Most Overpowered Class?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by scathis, August 23, 2010.


What is the most overpowered class?

  1. Assassin

    30 vote(s)
  2. Assault

    15 vote(s)
  3. Gunner

    53 vote(s)
  4. Tank

    9 vote(s)
  5. Support

    155 vote(s)
  6. Sniper

    92 vote(s)
  7. None, they are fairly well balanced

    111 vote(s)
  1. quidmonkey

    quidmonkey New Member

    Likes Received:
    Support: Allow enemy turret hacks only with Level 3.
    Sniper: Allow traps to be destroyed by shooting at them.
    Gunner: Lower long range accuracy.
    Assassin: Fix glitches.

    Overall, improve net code and matchmaking, and fix Money Ball and Jackbot glitches.
  2. fake

    fake New Member

    Likes Received:
    * citation needed**

    ** saying the class name is "support" =/= an actual citation.
    Last edited: August 23, 2010
  3. fake

    fake New Member

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    So, it sounds to me like your gripe is really just about linguistics/semantics.
  4. SaintJ

    SaintJ New Member

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    I choose Other: Host Migration.


    1. Potentially anyone can cause host migration and can do so without knowing it. They quit and there it is.
    2. Anyone that is losing will usually cause a host migration
    3. Host migration can prevent people from earning their money at the end of the game.
    4. Host migration can cause people to switch sides, decrease juice earned, and switch sides (yes it's worth writing twice).
    5. Host Migration is always causes a tie or like the game never happened.

    Clearly this is a pro because it seems play every other game with teams that are losing.
    Please nerf over powered host migration.
    Last edited: August 23, 2010
  5. DevilAir

    DevilAir New Member

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    They're balanced. I don't really get all the crying pricks roaming around.
  6. Lixy

    Lixy New Member

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    The classes are pretty damn well balanced, my only complaint stems from the lack of Class caps. The game feels near on perfect when there are one of each class on either team, and becomes more obnoxious by the second as the classes stack up (Besides the Tank, or the squishy Assassin). Armies of Firebases, Giant Minefields of Ice Traps, etc.
  7. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    If you're not deploying as a gunner then you don't really understand how to play the class.

    1. I kill snipers with my mortar on a regular basis; at long range the second shot hits him right after he realizes the first shot has taken him down to 30% or less life. Why bother with accuracy? The mortar is quite accurate, but takes a lot of skill to aim... hence why I imagine you don't use it.

    2. It's a mortar, and snipers on half of the maps can kill turrets from their base. If you overheal a turret or..... heavens forbid, try and play some defense, a gunner won't have free reign to destroy your defenses. Have you ever tried hacking those easy to destroy turrets?

    3. Every class except snipers and support have cool mobility options. It's part of the game and feels pretty balanced.

    4. Slam is better saved for when people try to get close enough to grapple you, or when you position yourself to ring out enemies.

    5. Boo hoo. Assassins can't grapple anyone when they bunny hop. There has to be a counter for I have the sword upgrade, free kills, lolz! Honestly though, if you reveal yourself from invisibility before you grab the enemy than you either need to work on being stealthy or play a different class.

    6. Teams of gunners are terrible when you consider what you could have instead. I'll take me (a gunner) and my support friend vs 2 or 3 gunners any day and we will win.

    7. Gunners are SLOW! I agree they might be a bit OP at the moment because speed is the only upgrade dropping. But since everyone benefits from speed the issue is null. If the speed is ever discontinued, I have given some thought to going silver speed.

    8. Gunners get sniped all the time... it happens to me all too often in any lag circumstance.

    I'd say more accurately I need $150 X 3 + $400 to be good enough. But that's my gripe.... every other class has tons of upgrades you really WANT to buy.
    Last edited: August 23, 2010
  8. MassaYoda

    MassaYoda New Member

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    I don't really think support is overpowered, but I may be biased as that's typically what I play. I will say it's one of the easiest classes to play since both the firebase and the HH gun are basically auto-aim. That said the firebase is pretty dumb and if 3 bots and a player walk up to it it can easily be distracted by the bots while the player takes it out. It also takes a little while to deploy, and during that time is very vulnerable. For those complaining about its range and damage, keep in mind the support had to hack it to get that range out of it, so it's a combination of two skills. Unhacked a firebase can easily be taken out from moderate range.

    For those complaining about the autoaim of the HH gun, I'd like to point out that it does crap for damage. It's great for finishing off already weakened pros, but going toe to toe with anyone remotely competent at full health? Forget about it. The shotgun is powerful, but you have to be right up in someone's biscuits to do butt saving damage with it. It is the ultimate assassin swatter however.

