Most Overpowered Class?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by scathis, August 23, 2010.


What is the most overpowered class?

  1. Assassin

    30 vote(s)
  2. Assault

    15 vote(s)
  3. Gunner

    53 vote(s)
  4. Tank

    9 vote(s)
  5. Support

    155 vote(s)
  6. Sniper

    92 vote(s)
  7. None, they are fairly well balanced

    111 vote(s)
  1. Captain Awful

    Captain Awful New Member

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    Support is the most overpowered. One hit kills in a large radius to everything is way too powerful of an ability. I'd suggest doing less damage vs bots (Jackbots in particular), turrets, and requiring a stick to activate a OHK on a player, just to deal with those pesky deployed Gunners/Tanks.

    I see a lot of Gunner hate, but I have no problem destroying them with an Assault, Support, or Assassin. Tanks have a hard time against Gunners unless they make good use of their railgun.
  2. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    I still see plenty of overtimes..
  3. Gawain301

    Gawain301 New Member

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    Wow everyone is starting to cry as much about the Support as they did when this game first came out and they cried about the Assassin. The Gunner too? Really? Do you people even bother TRYING ALL OF THE CLASSES FIRST?

    I'm getting tired of pointing out easy ways to kill all of the classes so you know what I'm done justifying my argument at how this is a perfectly balanced game and that everyone needs to STFU about how they FEEL that the game is unbalanced without even mastering all classes first.

    I guess the short answer on how you people die a lot in game is to say that your new or you haven't mastered the game or your just flat out bad. The long answer would have to be how it seems to always be that one team is highly organized and capable of a perfect defensive and offensive strategy while the other team is just in disarray and have no idea of what they are doing. Classes aren't to blame, it is to be blamed on team mates and personal skills.

    But don't hate the game, hate the player because in real life there should never be anyone who is better at something than you are (OBVIOUS SARCASM IS OBVIOUS). In multiplayer there will always be someone who will be capable of killing you with delicate ease and no amount of nerfs or power downs will stop them from beating you so how do you beat them? YOU GET BETTER, or do you expect every challenge in life can be solved by nerfing it? Stop trying to ruin this awesome game because I assure you as long as there is at least two people in the world, someone is going to want someone dead. (Did you see what I did there?)
  4. PiggyGamer

    PiggyGamer New Member

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    I know the devs are intelligent people, but still, I hope they don't take the results of this poll too seriously. Relying on feedback from such a small (though vocal) portion of the population can't possibly give accurate results.
    Especially since it's mostly the people who have something to complain about that go on these forums anyways. (I'm not trying to be mean or make fun of anyone here, I'm just stating what I believe to be true. Those who have no problems are too busy playing MNC to bother posting on the forums.)

    I voted that it's balanced. I've played as every class (though my experience with gunner and assault are comparatively limited), and I find that all the strategies and counters that exist between the different classes creates very deep and rewarding gameplay that encourages teamwork and experimentation. Go Uber! Hiyooooo!
  5. AssassinsGoneWild

    AssassinsGoneWild New Member

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    I was going to start punching kittens if Assassin was in the lead.
  6. Karishadz

    Karishadz New Member

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    Im shocked how the Assassins Not in the lead, after all the rage they seemed to stir.

    Well on the bright side, at least most of the community finds everything to be balanced. Even though a few tweaks would be needed.
  7. Warhero89

    Warhero89 New Member

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    The balance is affected by how you can counter a certain strategy and how opposing classes can react to them. I personally feel that support is the most OP, because it can respond to anything the enemy throws at them, except the sniper from range.

    Assault vs. Support - If he has a fire-base out, his charge is rendered as only an escape tool, and you have to get far too close to the fire-base to kill it with your X grenade. Your grenade launcher is a good choice, but from some areas it is very difficult to do damage to the fire-base, and you must be in firing distance of that level 3 hack. Usually even with a higher rate of fire, without help you cannot take out a single fire-base yourself that is being healed. Heaven forbid if there are multiple supports, with multiple fire-bases... Get close, and you get shotgun'd. Keep your distance/cover, and you will be forced out by constant air-strikes. The fire-base has better damage output then the assault's assault rifle...

