/5 games the push is successful in dropping their ball in doing at least some damage to it.

    Yet all of that is made completely invalid because it goes into Overtime anyway.

    Farm kills.
    Save money.
    Juice Spam ball in Overtime.


    This is completely ruining the point of the game. There's no point in escorting your bots. There's no purpose in killing the enemy bots except for coin. There's not really any point in even trying to break through defense.

    Just wait until overtime and juice.

    And don't you dare say "Just juice them first". That's not the point. My team played hard to do some damage to the money ball. Their team didn't. There shouldn't even BE overtime. Football doesn't go into over time when the score is 28 to 7 just because neither team made it to 30. Basketball doesn't go into OT because neither team made it to 100 points yet. No, the team that scored the most over the NORMAL flow of the game gets the win. Overtime is for breaking a TIE.

    There's not even any pressure on a 'losing' team to counter push most of the time. They're money ball loses 10% and they don't even care because those 3 assassins that are 5/0/20 are just going to juice rush the ball in OT. The reaction should be "We're losing now, guys! Let's get their money ball down!" and NOT "Just juice the ball in OT".

    I just really needed to blow off some steam after yet another good match reduced to 'juice the ball in OT' crap.

    Please fix OT so this can be a team game again. :(
  2. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    I just posted a response to another thread with the same topic but I'll do it here too. Overtime is used as a crutch for a bad team. Change this.
  3. NotFrank

    NotFrank New Member

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    I feel your pain... I hate dominating and then losing it OT.

    that being said...

    There are a couple of things you can do.

    If you have their money ball down start spawning bots... keep the pressure on.

    If you can't finish them... I guess you weren't really that dominant.

    Plus once their money ball is down you don't have to wait until overtime to juice rush.... you should be doing that all game.

    A good K/D != better team.

    Its ALL about the money ball.

    Its frustrating sometimes... but I really don't mind it since its totally within my power to stop it.
    Last edited: August 24, 2010
  4. Rolo

    Rolo New Member

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    The more I play the more I agree with the OP, and I've been on both ends of it. Overtime should only come up when there is a money ball tie. The whole point of an overtime is to break a tie.

    In the same token, people will say if you were using good team work, the game would never see an OT. The ball would have been gotten before it came to that.

    I'm kind of torn on this one tbh.
  5. Myrick

    Myrick New Member

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    A perfectly legit strategy is to save your money without spending it on upgrades, turrets, or bots and playing defense enough that you will make it to OT and juice. You have to make sacrifices one way or another, and it's a trade-off. My team has been playing in the tourney and scrimming top teams often, and we most often win without OT. But we have won after regulation ends. I personally never go past level 2 on any skills (except extreme cases) and use the rest of my money for the Annihilator or juice, whether I buy it in OT or before. And I juice whenever possible on the moneyball. But so far in the tourney we haven't hit OT once, and we only dropped one map. Talk to me after tonight and we'll see how our strat holds up.

    I see why you are frustrated, but this thread is no different than all those threads claiming Assassins, Gunners, and Supports are OP. Slight tweaking may be necessary, but you should focus on adjusting yourself to the game, not the other way around.
  6. PhantomPhoton

    PhantomPhoton New Member

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    I am also disappointed that many teams have chosen a strategy of defense and wait for OT, as I also feel that it ruins the game.

    This issue has come up many times, and hopefully the Devs are looking into it.
  7. NotFrank

    NotFrank New Member

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    SPOT ON!
  8. Arcell

    Arcell New Member

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    I agree with OP, Overtime kind of ruins the entire point of the game-type as it stands now.

    Once overtime hits it seems it's simply a mad dash to the other team's ball to juice and see who can drain it faster while both teams are away. Why even bother spawning Jackbots if the game's over before they even get halfway down the lane?

    If they at least took out the option to BUY juice it would help this along a little bit. People who earned juice and stayed alive long enough to use it in overtime, more power to you. But when the other team simply buys juice 30 seconds before overtime and just sits outside your base hiding and waiting it's just not that fun anymore.

