All gunner teams cant be beat

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by Hawaiianspawn, August 23, 2010.

  1. Hawaiianspawn

    Hawaiianspawn New Member

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    We all know how hard it is to take out one gunner with double barrel. Six makes it impossible to defeat.

    Ive run teams of all gunners and i must say, its unreal that 6 gunners can hold three spawn gates. It got to the point where we would let black jacks break the ball.

    Assassins cant counter without dieing
    Snipers are not efficient to take them out.
    Gunners who start late cant compete with double barrel.
    Soldiers only dominate in the begging.
    Tanks(really he cant destroy anything but spies)
    Support is useless if he doesn't have airstrike against 6 gunners)

    Try it yourself if you think i'm ranting

    The only way to counter it is to start a six gunner team of your own.

    Ive searched for similar titles but the search engine is way too cumbersome.
    (dont put a character limit on words) Whats a six letter word of six? All? Team? none of these work
    Last edited: August 23, 2010
  2. wimsi

    wimsi New Member

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    Re: All gunner teams destory everything

  3. stealthyshAdo

    stealthyshAdo New Member

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    Uhh...yes they can.

    Here, I will explain exactly 6 reasons why this can be easily be beaten

    Gunner: Be better then the other gunner
    Assault: Stick the Gunner, they are slow moving
    Support: Stick the Gunner, they are slow moving
    Assassin: Assassinate the Gunner, they have huge hitboxes and are slow moving
    Sniper: Headshot the Gunner, they are slow moving
    Tank: Take the Gunner out long distance with the rail gun, they are slow moving

    Conclusion: Gunners aren't good at long distances, and are slow moving. If you get beat by Gunners at long range then it is time to pick a new class. When all else fails start practicing.

    Oh, did I mention they are slow moving? I thought that was important to point out.
  4. Dystopia

    Dystopia New Member

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    Yeah, I'd think an all-Gunner team would run into problems against an all-Assassin team. Or an all-Sniper team. Or maybe just one Sniper or two Assassins.
  5. Sm1tty Sm1t

    Sm1tty Sm1t New Member

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    I think you may have run into an all-gunner team with good tactics.
  6. faits

    faits New Member

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    Night before last I was playing with three of my friends. We got into a match where for some reason it started up with the four of us vs a team of six. Maybe the other team was partied up too? I don't know.

    Anyway, they came out of the gate with five gunners and a medic. And they came out HARD. This was on LazeRazor, and they'd pushed all the way into our base almost immediately. I was still building/upgrading my first turrets when I started taking fire. It was ridiculous.

    We pushed back though, and with a team consisting of a gunner, support, sniper and assassin we had them pushed back to THEIR base by the time our team got supplemented by two latecomers. In the end we won the match, because five gunners and a support is not a good, diversified makeup.
  7. xxxScorpion

    xxxScorpion New Member

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    A 6 gunner team? Really? I would have a field day shooting shurikens into their faces. If I was juiced...forget about it, that teams done.
  8. tlbww

    tlbww New Member

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    ^ This. As a sniper, I have a field day on gunner faces. Of course, if you engage them at the same time, better not miss.
  9. Hawaiianspawn

    Hawaiianspawn New Member

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    Accuracy skill makes the gun mid to close range. Did i forget its easy to pick up running powerups while you have a 25kills and no deaths? turns their running/jet bunny hopping speeds to very approachable

    Im not complaining people, im saying that ever since ive made a team of gunners i haven't lost. says the guy with 1mil earnings
  10. Trademark

    Trademark New Member

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    Ive never had a problem killing gunners as a sniper. i doubt a decent team would have trouble beating a stacked team like that.
  11. rhineville

    rhineville Member

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    My worst games have been against gunner-heavy teams. Even if I get my 3.3 firebase a deployed gunner will make short work of it. Airstrikes are useless against decent players, they won't let you get close enough to plop it on their heads.

    Annoying, but nothing you can do.
  12. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    I play support. Sometimes multiple gunners can be a pain in the ***. Playing support doesn't offer much direct response to a group of gunners. Tossing clusters of airstrikes in their general direction seems to work pretty well. Spawning bots, and healing my own gunners and tanks as they push forward are usually where I get the best results.

    If they manage to pin you in your spawn room and park outside, overcharge your teammates shields, and toss out airstrikes. I've gotten some sweet multi-kills from over-confident groups of gunners.
  13. Red Rain

    Red Rain New Member

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    just played against a 4 gunner team and that by itself was hard enough. their miniguns have just too much damage at range. i would kill one then get minigun sniped by another while my teammates were gettin spawn camped (the kid saying they are easy to kill cuz they are slow is retarded)
  14. lllaaazzz

    lllaaazzz New Member

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    Yes, Gunners are tough, But have many weaknesses

    Snipers> Ice trap+Head shots, Ice trap + Grapple
    Tank> Lr Rail gunning
    Assassins> Backstab
  15. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    With just an overheal I can often kill a gunner AND his support friend. With my support friend healing me, I imagine we would kill 2.5-3 gunners in a 2 on 3 fight, and he would finish off the last one.

    The problem you guys had is that you let 6 gunners deploy outside of your base. I think you probably all went too light and didn't work together at all.

    I play one hell of a mean gunner, and I don't like it when we have more than two. I feel it's a waste of diversity. Gunners lay direct fire and destroy turrets, and that's about it. You don't need more than two.

    Know what would destroy 6 gunners?

    2 support, 2 gunners, 1 assassin, 1 sniper. Game over, gunners rage quit because the other team is playing smarter.

    Next time gunners siege your base, try this: Two people play support and heal a gunner. That gunner with heals isn't going to die unless three gunners shoot him at the same time. But he will kill one gunner before he dies, and then his life will go up, and he will kill the next one.

    You could have switched to support and suicide bombed them with airstrikes and changed classes.
  16. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    I definitely think an all gunner team is much more feasibly useful then an all assassin team many people should have experienced at one point or another.

    My problem is that I know what should be done, but one person can only do so much, you know? I just like the thrill of playing random matchmaking but if my team can't help but wander into the crosshairs of one of three or four gunners and be fodder even at midrange, I can't do much about it if some gunners focus on spawn trapping and a few others focus on keeping our bots inside.
  17. Great2seeyou

    Great2seeyou New Member

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    An all anything team will not be as good as a well balanced team. I have found teams with 4-5 gunners, and won with a more balanced team. Personaly I enjoy playing gunner heavy teams, as a sniper, there big heads and slow movement = easy headshots. I can take on 2 gunners easy 1 real good gunner is hard to beat but thats why I have a support or assassin with me. They're better up close and I'm better at long range, so the gunner really has almost no chance of killing both.
  18. th3cozy

    th3cozy New Member

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    It's all teamwork. An organised group of 6 tanks or whatever working in party chat will beat any group of randoms.

    I think the reason it seems a group of gunners is so powerful is because they're deadly at close range and if you give them the chance to pin you down in your spawn, then yeah, 6 gunners will be deadly.
  19. Hawaiianspawn

    Hawaiianspawn New Member

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    Advanced gunners have gold accuracy which turns them into med to close range.
  20. cherrypieluva

    cherrypieluva New Member

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    i believe you mean
    Assaults only dominate in the beggining

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