    Assassin vs. Support - It's honestly not hard to see/hear an assassin coming, and while one can kill you, if there are multiple supports, another one is just gonna put a shotgun shell in your head before you can get away. The cool down of the grapple prevents you from cleaning up a series of fire-base turrets, and if they are over-healed, you cannot smoke bomb them and destroy them. Shurikens can eventually eat through a firebase that is being healed, but you must have yourself exposed the entire time, and 3 minutes exposed as an assassin isn't gonna happen, unless the opposing team only consists of that one player.

    Sniper vs. Support- Probably the only case where support will have a problem, but usually if the Fire-base is in the right location, it is near impossible to kill it. The explosive rounds do wonders against a support in the thick of bots and turrets, but against the offensive support, it is very difficult to fight him considering an air-strike kills your traps, and the bouncing hurt-heal attack is very hard to counter with the snipers equipment. While we can kill the turrets after constantly attacking it, during that time we are completely exposed, and the opponent is probably doing bad things to us like destroying our turrets, or killing us.

    Tank vs. Support- The support can kill a tank extremely quickly with his fire-base, and a couple shots with the shotgun do massive damage against a tank. Also a good stick with an air-strike and that tank is flying into the sunset. The tank can kill a support by surprise rather quickly, but it is a close call between an over-healed turret and the tanks jet-gun. The tank has a hard time disposing of more then one Fire-base though...

    Gunner vs. Support- This is similar to a tank, but in this case, he has less health, does damage slower then the tank against this turret, and is more affected by the supports shotgun and air strikes. His mortar launcher can hit it but seems to do far less damage to a firebase, then it does to a base turret.

    Assault is a close second because of his damage output, speed(Makes very hard to hit which reduces damage output while also keeping enemies in the killzone.) And his ability to suddenly throw people from great distance. Only a gunner can really put this quick athlete down with consistency, and even then, he can stick a gunner/tank, and kill them quick.

    Assassin has a few things i would re-balance about her in overtime, and her ability to solo turrets extremely quickly.

    Here are a few suggestions for balancing:
    -Remove Fire-base over-heal (Makes them far easier to remove without making them completely vulnerable.)
    -Remove the ability to hack a Fire-base (This is what makes them OP in many instances, they shouldn't completely lock an area down, but should help keep a lane clear of bots, and take care of the not so careful player, not offensive tools)
    -Slow all the characters down(Reduce the benefit from gold tier speed)
    -Reduce the starting juice for the assassin in Overtime (The assassin can effectively cloak into the enemy base, start attacking the moneyball with her sword, and juice almost immediately for massive damage.
    -Reduce the damage done by the assassin's sword to base turrets (The assassin can cloak in, smoke bomb, and destroy a turret before being killed, and it is difficult to realize this is happening when you have a push going, and is far too effective.
    -Slightly reduce the blast radius of the sniper's explosive round/reduce it's damage to players and reduce damage of sniper bullets to turrets over great distance. (Nothing worse then a sniper spawning every 8 seconds that keeps going back and sniping out your rocket turrets in your base, or any turret for that matter from his base. A support should be able to heal the turret faster then he can kill it, although they should negate each other so other help can push though the turret.

    Some of the issues with the sniper relate to map design, but other then the dome, the sniper's are counter-able.

    The rest is really good. I enjoy this game greatly, and think you guys did a fantastic job, but some of the classes have abuses that you really cannot counter without your entire teams help, and in MNC, shifting your entire team for a small job can cost you a couple turrets in the process. And that is only a temporary fix. Killing an opponent has little penalty for them other then having to move back onto the field.