    The entire point of the game-type MNC uses is all about pushing bots to the enemy base all so they can take it down and your team can deliver the final blow.
  9. NotFrank

    NotFrank New Member

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    LOVE! the idea of removing juice purchases in OT

    quick easy solution to reward the dominant regulation team and keep the OT format.
  10. razman360

    razman360 Member

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    Although I do partially agree to adjusting
    to the game etc, I do think it's a bit daft tht u can inflict
    damage to the ball in normal time and STILL go into overtime..there's isn't much point. It should end the same way overtime does if no ball is completely destoryed. Highest health wins.
    I'm for disabling Juice in OT too :)
  11. Myrick

    Myrick New Member

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    Removing juice purchases in OT wouldn't do anything. You can buy it right before, or just do what I do when I'm broke. I have another custom class of the same position with juice as primary. That (since it's OT) starts me with 75% juice. Shoot any of the plethora of jackbots for quick juice, and viola, more juice rushing. I don't see why you should get rewarded any more for camping and killing bots for juice than for spending your money differently and not using upgrades and the like. If you have map control before OT starts, then they will have a mighty hard time getting to mid to buy juice. And you'd be able to buy it yourself and win fairly quickly. It's not unbalanced, just a different strategy than yours. Pushing bots, getting kills, killing turrets, and gaining map control all contribute to getting a regulation win, but if that isn't happening, you can clutch it with an OT juice push.

    Overtime in this game doesn't fall within the regular idea of overtime. "Overtime" in MNC turns the end of every game into an all or nothing, sudden death mode. It is begging for clutch plays and amazing pushes. Which is what every game needs. I don't want games to end with a team camping their base because they got a semi-decent push early on in the game. That would be way more irritating and frustrating. You don't get point in football for driving 60% of the way to the goal, or get a birdie in golf for landing a chip 3 feet from the hole. To win, you have to go all the way. If you can't do that, THEN the tiebreaker that counts moneyball damage comes in. I am a level 94 and in the top 20 in legit earnings and have yet to have a game come to that.
  12. fl4tlined

    fl4tlined New Member

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    im fine with the stradegy but christ just make juice do less damage to the moneyball i can solo kill one when juiced as a tank
  13. brandyn o mac

    brandyn o mac New Member

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    I think its just the juice purchase is the problem.. I mean it should cost more, or be some sort of limit or cooldown on how many a team can purchase..
  14. Raz92

    Raz92 New Member

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    i think they should just keep the shields up for overtime, but keep the tons of jackbots spawning, and maybe make the moneyball go down easier

    if you have a good offense you can use that to help push the jackbots to the moneyball, and if you have a good defense you can hold them off longer then the other team.

    it makes overtime more intense, knowing all the jackbots are on the way, and also prevents one person from juicing the moneyball(unless they can get the bots there)
  15. NotFrank

    NotFrank New Member

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    juice perk does not spawn with 75% juice.

    Gold (which all sponsor perks are upgraded to in OT) is 40% juice. I have a juiced class as well but you still have to fill it up the rest of the way.

    So removing it would make it harder to get juiced.

    More than anything it would stop the juice spamming. i.e. Saving up $1000-1500 just for OT.

    and yes... some people will go and get it right before OT but wouldn't be able to Juice Spam. Buying Juice and waiting to use it is a risk... you may get killed before you have a chance to use it.

    I agree that the sudden death nature, all or nothing style of OT is fine.
  16. Myrick

    Myrick New Member

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    Actually, with gold juice in OT, you do spawn with 75% juice. So...
  17. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    Ejectors, the Annihilator, Bot spawning, etc. all have coldowns so why doesn't purchasing Juice? I see no problem with placing a 60 seconds cooldown on it. As for the OT juice effect I think that this needs to be changed as well. With tons of Jackbot XLs being forced down the lanes the game should be decided the exact same way as the previous 15 minutes were played: by forcing bots down the lanes. OT just has the added effect of dropping the shields on the moneyball and that should be the only change, other than all the Jackbot XLs of course.
  18. tadpole1290

    tadpole1290 New Member

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    i think the more times you die the longer you should have to wait to respawn capping it at 15 or 10 seconds? that would kill off noobs saveing till the end. that way they either get left behind for playing like garbage while everyone else is all leveled up and ready to go. the idea of no juice in ot is another good point.
  19. Arcell

    Arcell New Member

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    Longer respawn timers wouldn't be a good idea. The respawn time already put in place in MNC is long enough, any longer and it might kill my drive to keep playing >.>
  20. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    The respawn delay would only be for OT. In total it takes 2 minutes, I think you can manage that.

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