    I do like the suggestion someone had of only being able to hack enemy turrets with level 3 hacking. Not that I really think hacking at level 2 is overpowered since it takes longer and if you can stand next to an enemy turret long enough to pull it off that team is probably in trouble already anyway. Unless juiced and unopposed it's pretty hard to pull off a hostile turret level 2 hack.
  9. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    My friend plays support exclusively and I agree completely it is not broken. Without a hacked firebase you have nearly zero ranged offense. The air support is pretty easy to dodge once you've seen enough of it. If you are smart you fight supports near a ledge where they cannot airstrike you.

    I agree as well the HH gun won't be getting you many (tempted to say any) kills unless they are nearly dead. You're much better off trying to get a shotgun hit and then using the HH gun. If you are near your hacked firebase, however, you should unload some hurt.

    I do not like the turret hack juice trick.... I'd like to see a change where you can't hack turrets while juiced. I'd also like to see a change where you need 1 more level of hack than the turret to hack it. For example, a level one turret requires a level two hack. This would make level 3 rocket turrets unhackable and they should be considering the cost.
  10. Red Rain

    Red Rain New Member

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    support has too many strong skills but their health kinda makes em managable whereas gunners with gold accuracy can kill u in a couple seconds across the map ( and the stun+knockback from their slam is sooooo damn annoying)
  11. lllaaazzz

    lllaaazzz New Member

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    All classes are very well balanced.
    People just enjoy crying about support, when they are easily wrecked by, Mortars, Grenade launchers, Flaks, Sniper3 Passive, Mines. Well for there fire base camping anyways,

    And a support alone Just keep distances and spray. His hurt gun doesnt hurt to bad.

    As for his airstrike,
    well, If your dumb enough to let him stick you or not move out of the way..
    He deserves those kills.
  12. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    The HH Gun needs a finite clip. The auto-aim is a bit OP when you can target someone behind you as long as you lock-on to them when they are in front of you but having to reload would adjust for this as you would lose your 'lock'. Also, as Rate of Fire does not affect the HH Gun then having a finite amount of ammo would allow this to actually benefit the Support.

    Furthermore, the Support would not be able to simply heal the turret endessly and would be forced to reload after a certain amount of healing. If a player attacks during this reload it would give them an advantage as A) the turret would not be getting healed, and B) the Support would not be able to transition between Heal and Hurt as easily due to needing to reload.

    Also, the Support's Juice gain rate needs to be adjusted down a bit too, at least for the heal portion of the HH Gun. As a support I get Juice quite often without ever having to actually attack an enemy player with any regularity. If the Juice gain was reduced slightly it would prevent Supports from hanging back and healing everything before jumping into the action with Juice active and repeating this process ad nauseam.
  13. Gawain301

    Gawain301 New Member

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    This game the best class based game ever, I'd even go so far as to say it is more balanced than TF2.

    Also how is the Support class overpowered? Airstrikes and Shotguns and Firebases you say? Well have you ever tried to kill him using the Railgun, Sniper Rifle, Grenade Launcher, Assault Rifle, Mini Uzi or Dual Minigun?

    I've said this in my other thread, UNDERSTAND ALL CLASSES FIRST. Don't complain because your bad at playing the game, don't try to ruin a perfectly good game (glitches and bug abuses should definitely be reported though as they are considered cheating)

    Uber Entertainment, this game is in fact the BEST class based game ever. Any alteration made to the classes power or abilities would only ruin the perfection that you guys have created.

    Going back to how people are now complaining about the Support rather than the Assassin (which may I remind you all that the forums were flooded with threads like "Assassin is overpowered" or "Grapple GTFO"). You all need to stop complaining about people who are good at the game (there is a difference between people who are good and people who cheat, people who are good don't have to be on top of the leaderboards to be good).

    That all out of the way lets glance over the Support's arsenal before I continue on about how you need to practice and then you'll be able to beat any class with the class of your preference (also keeping in mind that the ability to kill every other class won't necessarily guarantee you a 5.0 Kill/Death Ratio.

    First the Airstrike, a loud and clearly visible missile strike that can easily be avoided by doing one of the following.

    As an Assault
    The Charge ability saves lives in fact no I should stop saying that because EVERY ABILITY SAVES LIVES. Use all abilities to your advantage and you will be on your way to becoming a pro pro (yes I just said pro pro). That being said, the charge can easily get you out of range of an airstrike and also keep in mind that in order to absolutely kill you for sure, the Support would need to lob an airstrike on your head and or body. Side stepping and or jumping away works too.

