It's scary how...

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by TeenTerror, August 21, 2010.

  1. Terminal Happiness

    Terminal Happiness New Member

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    I have actually out-gunned WAY too many gunners with my assault class to be really worried.
  2. razman360

    razman360 Member

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    *watches as support wanders in another direction*
    You took it as a personal attack, claiming that his head was up his classes *** and made the ASSUMPTION that he beleives only the classes he plays takes skill. The forums are place to convey the hatred u have for a class. At the end of the day, the gunner IS capable of the most damage in te hands of noobs handsdown. That is fact. To get a positive K/D with gunner, no strategy is required and not much talent either. Again, if u are skilled, then ur K/D will be higher still and you'll become more helpful to the team.
  3. Bufger

    Bufger New Member

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    I play all classes and i think each of them has a purpose on the battlefield. Whether people choose to correctly utilize that potential or not is up to them. if its a coherant team then it'll do well, if its a coherent team of people that know how to use each class to its full then they'll do very well!

    heres a small rundown on each class and where i think the potential lies:

    Assassin - taking out bots and jackbots. Eliminating key troublesome pros (ie a teammate says 'i just cant get rid of X guy in X location' - assassin does her thing and we all move forward.
    Support - Big defense or aggressive offense (should be no middle ground). Big defense should work around hacking as many defenses as possible. Clever turret and firebase placement should ensure no bots ever get through (they have specific routes so you should know which side a jackbots going to appear, upgrade that side to level 3 rockets and heal!) On offense its all about firebase placement and keeping your lane clear for your bots. Its all about the bots and turrets for support
    Gunner - Holding down a lane and taking out turrets. This ones just as deadly to bots and pros and can easily hold down a lane. The mortar takes out turrets easily so if a bunch of your bots are walking into the enemy base get ahead of them and take out turrets - walk em right in!
    Sniper - Defensive help (ice traps in regular bot walkways help slow up the seige) and pro eliminations. I think its best utilized in calling out enemy movements so the rest of the team can deal with them or help. On Grenade 3 i use the sniper to call out which enemies side is weaker so we focus offensive on that side and defensive on the other.
    Tank - another one that should be leading bots in with the gunner. Takes out bots with ease and can walk them into a base whilst taking out most things in its way.
    Assault - this is the all rounder, i play this class as the go-to guy that can aid the others in their tasks. if a tank/gunner is pushing a bot offensive down one lane and needs an extra man thats where this one should go. If the sniper calls out a tricky opponent the assault can go help the assassin etc.

    generally they're all just missused in my opinion. People will get the hang of it eventually. In the meantime get a few people together and play as a team, you'll be suprised at how much fun it is and you'll appreciate some good competition from time to time.

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