Classes you would like to see.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Hell Wayne, August 24, 2010.

  1. Hell Wayne

    Hell Wayne New Member

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    Hey there me here just wondering what classes you guys would like to see. (Not suggestions just something you would think is cool.)

    I would like to see a spy class. A class that would turn into enemy color and class (Something like TF2 :D ) Lets hear your ideas!

    What is a spy in TF2?:
  2. Surberus

    Surberus New Member

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    The problem is that Uber did such a good job of making this game that there isnt a ton of room for new, balanced classes that don't significantly overlap current classes.
  3. JackBotXL

    JackBotXL New Member

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    i would like to see a new class ,sure. Heres an idea: why not make a DEMO MAN!
  4. Downfall

    Downfall New Member

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    Have you played TF2?

    Spies disguise is nearly useless, and the Assassin is pretty much the spy. Anyway they did a good job with the Balance, and I feel everything is covered
  5. King_Wonderful

    King_Wonderful New Member

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    A class I'd like to see would be a class called... caaalled... The Wonderful class.

    Basically, how it works, is that it has the highest health, has the highest speed and can kill any other class in one hit because it's weapon is a really powerful sniper... katana... launcher. A sniper katana launcher. And uhh... it's secondary weapon is a really big wooden mallet, why not.

    But to make things fair, I'm the only person allowed to play as this class, to keep balance in tact and what not.
  6. Hell Wayne

    Hell Wayne New Member

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    Spies are not useless...

    Anyways I think MNC is good the way it is, just wanted to know which classes you would like to see, not saying they need them.
  7. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    Quote bolded for emphasis. Nearly everyone spy checks because there aren't negative repercussions besides being deemed a paranoid ninny.

    The classes in MNC are all pretty much algamations of most popular class-based shooter conventions.

    Support is medic/engie. Tank is heavy/pyro. Assassin is a spy with the scout's speed and evasion. Assault is a mash up of scout mobility, demo explosives, soldier utility. Sniper is... the sniper. Gunner... well he's the heavy but something about the gunner is easier to handle then the heavy.

    I mean, what's left? I can't really think of anything. The cook? The navigator? The rubberman?
  8. Karishadz

    Karishadz New Member

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    ... A Bacon Class.
  9. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    I stand corrected.
  10. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    Nothing needed, and hard to find anything that's not already in the game in some form... Maybe a sort of rocket launcher type weapon and a class for it, RPG style, but meh.
  11. Doom

    Doom New Member

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    A class that specializes in bots would be pretty cool. Weapons could be similar to Halo Plasma weapons in the way that they specialize in breaking/killing shields so the character can clean out bots easily. He could spawn an extra pack of the "basic" bots (2 slim + 1 black jack) and his skills were based around buffing the bots he spawns/that are in his area.

    It'll be completely useless if players shooting the moneyball stays in the game though lol.
  12. Doom

    Doom New Member

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    ((Got bored. Class name sucks and I'm sure there's a better alternative for a primary than a Burst rifle, but it's all I could think of.))

    Name - Master
    Build - Medium (Support/Assault type)

    Primary Weapon - Burst Rifle
    Base Clip Size - 24 shots
    Damage - Same as Assault's MG/Rifle, but retains damage better over range
    Accuracy - Slightly more accurate than Assault's MG/Rifle
    Alt Fire - Aimed for more accuracy, slower movement speed.
    **Shoots in 4 shot bursts with 0.25 seconds between bursts**

    Secondary Weapon - Rust Gun
    Base Clip Size - 8
    Damage - Extremely low verse Pro's. Moderate damage verse bots with compounding slowdown effect on all bot actions with each successive hit
    Accuracy - Straight-line laser
    Alt Fire - Grapple
    **I feel every character should have a grapple, but I would rather see the Rust Gun's alt-fire heal bots. Almost like a Heal/Hurt gun, but does far less damage against Pros and doesn't lock on**


    X Skill (Booster)
    (LV1) When pressed, the nearest bot will gain a boost in Damage. Skill drains while in use.
    (LV2) Adds Defensive boost. Slower skill drain.
    (LV3) Adds Speed Boost. Now affects all bots within a small aura-like area while held down. Slower Skill drain.

    Y Skill (Herder)
    (LV1) Forces one bot to follow the user. Must stay within the general area of a "Lane" to continue following.
    (LV2) Adds slight knockback to enemy pros when applied. Now affects all bots within a small aura-like area when used.
    (LV3) Increases aura radius. Allows bots to follow player outside of "Lanes". Does not work on Jackbots.

    B Skill (Charge)
    (LV1) Same as Assault/Tank LV1 Charge
    (LV2) Increased Charge speed.
    (LV3) Increased Charge damage. Any bots under "herd" will charge as well.