    As a Tank
    The Charge was invented to be used, not for you to stare at your controller and be like " hmm...what does this button do again?" The Tank's charge can also get you out of range of the airstrike. Sidestepping and or jumping away works too.

    As a Gunner
    Jumping and using the jetpack/boost to get away or sidestepping works too.

    As an Assassin
    Dash is the fastest ability in the game, use it to not only attack but also to escape. Sidestepping and or jumping away works too. Even the smoke bomb would help with the jumping away part.

    As a Sniper
    WHY are you rushing a Support with a Sniper? However if for whatever reason a Support is rushing you and throws an airstrike at you just jump away and or run away from it.

    As a Support
    Run away from it or jump away from it but stop complaining about something that is clearly visible and you can hear it and it is avoidable by every class of course if your facing a team of like 6 of them and they are in your spawn spamming the airstrikes then you have a case but so would the case where 6 Gunners enter your spawn and turn your base into swiss cheese or 6 Assaults are in your base using the grenade launcher and or assault rife to dominate your team or if 6 Tanks were in your base burning it to the ground with their jet guns or if 6 Assassins are in your base assassinating everyone on your team or if 6 Snipers were planting ice traps all over your base and sniping you all down. Do you see the point I am trying to make here?

    Don't hate the class, hate the player who is strategically playing the class and or hate the team who is actually working together rather than all 6 players doing their own separate thing. Also one more thing on the airstrike...when you see a light from the opposite team coming down from the sky and there is a siren going off near it and there is a missile icon on you run towards it? If so then theres your problem.

    The Shotgun that the Support uses is a very close range weapon and if you are that close to a Support and you don't grapple him, then its not the shotgun's fault or the person using the shotgun's fault, its yours for running up to them and saying "hello this is me telegraphing my attack are you ready here it comes now and definitely not after you shotgun me in the face twice or three times instantly killing me.

    As for the firebase, it can't fire across the map so don't run up on it expecting it to instantly die because chances are, you'll die first. If you must destroy a firebase, snipe it with a Railgun (Tank), a Sniper Rifle (Sniper) a Minigun *with ITRUBA on* (Gunner) a Shuriken Launcher (Assassin) a Grenade Launcher (Assault) an...OH HOW airstrike (Support).

    Let me quickly glance over the Gunner as to the current accuracy issue. I USE ITRUBA ON MY GUNNER! Maybe you should try it because that is why most Gunners have a high accuracy rating is because of ITRUBA and no don't ask Uber Entertainment to take out an Endorser too because then your just being a bad kid who complains about everything that he gets killed by.

    And glancing back at the Assassin grapple, she needs to grapple you from behind to KO you so pay attention to your surroundings.

    Uber Entertainment you guys have made the perfect class based game. Any alteration of the classes would ruin the perfection of the game, it's phenomenal balance so please, do not ruin this awesome game of yours just because some people haven't learned how to use their classes to the fullest extent yet or because some people have better cooperation skills than others.

    I will say it until everyone is convinced that the classes are balanced. ALL CLASSES ARE BALANCED.

    I now refer you to my thread of how to and why ALL CLASSES ARE BALANCED.
  14. lllaaazzz

    lllaaazzz New Member

    Likes Received:
    Why tl;dr post.
    Red a couple points.
    K/d Doesnt matter in this game because noone can see it.
    And its all objective based.
  15. Gawain301

    Gawain301 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Apparently people actually care so I include it to prove a point, I could care less either way but I did want to prove a point.

    EDIT: Also if it is objective based then how come half the people that I end up getting paired with do not play the objective ever? Even during overtime? Which brings me back to my "don't hate the class hate the team that is playing the class."
  16. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    What's interesting is that a game can retain its balance but still have certain features adjusted. Also, Shadowrun was much more balanced overall than MNC. Anyway,the classes do need some tweaking, some less than others, but so far only the Tank feels just right. I am not suggesting a major overhaul but some adjustments do need to be made.
  17. roguedarkjedi

    roguedarkjedi New Member

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    The announcer. Enough said.
  18. Mister A

    Mister A New Member

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    the gunner is a bit too OP. if his health is a 10, Uber should bring it down to 2. also his guns range is ridiculous, theres no way a machine guns should have that far a reach
  19. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    The gold armor endorsement makes support incredibly hard to kill

    I voted support. If I had two votes, I would also vote gunner.
  20. vashkey

    vashkey New Member

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    My biggest issue right now is with the assualt's & gunner's grenade launchers and sniper since they all take turrets out like it's nothing.

    Matches don't last long at all any more.

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