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Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by toxn54, August 18, 2010.

  1. toxn54

    toxn54 New Member

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    zarakon you obviously have a different idea of what is fun, I don't watch reruns of shows from the 80s 14 times a night 3 nights a week, so why would I care to play the same people 14 times a night 3 nights a week? There is no challenge, everyone knows who is better and everyone knows how everyone plays and uses tricks to counter one specific persons gameplay style. As for your analogy of punching babies, there are plenty of 6 man groups that play this game, and we stomp them too. So far in our entire time on this title we have found one impressive player, and he was a pro sniper from GOW3.

    And child who keeps flaming my posts, a good assassin can kill bots and help the team, but most people aren't good assassins, so defending the people who pick up the game and then join a "pub" as zarakon likes to say, and then goes -15 to -25 but justifies it by saying they cleared a lane of bots into a base that got destroyed by some level 3 lazer blazers anyway, is counter productive to your argument. The point of the game is to improve gameplay quality for all players, create a competitive environment where professionals can have fun as well as new players. The only way that is accomplished is by setting good examples of game play tactics for each class, and the ideal assassin isn't going out and dying 100 times and playing pattycake with robots. Gunners, assaults, tanks, and snipers all do very well at taking out bots without dying 25 times and getting 2 kills. The assassin is the counter sniper and a jackbot killer, it's an important role if you have a coordinated team or the other team is made up of supports, snipers, and assassins, when you have 2 people go assassin and -25 that 1) provides 25-75 dollars per death to the other team depending on taunts which upgrades their players faster and therefore out-powers everyone else on the team and 2) causes the game to be 4 on 6 because you have 2 people being worthless. So, if you have a chance to evaluate the situation, explain to me how being out-numbered and over-whelmed by upgrades, annihilator purchases and turret upgrades is a good thing for the team?

    But its okay you escorted some bots to the base and dropped their money ball and you're the only player that matters, right?

    The thing that is wonderful about this game is that it is entirely team based, so an individual can make a team better or worse, but not make a team. Everyone has a vulnerability or weakness towards an objective, so you need range, bot destruction, fire power, fire rate, and angles, and it is substantially beneficial to have someone sustaining those figures, which is why you need all the pieces of the puzzle. I don't care if you play assassin, even though currently they are glitching and super jumping ontop of grenade 3 arena, I'm a tank my product grenade can hit you on the roof or my flame gun can melee you if you get close, but encouraging bad players to continue to be assassins to try to ruin other peoples games is ridiculous and you should quit encouraging people to rage quit.

    I rambled a lot here, I don't even remember what I was talking about, I don't really care, I was typing while eating my lunch. I also really like buffalo chicken wings with bluecheese and feta crumbles its amazing.

    I think it boils down to, the guy with the elf avatar doesn't make sense so I stop trying to, and I don't like him because he says annoying things that have no validation most of the time.
  2. faits

    faits New Member

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    Yes, actually, if you clear a lane, escort bots and drop the money ball all by yourself, you are the only player that matters. That's the entire point of this game.
  3. forrestthewoods

    forrestthewoods Uber Alumni

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    As neutrino said we are hard at work on fixing these issues and more. Match making is something that I have a strong personal interest in and at Uber we all want to solve these problems.

    My inbox is going to hate me for this..... but I'm going to make an open call for match making suggestions. Here's how you can participate!

    1) Send me, ForrestTheWoods, a private message with the subject "Matchmaking Opinion"
    2) In the body cleanly and concisely list any ISSUES you have. Describe the problem clearly. Do not suggest how to fix the problem here (that comes later).
    3) Next, cleanly and concisely list any SUGGESTIONS you have to fix the ISSUES. Again, be short and concise in your description.
    4) Notice the trend, SHORT. I'm not a community manager, I'm a programmer. This unfortunately means my time reading the forums and messages is limited. We take all community suggestions seriously but keep it please keep the word count manageable for my sanity's sake.

    If this experiment proves successful and we get a lot of solid, constructive feedback I will make a sticky thread devoted to the topic.
  4. Vinticus

    Vinticus New Member

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    I've been reading this and am VERY confused by what the ENTIRE conversation is about.... Ok so basically the in the OP you want better matchmaking i.e. sort by player level, connectivity, etc?

    I have never encountered this problem you speak of where you wait 30 minutes plus for a game, even with a team of 6, and what's so bad about playing 1 or 2 matches against your friends?

    Of course your epic boasting makes you sound more obnoxious than anything else and wasn't necessary in any way, shape, or form. A simple "I want to play people of equal skill level" would've been sufficient, but I digress.
    Last edited: August 25, 2010
  5. DCtheEE

    DCtheEE New Member

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    If agreeing with you on certain posts (which I have, if you'd actually pay attention), and then disagreeing on other parts is me flaming you, so be it.

    I'm not going to respond to most of the rest of your post because there's truth in it (mixed in with some insanity), and I agree with it, minus the part where you blame Assassins for being worthless. ANY class, played by a terrible player, can be worthless. However:

    1) It's Tingle of Zelda fame. Generally the most hated character in the series.

    2) I'm terribly hurt that you don't like me. I think it might just ruin my day.
    Last edited: August 25, 2010

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