How to get Sniper Headshots with a moving target

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by AnGrY OrPhAnZ, August 24, 2010.

  1. AnGrY OrPhAnZ

    AnGrY OrPhAnZ New Member

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    It takes me a few seconds to line up the sight to a person who isnt moving, but how on earth do people get easy headshots while another person is across the map and constantly on the move? HELP!
  2. Red Rain

    Red Rain New Member

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    i u have sniped in any other game u can snipe in this. line up head level and then move it the direction of their movement and press the "do" button
  3. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    It really does get easier with time.

    I'm still bad, but I'm getting better.
  4. CrazyMonkeyKing

    CrazyMonkeyKing New Member

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    Sweep sniping seems to work well.
  5. Warhero89

    Warhero89 New Member

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    Sweep sniping, rapid fire, and getting their attention help greatly. I've had people think they were dodging me, when i really just wanted them to move in a predictable pattern by dodging left and right rapidly. If someone is running to the left dodging, leave your cursor trailing them to the right and the moment they go back, put a bullet in their skull.

    Practice makes perfect, and be patient when they don't realize you are looking at them, they may build a turret, go into skill pick, or go in a straight line, all bad moves when a sniper is on the other side.

  6. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    Sniper Bullets: Leadable (bullet takes time to get to target), or are they insta-damage like the Railgun?
  7. Dystopia

    Dystopia New Member

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    I was trying to figure this out the other day. It looks to me like headshots are hitscan, but any other shot takes time to get there.
  8. stealthyshAdo

    stealthyshAdo New Member

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    Headshots are really easy if you have sniped before.

    All it takes to be a Sniper is practice practice practice.
  9. Trademark

    Trademark New Member

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    That's what ive been finding too. Though I'm not sure because sometimes my headshots don't seem to connect even though it looks like im aiming straight for their skull. :|
  10. Red Rain

    Red Rain New Member

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    this. if u click shoot while aimed at the head its instakill otherwise u have travel time +bulletlag
  11. Monty

    Monty New Member

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    It also depends on what class you're shooting at. I've been playing primarily as sniper, and I've been getting better and better. I can pick off basically any target now that's moving. I generally lead my shots for the head, but more often then not, I shot for the body. It's a bigger target, and often being shot causes a second of confusion that will make the person slow down or double back. I use that second to ether finish them off with a couple body shots, or if they stay still long enough, to sweep back up to their head and fire.

    Also, if you're firing at an assassin, don't be too upset if you miss a headshot (or the assassin all together). They are easily the hardest target to kill with your sniper rifle. If they are close enough, just whip out your SMG and polish them off. It takes a little less then two clips to finish off most assassins.
  12. Great2seeyou

    Great2seeyou New Member

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    When fighting another sniper you want to aim for the head, then start to move the opposite way they are moving. I know some people find it easier to move with, but thats what the other guy wants isnt it? You will only get 1 chance to hit him each pass, timing and patience are mandatory. This also works with sweep sniping, make it as hard for him as possible to hit you and wait for him to flinch. Good luck. :D
  13. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    Is it just me, or does anyone else find that the support class is unusually hard to headshot? Seems like their hitbox is a bit smaller, given that they basically don't have a neck. Also, anyone notice that you can headshot tanks and gunners from the side and behind, even though you can't see the head?
  14. TouchFuzzy

    TouchFuzzy New Member

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    I did notice this, actually, and I'm wondering if it's a glitch or not. Seems like you shouldn't be able to due to the massive armor in place, but I'm not sure.
  15. rowmacks

    rowmacks New Member

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    I have noticed this as well. I get the invisible shield crap all of the time with them and it seems almost the only time i can head shot them is when it is when they are hacking or completely still. I can head shot ever other class on the move from different angles pretty often, but supports I almost exclusively go to the body now, and even then the hitbox is still a little screwy. Same stuff with the other classes against them as well. It is definitely not lag because I have a pretty fast connection (30mbps) and in the same game I can pop grapes on all the other classes.
  16. Red Rain

    Red Rain New Member

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    i can headshot the support just fine. maybe its its cuz ii only go for headshots(dont even upgrade my gun) that im used to their wierd head in betweeen the shoulders thing. i have trouble with assault getting shot in the head but the hitbox is weird and counts it as a normal shot even though there is nothing that i could have hit at that height if it wasnt a head
  17. Solid scorpion

    Solid scorpion New Member

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    Me and my friend play sniper exclusively as a sniper team our best game was me 46-0 and him 27-0, we are really good but even we have the running joke that headshotting a support moving is ridiculously hard i dont know what it is but it pisses me off when i click their face my explosive round procs and i see the shield blur but yet no headshot and sometimes not even damage. Im pretty sure its a combo of weird hit detection and lag.
  18. rowmacks

    rowmacks New Member

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    ^^^^^This. I just tested this out some more and see the same thing, you can see the explosive round hitting their face and it's doing nothing. Like I said, the only reliable headshots I could get on a support is when they are directly in front standing still or directly in the back of the head on the move. Anything else is pretty much impossible even though I can see rounds impacting. Something is up.
  19. ObligedBeef

    ObligedBeef New Member

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    The skill comes in time, personally I play a sloppy sniper on purpose. I zoom in shoot and come back out as quick as I can until the shot is made. I can also shoot accurate but I'm finding better results quick spraying. It helped me go 35-2 (average) in a a lot of games.
  20. scyfed

    scyfed New Member

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    if you wanna farm headshots what i did is get traps to lvl 2 then get up to the top layer and place em right in front of spawn. i get HUNDREDS of headshots this way. (my record is about 23 in one game using this strategy)

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