  8. fake

    fake New Member

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    Good games are supposed to challenge the players. Annoyance when the game is working = game success. (Unless it's lag or glitches, obviously.)
  9. m0nkeyb0y77

    m0nkeyb0y77 New Member

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    VERY WELL SAID! I concur.
  10. scyfed

    scyfed New Member

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    1. assaults grenade launcher can destroy the firebase wherever.
    2. assassins can cloak mid-grapple and you expect one assassin to take out 4-5 people?
    3. tanks shouldnt be standing in front of a firebase anyway and the railgun will own it.
    4. a gunner with gold rof, silver accuracy and dual minigun while tear the overhealed firebase apart.
    5. an assassin cant 1v1 a turret especially if support did what there made for which is SUPPORT
    6. on that note a grapple w/ shotgun will waste assassins juice.

    the game is balanced. the only thing is that needs tweaking is the gunners damage at range, with gold rate of fire, silver accuracy and dual miniguns you can out snipe snipers and decimate everything at sniper rifle distance
  11. maven00

    maven00 New Member

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    Support's air strike is a golden gun. No class should have a golden gun. AS should be a TKO on turrets and mid-sized bots, but to nuke a 100% tank is a serious balance issue (and especially to have three chances at full upgrade). Some good nerfs (that other people have already mentioned that I second) would be 1) changing damage calc on pros 2) elongating the delay between planting beacon and the strike and 3) increasing recharge time.

    I think the firebase is an annoying beast, but is not OP at all.
  12. Vike113

    Vike113 New Member

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    I think that Uber has done a great job balancing classes, but I feel like the support should be toned down a little, mainly the firebase.
    Another problem I have with the support is that he can use a fairly cheap tactic that is to mash the A button while using the Hurt-Gun. All other classes can jump to avoid a grapple but support is the only one that can easily do damage at the same time without having to aim.
    I think that the "grapple immunity" while jumping should be put on a cooldown after 1 or 2 jumps to avoid everyone from mashing A whenever they hear the cloak sound. Or you could reduce the cloak sound.
  13. Gawain301

    Gawain301 New Member

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    Wow why does everyone want an overhaul on the Support when all it will do will make it useless and then those people that wanted an overhaul on the Support will want someone else to be overhauled right after.

    A nerf wont make you better at the game, it will just ruin the game. When you play ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS and the other person has chosen PAPER and you chose SCISSORS does the other person have the right to say "oh no the SCISSORS are too powerful, I want that nerfed (hehehe what he doesn't know is that I'm just bad at the game)." No that just doesn't happen so why should it happen here?

    Airstrikes - Avoidable

    Firebase - Grenade Launcher, Dual Minigun, Railgun, Ad Space Grenade, Assault Bomb, Smoke Bomb, Flak, Hurt Gun, Airstrike, Assault Rifle, Mortar Launcher and Sniper Rifle can kill it easily, you just cant act stupid and run up to it expecting to kill it then cry "how did it kill me?"

    Shotgun - Less of a Range then the Jet Gun (If your that close and know the dangers of a shotgun then your asking for a pop to the face by it) a shotgun is a shotgun, not a water gun or pillow gun.

    Heal/Hurt Gun - Your kidding right? The weakest weapon in the game needs an update too? Now I know you guys are seriously crying when you even want the WEAKEST gun in the game to get WEAKER. (The glitch however where the range of the gun is extended should be fixed though because that is an exploit, not part of the game).

    Hacking - If you see a Support class in your base next to one of your turrets do you honestly not care enough to kill him before he hacks your turret? As for him hacking his own turret why can't he? Taking that out would even break his uses on BLITZ, yeah BLITZ remember? The OTHER mode on this game that is also fun.

    Health - Standard enough to be 3 shotted by the Sniper, made quick work of by the Assault and Ground Slammed by the Gunner. The Assassin can always KO him from behind and the Tank can four shot him with the Railgun.

    Seriously you guys could find just about anything to complain about in a perfect game couldn't you? You can't fix perfection, you can only break it forever. Quit blaming your problems on the Support when you are simply getting killed by a better player than you.

    You didn't expect this game to be full of people that would let you win right?...right?
  14. Gawain301

    Gawain301 New Member

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    As for the other minority who thinks that the Gunner is overpowered, what? I mean what? He is highly noticeable on the battlefield and is normally as much of a public enemy as the Assassin which is why people aim for them first.

    Minigun - Ok you want to take out a highly inaccurate gun that only does massive damage at mid range? The insane accuracy comes from the Endorsement ITRUBA so quit complaining on that.

