Anyone know how...

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by FiercelyFuzzy, August 24, 2010.

  1. FiercelyFuzzy

    FiercelyFuzzy New Member

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    Does anyone know how Gamebattles works with the "proof" of cheating?
    A team exploited the money ball, so I filed a ticket and they said to send proof if you have any...would this be proof?

  2. fl4tlined

    fl4tlined New Member

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    are you talking about the glitch where you can bring down the moneyball without escorting bots?

    the guy says sorry because he didnt know it was a glitch and you want him banned what the hell...

    its not like you have to do anything to cause this to happen just shoot at it
  3. FiercelyFuzzy

    FiercelyFuzzy New Member

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    That would be the exploit, please use the right term. I know he said sorry, but the fact is it gave him the win, even after said that we will rematch without complications. Sorry or not, cheating is cheating. Yes, shooting at it, which is exploiting the game, aka a cheat, aka against the rules, aka our win.
  4. Raz92

    Raz92 New Member

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  5. FiercelyFuzzy

    FiercelyFuzzy New Member

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    That is pretty dumb, what did I do put a gun to his head and make him say it?
  6. Jebiga

    Jebiga New Member

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    What you do is pathetic Fuzzy.

    He said sorry cause he didnt know.
  7. FiercelyFuzzy

    FiercelyFuzzy New Member

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    Are you kidding me? Are you really serious right now?
    Yes, let's let cheaters cheat and just because they don't know the rules it isn't cheating. I informed him it was cheating and that we would take a rematch and they ignored us. You do not let a cheater off because they "didn't know" That is not how you do it, and I can see this becoming a problem of "we didn't know so haha we win". Please get a better excuse then him not knowing makes it fair.
  8. FiercelyFuzzy

    FiercelyFuzzy New Member

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    Actually scratch what I said, your post is pathetic.
    Last edited: August 25, 2010
  9. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    How does that saying go?...

    "Knowledge is power"

    And apparently the knowledge of not knowing how to edit a post makes you double post.
  10. Doom

    Doom New Member

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    There are no rules against any specific cheats/exploits iirc.

    You won't win the dispute even if you file a ticket.

    xCOLONEL QUESOx New Member

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    I must say that I don't believe this to be a glitch. Shooting at the moneyball while it is still up causes damage. If the game was made to register this damage, then it seems to just be a part of the game. The damage is, however, very small compared to the damage the bots cause. So it usually takes a very, very long time to drop it. With this in mind, it would seem to be a very terrible tactic, but not cheating.

    Personal opinion from something I learned about moneyball damage in the tactics and strategies section of the forums.

    [Edit] It was mentioned in pecoto's 'how not to suck' thread.
    Last edited: August 25, 2010
  12. FiercelyFuzzy

    FiercelyFuzzy New Member

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    That is actually wrong, if it is against the rules of the developers, it is against the rules of Gamebattles.
  13. FiercelyFuzzy

    FiercelyFuzzy New Member

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    Like the message I sent to the Admins, go here Then click AlT+F and type in "Money Ball" that will bring up the exploit.
  14. FiercelyFuzzy

    FiercelyFuzzy New Member

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    And apparently not knowing how to read would make post with assumptions. If you don't know how to edit, you're slow.(I mean "you" as in a person not "you" as in you "DeadStretch").

    xCOLONEL QUESOx New Member

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    'This is a list of bugs, exploits, and issues that have been reported by the community.
    If you have a new issue, please check over this thread to see if it's been posted. Any feedback concerning missing features or balance will not be listed.'

    This of course means that not all of the things listed where considered glitches. Chances are this 'Pro's being able to shoot down the money ball without fodder' was just an issue the community had with the game. Meaning it was making the game less enjoyable, like supercharging Jack-bots. Neither of these things are really cheating, but they do seem to make the game a bit more difficult than some of the community would like.

    Also, just because I feel it necessary to mention, in no way shape or form has anything I have posted been meant in a negative context, just simply stating my opinions on the subject from observations of the game and other posts.
  16. Doom

    Doom New Member

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    None of the developers have come out to say that shooting down the moneyball is a cheat/exploit/glitch. One of the "ProTips" simply says to escort bots to the moneyball to drop its shields quicker. There's no concrete proof that the developers didn't intend Pros to be able to shoot down the moneyball.

    Either way, if MNC does eventually get big enough to have a set list of disallowed glitches/exploits, I highly doubt shooting the moneyball's shields down will be one of them. Allowing Pros to shoot the moneyball's shields speeds up the pace of the gameplay, puts a focus on map control, and forces teams under pressure of being attacked to act quickly. It also creates FAR less overtime situations, which everyone would agree is the #1 problem with the game (On a competitive level).

    The only thing I can really compare it to is when GoW2 came out and didn't have a ruleset made yet, everyone knew and understood that weapon sliding was allowed. Everyone knew it was a glitch that Epic looked over, but it was something that sped up the gameplay, as well as something allowed competitively in the previous game. People that disputed over the other team weapon sliding always lost the dispute.

    GB tends to ban the general bugs/cheats/glitches you see in every game; getting outside of the normal boundaries of the map, hacking, standbying, etc. Anything that would fall under the realm of "Exploit" (Such as Assassin dashing, Jackbot overhealing, and Moneyball shield shooting) is almost always allowed unless stated otherwise.

    TL;DR - GB tends to ban cheating and widespread gaming bugs. Game specific bugs and "exploits" are dealt with when/if the game gets more popular. The difference between a "Glitch" and an "Exploit" can be pretty big, because 'Exploit" can cover so many things. You can consider certain skill combos (Like Sniper FlakTraps) an Exploit, but it's obviously something that would never get banned.
  17. jjcpockets

    jjcpockets New Member

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    The devs said in some other thread that they unintentionally left the ability for pros to shoot down the money ball in the game. During their testing they needed to be able to knock the money ball down but without waiting for bots to run across the map, so they enabled a little bit of damage to get through and then they would ramp up their damage just to knock the money ball down. They simply forgot to make it so pros did no damage instead of a small amount.

    The base damage a player does to the shielded money ball is very low, so it takes a few clips of gunner's miniguns (two or three with ammo cap. endorsements?) to knock the money ball down and was therefore not considered a huge oversight (as it only affected a small portion of games where a player managed to get that much damage in uninterrupted).

    There has been a small outcry against the inclusion of this ability because it takes away from the core game play mechanic of pushing bots down the lanes, but for the most part it's not a huge issue because it's fairly easy to prevent.

    As for your friend the "cheater", unless he browses these forums then how would he know that shooting it down is a glitch and not an intended function in the game?

    xCOLONEL QUESOx New Member

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    Someone with the knowledge to say what I couldn't ;)
  19. Jebiga

    Jebiga New Member

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    No, you.

    You dont even get what i was pointing at.
  20. WiredGunslinger

    WiredGunslinger New Member

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    I'd say roughly 50% of the games I play ends in 3-5 minutes because of this. Heck when teamed we do it all the time. It's a core mechanic for now until they put out that first patch that fixes it. It will make games last longer, knock off assassin/assault base camping etc. I just hope they get rid of the ability to buy juice in overtime before then. Rediculous the amount of people who don't buy turrets etc as they pile it away for overtime juice.

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