Poll on Arenas

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by bgolus, August 23, 2010.


What's your favorite arena

  1. AmmoMule

    38 vote(s)
  2. GrenADE III

    74 vote(s)
  3. LaseRazor

    74 vote(s)
  4. Steel Peel

    20 vote(s)
  1. Wutang85

    Wutang85 New Member

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    Well they did say that they took out neutral turrets before the release.

    I have a feeling they will be making a triumphant return as soon as they find the best way to include them and keep it balanced.

    they could be the new dynamics of new maps that give them a different feel.

    Yea Steel Peel is becoming annoying to play on although as an Assault I can somewhat get around how I need to.

    Grenade 3 is the best, followed closely by LazeRazor.

    Ammo Mule is fine by me. I actually do well as Support on that map but I'm usually an Assault.

    I think this map would make the best use of neutral turrets actually.

    I wish steel peel was more open or had side wings to venture into and around instead of a circle that is a snipers dream.

    But enough complaining...this game is mega super awesome Fun.
  2. Phobos zYn

    Phobos zYn New Member

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    LaseRazor started off as my least favorite map, but now I think it's the best one. It has a lot of cover, and it feels unique. The one I like the least is SteelPeel because it's really easy to camp above another team's base and put freeze traps or mines at the top of their lift.
  3. Vinticus

    Vinticus New Member

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    My order of maps from best to least would be: Ammo Mule, Laze Razor, GrenadeIII, then Steel Peel.

    I like the size of Ammo Mule and Laze Razor, and the openness of GrenadeIII. Not a big fan of the spawn vs spawn battling of Steel Peel where snipers can take down base turrets from their base.
  4. Vernox

    Vernox New Member

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    They all have their ups and downs but overall I like Lazor Razer the most! I could post more but am pretty lazy tonight.
  5. Just King

    Just King New Member

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    My favorite map is Steel Peel because it's a great way for me to rack up the kills as a sniper. I always end up getting kill after kill by placing my freeze traps on the area where the other team lands when they use a jump pad to get out of their base. This map is great because it allows there to be a lot of combat and a lot less hiding behind walls and waiting for enemies like other maps.
  6. Medaforcer

    Medaforcer New Member

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    Every map except Steel Peel feels great for the most part. Steel Peel being not so great for the exact reasons this guy likes it.
  7. Veruca

    Veruca New Member

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    Yeah, tell me about it. What about 2-3 Support camping the walkway just outside/above your base... with a Gunner occupying the Annihilator spot. :x

    Anyway, I voted for LazeRazor (with AmmoMule 2nd and GrenadeIII 3rd).
  8. Obiwan Kenblomi

    Obiwan Kenblomi New Member

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    Just signed up here and thought I'd vote. I really would have voted any of them as my fav except for ... you know which one.

    I despise Steel Peel. As an Assault on SP I level up my jump height and flying time ASAP so I can fly out of our spawn to the top "camping" spots, but even then it's painful to watch the rest of my team get camped so hard, not be able to keep a turret up for more than 5 seconds and get sniped almost instantly when they try to build them as well.

    I won't quit mid game but I'll sure as hell leave before a game if SP doesn't get voted.
  9. brendy

    brendy New Member

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    LazerRazor > Ammo Mule > Grenade III = Steel Peel
  10. Cornstalk

    Cornstalk New Member

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    Ammo Mule - Great map, a little bit more cover for the turrets would be nice so mortars and sniper rifles can't safely destroy them from half way across the map

    Grenade III - The cover spot on the bridges on either side of either base can seem really cheap. Snipers and support that get up there are particularly hard to root out due to frost traps and safe firebase healing.

    SteelPeel - The team with the most gunners and/or support usually wins by locking down the middle. This isn't so much a problem with the map as the debate on the need for a class cap.

    LazoRazor - The concept of the map is great. The layout of the bases is HORRIBLE.
    [*] Money ball is vulnerable to attack from the upper sides, making it low risk to attack
    [*] Turrets are in terrible locations, and rarely attack pro's on upper levels even when hacked
    [*] upper levels have too much cover in general when approaching a base
    [*] The team that camps the other's base first usually wins. While true for most maps, LazoRazor is the only one I've regularly had a bad team get completely respawn camped on.
    [*] Tanks are practically worthless on this map when you could play a gunner instead (a lot of mid range fights)

    Playing on LazoRazor in general feels like being a bad sport. To win I have to abuse all the safe spots around their base to destroy their turrets. Losing usually means they're doing the same. Assaulting the other team's base is just far too... safe.
  11. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    GrenADE is my fave (thanks to someone in the replies who gave me the name to the right map in my head :lol:) and Steel Peel is my worst. I don't really know what I don't like about it; I never seem to do well on it, for one. I always sort of get surrounded or join a game where I'm already getting really badly baseraped from those bridges.
  12. Screwbeck

    Screwbeck New Member

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    Ammo Mule.
  13. joshdale

    joshdale New Member

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  14. Sunabozu

    Sunabozu New Member

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    GrenADE III is definitely my favorite as well. I just like how open it is and the separate section in the middle is a lot of fun.

    Echoing the sentiments of other's here and saying that Steel Peel is my least favorite. Huge sniping lanes and getting to the back doors feels awkward.
  15. Salen

    Salen New Member

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    I love GrenADE III. It's a fun map. My least Favorite is LazeRazor just because it's a haven of Assassins and Support classes. Oh the number of times I've seen those side turret hacked... :|
  16. Flyerfye

    Flyerfye New Member

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    As much as I don't want to just hate on a map without announcing my own favorite, I really really dislike Steel Peel.

    The walkway overlooking a base is just far too easy to get to and to hold, and makes it nearly impossible for a team to get back out of their base once they are penned in. Other maps allow a good team to bring themselves back from being pushed, but once you're in there on Steel Peel, you're pretty much sunk. It's the combination of the top ring being easy to hold (due to being able to just step back out of line of sight so easily, while easily covering / trapping the jump pad landing zone), and the sniper lines of sight from the other base keeping turrets down. There's just no effective counter strategy that I've been able to find.

    Not to mention the problems with artillery (that they just do not work at all).

    UberEnt, I hope you have a system that tracks what maps get vetoed, and with what frequency. You will quickly see what the favorite/least favorite map is.
  17. Dominooo

    Dominooo New Member

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    I agree. The class you play definitely will affect your opinion.

    Snipers love Steel Peel because of how open it is.
    Support loves Ammo Mule because they can drop the firebase in the center bunker.
    Dirty Ninja Glitchers love Grenade III and Laser Razor because they can outrun bullets.
  18. xxrpggamemanxx

    xxrpggamemanxx New Member

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    I'm a support who plays base turret defense using longshots so I love Grenade III. It's perfect for longshot turrets. I mean every once in a while the turrets will hit the barriers on the little bridges directly in front of them, but they are perfect on that level. Now since I'm a longshot player.... I HATE steel peel. Long shots are absolutely useless on steel peel.
  19. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    Scathis made a good point in saying that each map is designed to promote and hinder certain strategies in their own unique way. Good way to think about it when discussing maps.
  20. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Well I disapprove of anything that promotes sniper spam

    It's bad that we even have such a thing as "sniper spam".

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