for the love of God please nerf the gunner

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by scyfed, August 20, 2010.

  1. scyfed

    scyfed New Member

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    actually he was right in front of our spawn with about 2 supports healing him... :cry:
  2. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    The best way to kill a gunner with a support is to kill the support then kill the gunner.
  3. HellSpunk

    HellSpunk New Member

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    You make it sound as if a two player combo should be as easy to counter as a one player on his own. Fact of the matter is, a fact you seem to want to deny for no objective reason is that to counter two players you ideally want two players.

    Your entire argument other-wise, regarding class vs class balance seems to hinge on two massive assumptions, that A: The maps are just a plain open area where you can see all the players and you can't be out flanked and that B: Every assassin, support and assault is a complete idiot. If any of these players hope to beat a fully upgraded gunner, they'll need to avoid a straight up fight because a gunner is the best class at this. What the gunner lacks is tactical variance, Gunners don't have options and they're predictable for this reason. You can use airstrikes, charges or grenade launchers and an assassin can use it to simply assassinate you.

    Only if you aren't interested in being a team player, sitting back cautiously stat whoring will these things happen less. If you play the game properly, push up against decent opposition, they're going to teach you a few lessons about countering gunners.
  4. cazoofoo

    cazoofoo New Member

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    Although the Gunner may seem like a unstoppable powerhouse of ultimate destruction he has three very exploitable weaknesses.

    1) Abilities.His abilities don't come into use that much especially "Slamma" and "Grapple" so levelling them up is not a very good investment.

    2) Reloading. He takes forever to reload and nothing is stopping you from attacking him while he's tinkering with his gun, so you can just hide in cover while he's wasting his bullets then pop out when he's out of lead.

    3) Speed. He is so very slow. If you harass him until he's low health he just doesn't have the speed to run away to cover in time and he is a huge target for assassin's...

    Overall I think most players fall to Gunner's because they aren't "aware" of their surroundings enough. As long as you know where the gunner is and where he is shooting you should be fine. It's when bullets start coming from nowhere because you didn't bother to notice that red writing, that's when your in trouble.
  5. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    As a Support main through and through i gotta say that the gunner is easily the easiest class to airstrike. The majority of the the time a cleverly place Air strike will wreck a stationary gunner (whether in deploy or not). An intelligent air striker can easily trap a gunner.

    Also, as the guy above me said, upgrading his skills is normally a waste of cash and IMO the money is better off to buy and spam uber.
  6. YouAreOutOfMy5

    YouAreOutOfMy5 New Member

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    When I'm on a good team, I can usually rape with my Tank. However, sometimes I can be bested by a good gunner, but I have to out smart them. I have a high rate of fire on my Tank, so I can usually take a Gunner down with my railgun. There's ways around each character. In addition, so what if there's one counter class for a class. For me, I just cannot get around a Good Sniper while playing as a Tank. All classes are surprisingly balanced in one way, shape, or form.
  7. TNT LotLP

    TNT LotLP New Member

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    Seriously? I play assault a lot, and there's a reason I laugh at tanks and gunners. They are incredibly easy to stick a bomb on. And a level 3 bomb will instantly kill the gunner, or at least severely damage him with overhealth, and my assault rifle will finish that sucker off right, better than the support can heal him. I can throw another bomb in few secs with my sponsor anyway.
  8. Cornstalk

    Cornstalk New Member

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    I only find gunners to be overpowered when there's 3 or more of them on a team in SteelPeel. You can't set foot out of the damn base without having bullets raining down on your head. They're fairly safe on that map too, as tanks and gunners have trouble getting an angle on them... and support has to actually get out of the base to airstrike them.

    If they're covering each other, assassin's can't do much either.

    I'm not sure any other class in large numbers can lock down a map in such a rage quit inducing way as gunners on steelpeel. :lol:
  9. YouAreOutOfMy5

    YouAreOutOfMy5 New Member

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    Assaults can give me trouble, but I can always find a way to out smart them like the gunners. The only real way I can get raped by an assault is when its 2 vs. 1. Assaults burn easily too. One scenario that comes to mind was when an assault was flying into or base. I weakened him a bit and he weakened me. However, I found cover, deployed, and regenerated health faster while he was still damaged and recovering. I engaged in the battle once more and was able to kill him thanks to my newly recovered health. It's all about out-manuvering your opponent.
  10. fake

    fake New Member

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    Stop asking the devs to program around your weak gamesmanship, people. It's pathetic.
  11. m0nkeyb0y77

    m0nkeyb0y77 New Member

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    I agree 100%

    Well said.
  12. Hawaiianspawn

    Hawaiianspawn New Member

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    If you think the gunner is slow you clearly don't play enough of the game to notice!
  13. DevilAir

    DevilAir New Member

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    lol i agree.
  14. Red Rain

    Red Rain New Member

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    i approve OP's message

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