    Passive Skill (Master)
    (LV1) Spawned bots gain increased Rate of Fire
    (LV2) Boosted bots gain increased Rate of Fire
    (LV3) Herded bots gain increased Rate of Fire. All bots expend slight "Shockwaves" that do small damage to players around the moneyball when exploding on the moneyball.
  13. Hell Wayne

    Hell Wayne New Member

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    Yea the games good. Well end of topic. If anyone wants to play send me a message :D and long live MNC!
  14. Jebiga

    Jebiga New Member

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    I hate all spy classes in everygame that can disguise into a guy of your team.

    Its the most annoying thing in a team shooter.
  15. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    I do like the idea of the burst-fire AR but do not care for the bots specific abilities as these would suffer in Blitz and detract from the Support's aura effect. I do think that a longer range skirmish class would be fun, something like a cross between a Scout and an Assault though with a focus on mobility. I also like the idea of a Leader class that has aura effects of some type but do not think that having them affect bots is the correct path.

    Instead, why not let him boost the morale of other Pros? This would allow him to improve his team but with the drawback of needing to be close to them at all times. Depending on the situation this could be a huge bonus or a big mistake (Air Stirke anyone?).

    A speed boost seems obvious for one of his skills and this would allow him to escape many situations or allow heavier teammates to accompany him more easily. At level 1 the boost only affects the Leader and not other Pros. At level 2 a small aura is added but no time increase. At level 3 the aura increases in radius and a small duration or rechrage rate is added.

    The offensive skill has me a bit worried though. You want to make it useful but don't want to break another class by using it. The obvious choice is a bacon-like effect that makes everything better but this one would need to be on a much longer cooldown. Depending on how intense this skill gets the cooldown could even be limited to once every 60 seconds. Similar idea to the speed boost though with a few tweaks for the sake of balance.

    I still don't know about the third skill but I think this one should either be movement related or involve defenses bonuses or abilities.

    The passive should evolve the AR into adding a 2x scope option when the left trigger is pulled at level 3 and increase critical chance at level 2.

    As for the secondary weapon I think a riot shield would be ideal. This Leader class, although physically weak, could use this shield to accompany other Pros into tricky situations and even protect them if possible. The secondary is of course the grapple but the primary holds the shield up to provide full protection from the front. Movement would be reduced while holding up the shield as well.
  16. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    I'd be happy to see opposite gender versions of the existing classes. Female gunner, tank, support and assault and a male assassin. Preferably with their own personalities and animations (as long as they don't change the ability or attack timings) rather than just a straight gender-swap :3
  17. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    Maybe a copy-cat, able to copy the X/Y/B abilities of other classes near him.

    I cannot think of anything else class-based, but i can think of abilities:

    1. A Wall that can be placed on the ground. It blocks movement, but can be destroyed. Usefull to delay the other team or use as cover.
    2. Some sort of laser-trip mine that explodes when someone is near.
    3. A neutralise gun. Sort of like a laser, when it hits something, preferable a pro, he is disabled for as long as you fire the laser. It does no damage and it cannot hold anyone for longer than say...10 seconds before it has to recharge. In the meanwhile you can back away from him and/or allow others to safely kill him.
    4. A power-shield, temporary gain more armor bonus.
    5. Transformer! Temporarily gain the looks (and abilities?) of a bot.
    6. A flamethrower!!!
  18. BotSpammer

    BotSpammer New Member

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    No those would be over powered... Maybe a long nosed guy with a slingshot... or maybe a doctor thats a reindeer, a blue nosed one, no less.
  19. Wutang85

    Wutang85 New Member

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    1.) A Super Quick Long Range bowman type class. The Bow would fire crazy fast but be pretty weak. He could send out a seeker bot ( pet ) and hunt pros with it and then jump around as he would be light and very quick.

    - If not bowman, then a RIFLEMAN if it fits the game more. ( alternate gun is pet bot )

    2.) Fighter - A Pro version of the Bouncer. Punches that do a lot of damage. More as you level up. Specials would be uppercut ( for ring outs ) , quick jab special for like 5 jabs in a row.

    Slow acceleration but once he gets going is really fast.
    - would have running jump hop ability that you could use to fat on people or fist from above with.
    - Alternate gun : Fat Nunchuck. a Big A** Nunchuck for help with close range combat.
    ( because some classes would counter the nunchuck and some the fists.....for balance ) :)

    or alternate Alternate gun ( lol ) Grapple Hook that you can also use to climb to Higher levels.

    If I made this game I would seriously consider adding other classes even if they eventually don't.

    These are my suggestions and I think they would actually add much more than they could ever take away from MNC.

  20. Imperfect Luck

    Imperfect Luck New Member

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    I know this is a shooter, but they are missing a sort of magic user class. Since this game is set in some weird future, maybe something like a psychic pro? Kind of like Biotics in Mass Effect. I think it would be fun to blast bots with telekinetic powers.

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