Uber Entertainment = Next Bungie ?

Discussion in 'Uber Entertainment Discussion' started by TobyWhat, August 9, 2010.

  1. TobyWhat

    TobyWhat New Member

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    From the way things are going, and even the fact that this company is based in kirkland, Remind me so much of the early days of Bungie studious, and from me thats a really awesome compliment, Since my all time favorite game company is Bungie.

    I Just think the atmosphere seems the same, and the devotion to its game content shaken (not stirred) with all the secrecy that surrounded the game at first reminds me of how Bungie play out this complicated game of making games.

    I really can't wait for what this studio produces next, and i haven't even played their first game yet 8D
  2. cazoofoo

    cazoofoo New Member

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    Meh, I dislike Bungie for my own reasons... Hey! I can't just fanboy any old gaming company I have to love them and they love me and we should frolic in meadows spending hours getting the next level... * reminisce's with valve*
  3. The_Jx4

    The_Jx4 New Member

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    Bungie is my target workplace, unless I somehow start my own studio.

    Uber Entertainment, you guys are a serious breath of fresh air. It don't let those silly "TF2" comments get to you, the majority of people who say "watches the trailer and goes back to TF2" have never played the game.

    Keep being...I'm trying to avoid saying this, but wth, keep being Uber.
  4. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    I hope not. Bungie hasn't made a good game since Myth II.

    Considering you were born the same year Marathon was released, I have to wonder how much you know about Bungie's "early days."
  5. SaberJ

    SaberJ New Member

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    Please. Don't let your biased opinions cloud you from seeing what Bungie has done since then. Whether or not you like Halo is your choice. But Bungie has done more to innovate online console gaming and FPS games in particular than most other studios combined.

    There is still no site quite like Bungie.net. The amount of stats they provide is insane. The ability to go in and see exactly how many kills you have, where they were, what weapons you used, etc. It's a true innovation that has been around for years now. Then when you add in game videos, pictures, and custom maps. It's still a level that most developers can't hit, even though they started on most of this stuff years ago.

    Granted, a lot of their passion and support comes from the fact that they are riding the money train with Halo. But still, I definitely see the point from the OP that UberEnt is very similar in the passion they have with this game. Can't wait to see what their future holds.
  6. The_Support

    The_Support New Member

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    I love me some Bungie and I can't wait for Reach!

    But forget about that for now because we are talking about Uberness. I would have to agree(or at least hope so) because I can't get enough of this great game that I bought for only $15! You can't even get Halo 3 for $15 bucks! Well, probably used...but still. You can tell that Uber put a lot of time in this game and want people to love it. To put that much love into something and sell it for only $15 is epic. Nuff said.
  7. Rawdell210

    Rawdell210 New Member

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    Uber is great. but u have to admit, is it possible to compare there games to halo reach that is going to be coming out?
  8. Glenn ZA

    Glenn ZA New Member

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    Uber Entertainment early days:

    Bungie Early days:

    An ever so slight difference in start ups but the success of Uber Entertainment is without a doubt going to be on par with Bungie.

    I am adoring both for sure and of course the games they have developed.

    ;) :cool:
  9. D3C3P7AKONZ

    D3C3P7AKONZ New Member

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    Bungie = sellout
    Epic = Great (but slowly sliding backwards)

    u can quote me on that

    D3C3P7AKONZ - still waiting on my stats to get back from there holiday....
  10. The_Jx4

    The_Jx4 New Member

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    Excuse me? Bungie, a sellout?

    How so? You obviously don't know what you're talking about.
  11. Intricasm

    Intricasm New Member

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    If Uber keeps interacting with their community the way they are, they're going to end up just as successful as Bungie. They seem like a great group of people with goods heads on their shoulders, so here's to a great future for the makers of my new favorite game.
  12. D3C3P7AKONZ

    D3C3P7AKONZ New Member

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    yes sellout did i stutter? they became a sellout when they just kept on riding that halo train... and produced the worst shooter ive played... round of GAYLO 3 any1
    im not saying they dont produce quality most of the time but to me Bungie almost seems stale and cold like master chief's underwear

    i really am hoping this new reach refreshes the franchise

    yeah i realise im gonna get bombed with death threats and hate mail from Bungie Fanboys and Halo Fanboys and i dont really care everything i liked bout bungie aint there maybe im just a grumpy old man but ohhh well

    And i know Bungie are stuck in microsoft's death clutches as much as any other producer. But it seems just like microsoft they have gotten stuck watching there wallets get fatter more than anything and loving it who needs fans when u have money right?....

    PLZ UBER dont be all bout the dollar and make games for gamers

    and to those who dont like what i have said plz refrain from telling me so its only my opinon and not a valid @ that...just the ramblings of a mad man
  13. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    Regardless of what your personal opinions are about Halo3, whether you're a fanboy or not, you can't ignore the fact that it is an amazingly well produced game. I'm not the biggest Halo fan but the sheer amount of features and production value that Bungie puts into their games is amazing. We know those guys personally and they are not "about the dollar". No successful gaming company continues to develop hit after hit just focusing on money alone.
  14. D3C3P7AKONZ

    D3C3P7AKONZ New Member

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    hey im no industry guy and maybe the way i said it just came out wrong but.. i just lost faith in bungie it seemed to me after halo 2 they just went crazy with it... to me that says cash grab im not saying they dont make a fantastic product i just think halo has had its day with all the spin off's and what not RTS's now a 3rd person?

    but im sure there a swell bunch of guys who have looked after those who support bungie and halo but as a person who aint really into the whole halo thing there a bit hollow for me im sure they have produced other great titles but i dont wanna offend any1 here so ill just shut it now lol....
  15. PrivateJohn

    PrivateJohn New Member

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    Yes. Hats off to Uber for such an awesome community build up. Similiar to Bungie in the old days.
  16. The_Jx4

    The_Jx4 New Member

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    Calling them sellouts offended me. So you're saying that since they made a lot of money that they should stop making Halo? These guys have a story that they want to tell and they're doing it through video games, and they're about to finish it.

    They aren't ALL that concerned with the "money train" seeing as they took the risk of being an independent company again, and losing their franchise.

    Uber, if you guys do decide to become a commercially owned company, just don't go with Microsoft. Get one of those special deals with Activision or EA, hell Ubisoft even.

    Keep up the great work guys. I do have one question, are there any other genre's you guys are interested in?
  17. Mister A

    Mister A New Member

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    no no no. Uber NEVER go work for activision or EA. they are slimy companies and will run anything down. stay with Microsoft, dont be like bungie and betray everyone
  18. lllaaazzz

    lllaaazzz New Member

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    Yeah.. Uber Ent is pretty ******* amazing, Won my heart.
    No more mw2 and Halo3 for me
  19. D3C3P7AKONZ

    D3C3P7AKONZ New Member

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    slowly backs out of room before he is mauled by fanboys..... :lol:
  20. vashkey

    vashkey New Member

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    Uber has taken a big step toward greatness with MNC. Hopefully they can become a developer thats just as awesome as bungie.

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