    Mortar Launcher - Yes because you really can't sidestep a Mortar approaching you can you (OBVIOUS SARCASM IS OBVIOUS).

    Deploy Mode - You don't think that he should just be a walking target for the Assassin do you? Also the Sniper Rifle saves lives, again going back to the PLAY ALL CLASSES FIRST! (And yes I know Snipers can't shot through the head shield, they can still 3 shot him).

    Ground Slam - Easily Avoidable unless your standing right next to him.

    Grapple - Easily Avoidable unless you are right in front of him in his face in which case, why didn't you grapple him?

    Jetpack - A quick escape tool, makes him more noticeable.

    Its not the class, its the player and the team that you are matched against. So stop crying about classes when in reality you just keep getting killed by people who are better than you.
  15. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    I really really really wanted to put 'None' but I thought it might help you guys out a little bit if I forced myself to choose one and went with Support on the sole fact that the Hurt Gun is a pain in my back side. Overpowered? Probably not considering how much damage the Assault Rifle does, but I still can't seem to get away from that (Hurt Gun) thing no matter what I do. Once you're in range you can even get into cover to escape because it just bends round it!

    That and the three Mortar Strikes before recharge.
  16. faits

    faits New Member

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    Support's air strikes could be toned down to only be an insta-kill if it's a successful sticky (and otherwise just do damage like any other weapon in the game.) Does he really NEED an insta-kill weapon in addition to his firebase and shotgun (both of which do pretty decent damage in their own right)

    Yeah air strikes are often avoidable, but a smart support with three air strikes can box you in and give you nowhere to run. The first time I ever played support I got the three kill thing just by surrounding a group of opponents with air strikes.
  17. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    Yes, Nerf is a 4-letter word but we are not talking about taking away from the Support or any other class. Instead most of us are suggesting a lateral adjustment that changes the way a feature handles. Take Air Strikes for example, the Support gets 3 of these at level 3 with a 60s cooldown (no skill recovery). So instead of letting them spam all 3 at once why not give them 1 Air strike with a 20 second cooldown? The end result is the exact same so there is honestly no 'nerf' as 20+20+20 still equals 60 and 1+1+1 still equals 3.

    Likewise having a Support constantly heal a turret and gain juice from it is also a bit too much so force the Support to reload their HH Gun and allow Rate of Fire to actually have an effect. In the end the Support will still be able to heal or hurt a target just as effectively but they will not be able to do it while jumping and facing the wrong direction the entire time as reloading while force them to reacquire a lock. This change would also make Clip Size a major bonus for the Support as well. The Juice gain from healing does need to be reduced slightly however.
  18. karr1z4j2

    karr1z4j2 New Member

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    The Supports airstrike.

    I haven't heard anyone call it by it's proper name yet so I will. What all of you are experiencing is called

    "Grenade Spam"

    This is a problem for many online shooters. In Call of Duty 4 you could get a perk that gave you three frags. In Modern Warfare 2 they took that perk out to stop the "Grenade Spam"
    Now the way to deal with "Grenade Spam" is not to take the "Grenade" out but the "Spam."

    Slowing the time between throws of the airstrike would solve this issue completely. So we still get the "Grenade" without the "Spam"
  19. soccer

    soccer New Member

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    I know Scathis is just curious, but the game is two weeks old. I'd bet there aren't a whole lot of people that have really tried using all the classes for any meaningful length of time. I only have handle on 3 of the classes myself (Support, Assassin, Gunner). And, yes, I have played plenty since the game was released.

    There are only 2 things that need to be nerfed at this point:

    1) Sniper rifle's damage on the money ball while juiced. A juiced sniper with full passive can end the game himself.

    2) II6FUII Gibbs: Can we add 30 seconds to his respawn timer? Bastard steals all my kills, regardless of what class he feels like using. I could go 30-5 every game, too, if he wasn't on the other side of the map eating all the kills all game long.
  20. m0nkeyb0y77

    m0nkeyb0y77 New Member

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    Just put that dude on your avoid list. "Lack of Skill"

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