To Solve The Support Class Once and For All

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Wishlist' started by UberSoldat 247, August 23, 2010.

  1. UberSoldat 247

    UberSoldat 247 New Member

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    As defined on

    Support - support materially or financially, back: be behind; approve of, a military operation to strengthen a military force or aid in the performance of its mission

    Alright, now that we're all educated in what Support means, lets move on. Now before you flame this post Mr.Support man, hear me out because this will benefit your class in a way which it should have been in the first place. The Support class can hack into turrets to make them stronger in all ways, correct? This is great! The Support class can even create his own turret (firebase) to aid his teamates in combat! This is also great. The Support can call in artillery to help out which is fine because it has a large cool-down! That is what I like about the Support class.

    So if this class was meant to be supportive, why do I often see them running around racking up kills? This is what I am proposing; a change on this class for the better. How about UberEntertainment makes it so that Support can build turrets for cheaper. Lets say around 10-15% cheaper. Then we lower his base health (make it the same as Assault?) because lets face it, he has a LOT of health. Then we slightly lower his movement speed, and put a reload on his infinite Heal/Hurt gun. Are you still with me? Instead of nerfing the firebase, how about we make it so that once the Support dies, his firebase gets destroyed too.

    I couldn't decide whether to post this on the Feedback/Issues section or the Wishlist section because this IS feedback, and the things I've posted above ARE issues, but this is also a "wish" I suppose. Please take this in to consideration for those of you who read the entire thing. Thanks.
  2. VawnOTheDawn

    VawnOTheDawn New Member

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  3. UberSoldat 247

    UberSoldat 247 New Member

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    Well that certainly wasn't a valid argument. You must play as the Support and couldn't think of a reason why my idea was wrong or wouldn't fit in the game properly, so you pretty much just proved me right. :D
  4. bunnelz

    bunnelz New Member

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    i agree with the firebase idea sounds amazing but what i think needs a nerf is the air strike it is way to strong they can throw 2 out that one shots players and it sticks to players to :\ to a gunner or tank it is kinda silly i would love to see it nerfed
  5. dig420

    dig420 New Member

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    i use support as my main class...i love that my firebase doesnt die with me.....i like running back and getting into a fight with people that are trying to kill the firebase it makes the game fun!!!! please dont kill my firebase with me.
  6. CTG iRandom

    CTG iRandom New Member

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    So you're hating on the people who play the support class just because they want to win or have the most score points? Why don't you be supportive and actually try to contribute instead of upgrading all your stats to max before helping out the team by purchasing turrets, etc....

    how hypocritical

    EDIT: I do in fact play the support class and some of you may have played with me before. I ALWAYS get the most total point at the end of the game...WHY?
    Because that's exactly what I do, I support AND THEN SOME. While my teams (random people, I always play by myself) would just camp, I would always purchase the most expensive turrets, upgrade them, and over-heal them whenever I can while still trying to play as a soldier by actually going to the battlefield and get as much kills as I possibly can instead of just sit and wait by my base. I like playing as the support class because not only can I support them by playing defensively, but I can also play offensively.
  7. UberSoldat 247

    UberSoldat 247 New Member

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    You just proved my point
  8. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    I just don't understand making him reload his heal/hurt gun. It's not like you can heal someone faster then someone shooting him, assuming that person shooting him has stable aim. If it's referring to him camping his firebase, you simply approach him differently if its obvious he's gonna camp it hardcore

    Assassinate him, airstrike him, sticky bomb him away, headshot him, mortar him.

    I don't see the point of him healing a gunner in a fray and then suddenly he has to stop to reload and both of them die.

    If he's locked onto you, there are plenty of things to do to get him off. Charge him, cloak, flak, hell, even your secondary grapple since him having his heal/hurt gun out means he can't grapple back.

    The support obviously got some of his design ideas from the TF2 medic, and his medigun defines him as a support class.

    Sure, nerf his options that allegedly make him a potent offensive force, but don't nerf the things that are actually meant for support. If I die from the hurtgun, it's my own damn fault.

    My input comes from tank and assassin gameplay. Tanks can outdamage the hurtgun's output and assassins just need to cloak and walk away, preferably while whistling a comforting tune.

    You can push everything else, but reload for his main weapon is something I vehemently oppose as someone who has experience as a medic in TF2.
  9. smartguy373

    smartguy373 New Member

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    I play Support for my main and i usually get a lot of kills (like around 30) each game and that's mostly me shotgunning people who get close to me and silly assassins who try to kill my Firebase.
  10. N0NEoftheAB0VE

    N0NEoftheAB0VE New Member

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    If anything is too powerful on the Support it is his airstrike, not sure what you would do to modify it though

    I wouldn't be supportive of wiping out the firebase when he is killed though, I think in order to Hurt enemies with the Hurt Gun he should at least be aiming at them at all times.
  11. Schmicarus

    Schmicarus New Member

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    In all fairness, your initial argument wasn't "valid". Since validity is a question of premises logically leading to the conclusion, merely stating that the semantic definition of the word support implies some necessity to conform only to supporting the team/other players, and not benefiting the player him/her-self directly in game isn't really valid. You'd have to prove that the classes should be handled strictly based on the definitional attributes of their name. That would imply that the Tank should have treads and not feet, a cannon and not a jet engine (something with splash damage, not the rail gun) and require at least three players to be fully operational.

    But yeah, if the Firebase died, that would probably be better. Even as a medic I feel bad about this, especially when I drop next to the money ball and get wasted, it continues to bring it down while the team tries to defuse the rest of my group. We're the only class that gets such an ability. I don't think it's necessary or "fair".
  12. fake

    fake New Member

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    Get over the name, buddy. This board isn't about linguistics, it's about MNC. It sounds to me like the problem isn't with the support, it's with you taking the name way too literally.

    By your logic, the gunner shouldn't be able to do anything other than "gun" and the assassin shouldn't be able to build turrets, use the annihilator/ejector or spawn bots since that isn't techincally "assassination" and the sniper should have no traps since that isn't "sniping."

    Chill out and just try to get better at the game. That's much more likely than the developers reprogramming around your lack of ability. These sorts of threads need to go into the MNC strategy section since that's the real issue here, you haven't figured out how an effective strategy yet. It's your fault. Not the game's.
  13. Muttly2001

    Muttly2001 New Member

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  14. fake

    fake New Member

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  15. CTG iRandom

    CTG iRandom New Member

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  16. Imsoooometal

    Imsoooometal New Member

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    How does this help support? You'd turn them into glass cannons. Ever been a Support and get lit up by a Gunner? Takes about 1.1 seconds. Cheaper turrets would do **** as well as turrets are a joke in the HP department.
  17. Alecvgamer

    Alecvgamer New Member

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    Honestly, the Support is the most powerful class, but you can't exactly cheapen the character to that extent. I think the problem is that the support is a combination of two traditional classes: the engineer and the medic. Maybe in a new iterartion the class can be separated so there would have to be more communication between the players.
  18. wickedxtheboss

    wickedxtheboss New Member

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    No not at all the class is hard to get good at only thing i realy kill with is my firebase. It's a hard class all the classes are even they set it up in rock paper one class is good on some while it sucks on other support sucks on tanks and assassin. The airstrie is easy to see and can be hard at times to get kills with.

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