XShadowStormX's Pro Strategy Thread

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by XShadowStormX, August 12, 2010.

  1. Ian

    Ian New Member

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    You told me that you have no strategies :lol:
  2. GrumblyCoyote

    GrumblyCoyote New Member

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    What skills should I put for sniper?
  3. scyfed

    scyfed New Member

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    does the level 3 passive upgrade for sniper increase bullet damage?
  4. Rhodadendron

    Rhodadendron New Member

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    I usually only take one or two skills up to level three because of juice and annihilator etc. But I've been wondering about the stat increases that you get whenever you upgrade a skill. (Offense, Defense, Specialties) How important are they? As a gunner I wouldn't upgrade deploy past level two if I upgrade it at all but it gives me +4 bars to defense when fully upgraded. I don't know if they D is doing all that much for me but I feel like I take less damage in 1v1's with those four extra bars.

    Also what does the Specialties stat do for you? Does it increase the damage of your skills, lower their cool downs or both?
  5. Sunabozu

    Sunabozu New Member

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    I noticed today that clicking down on the right stick causes your character to swing his/her weapon as a melee attack, but I have no idea how to work this into my game plan.

    Any tips to get me started?
  6. XShadowStormX

    XShadowStormX New Member

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    I recommend Armor 3, skills 2 and rate of fire 1 or speed 1 Depending on how you like to play.
  7. Kernal Cupcakez

    Kernal Cupcakez New Member

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    Here's my question and maybe you guys can help. When you upgrade a skill in a match the skill frequently adds to your stats like offense, defense or specialties. Do increasing these skills indirectly affect the things this stat correlates with?

    Example for clarification:
    When you boost the assaults bomb, it also puts a stat point in offense. Offense effects damage so does this increase the damage your bullets do since your stat related to damage ( offense) was increased? I need to know because if so this will really affect the order i purchase skills in match.
  8. Adree1

    Adree1 New Member

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    No, you can basically ignore the "overall stats" readout.
  9. moodyjm2

    moodyjm2 New Member

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    To the poster who shared his assassin "turret"-killer build -

    If you look at the decrease in reloading time on the already fast reloading shurikan (sp) shooter, you'll realize it's actually only a fraction of a second, and probably more mental than anything. Also, speed at bronze level is only a measly increase in speed, and with dash, cloak, and smoke bomb+jump you really don't need it. I'd recommend Armor on any Assassin built but that could just be play-preference.

    Back to Shadow Storm -

    Is it worth getting Critical for an Assassin?
  10. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    I'm going to disagree on how you tell what endorsements someone has equipped.

    Since we've been talking about the sniper so much..... 1 level 2 mortar puts a sniper deep into the red without armor. With armor he's got less than 40% life left. Either way he's dead when the second hit lands (unless one of them was only a partial hit). Having an armor on the sniper is a waste because assassins still kill you. I disagree with having armor on a sniper; fight smarter not harder.

    If he's moving around like a madman he has speed on (lets face it most snipers base sit or very close to their base /yawn). If his uzi doesn't need to reload after about 6 bullets, then he has clip size. You can easily tell if you've spent a few minutes playing with the uzi.

    The hardest endorsement to judge is skill recharge. But, honestly some classes just make sense with skill recharge so it's an easy guess. Juice is another hard endorsement to guess, but you can get an idea based on how often they use juice in the match.
  11. amt alis

    amt alis New Member

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    Melee has little combat use but gives good juice from what I can tell
  12. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    I may not be Shadow Storm, but I believe I can help.

    Yes, it is most definitely worth getting Critical for an Assassin. Many times you will find yourself in a situation where the grapple wasn't able to finish your opponent off - it will probably leave them will little to no health. In this case, the Critical endorsement will make it much easier to deliver the killing blow, and reduces the chances of getting killed in the process.
  13. bigmac93

    bigmac93 New Member

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    I'm trying to make a sniper build that specializes in taking out bots and clearing lanes in an offensive manner. Is it worth is to have Skill Recharge as Gold for Flak and Traps? If no what do you recommend?
  14. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    I have very little experience with the sniper. What i do know (if my sources are correct) is that the Skill Recharge endorsements are as followed.

    Gold 33% faster
    Silver 25% faster
    Bronze 20% faster

    Compared to other endorsements the Bronze one is most "efficient" for Skill Recharge. A lot of other endorsements have an equal increase (for example +10%/+20%/+30%). So bronze is the one i would recommend, leaving Gold (and silver) for more efficient other endorsements.
  15. JohntheShrubber

    JohntheShrubber New Member

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    I don't play support much so maybe someone who does can answer my question.

    Whats the max number of turrets that you can have hacked?
  16. RAGE I V3NOM

    RAGE I V3NOM New Member

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    When you hack a turret, a countdown starts on the turret till the hack stops. I find that I can have about 2, although it might be 3 with skill pill. It's based on how fast your hack skill returns. I don't think theres an upper limit.
  17. JohntheShrubber

    JohntheShrubber New Member

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    Ah that makes sense

    Follow up question: I've noticed sometimes that the numbers showing what level the turret is are sometimes only partially solid. Does this show how much time the hack has left, hourglass style?

    I can try to rephrase that question if that made no sense. Having trouble describing what i mean
  18. RAGE I V3NOM

    RAGE I V3NOM New Member

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    Yep that's the time left of the hack on the turret. Hourglass style.
  19. JohntheShrubber

    JohntheShrubber New Member

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    Follow up follow up question:

    Does a higher level hack increase the damage, range, or longevity of the hacked turret?

    Would a level 3.3 firebase keep its hacked status longer than a 3.2, or would it stay hacked for just as long, but do more damage or have a higher range? Or any combination of these?
  20. RAGE I V3NOM

    RAGE I V3NOM New Member

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    I haven't tested this but I think they stay hacked for the same amount of time. It definitely feels the same amount of time when I play support.

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