Debunking the Assassin Overpower Myth

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Bambam Bm, August 22, 2010.

  1. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    Hey everyone who would think the Assassins are overpowered in anyway, I'm here to put a rest to that discussion. First of all for those of you who complain that Assassins can turn invisible and think that automatically makes them overpowered. It's actually fairly easy to spot an invisible (cloaked) assassin moving around. Plus you can easily hear the hum coming your way.

    Its very easy to get rid of an assassin no matter what class you are. Just don't be an idiot and fave the other way when you hear the hum for a back grapple :)

    Assault- Easily charge them After the grapple is finished and you would have either killed or gotten rid of the Assassin. Also Assassins cannot grapple a Flying Assault (HINT HINT).

    Tank- Actually one of the most powerful classes against Assassins. Generally Assassins cannot one-hit grapple tanks, even from behind. And most cases your deathblossom will kill the Assassin right after the grapple is finished. Plus your charge will one-hit an assassin.

    Sniper- Traps Traps Traps <--- Plus If you are ever grappled from the Front, if you have Level 2 grapple, you should not die (if you have and should have the armor endorsment) Your grapple will easily kill the Assassin after her grapple is finished. And traps should never allow the assassin to back grapple you. Simply shoot the Assassin with your Uzi when she is frozen. (Plus Level 3 trap puts skills and grapple on cooldown)

    Support- Make sure your near your firebase as an upgrades firebase will kill an assassin quickly depending if she cloaks right away or not. Even after cloaking firebases and turrets seem to shoot assassins for an extra second after cloaking. A shotgun to the face will usually kill the Assassin easily. The Support class is the weakest against Assassins but still can kill them.

    Gunner- Slam can easily get rid of an assassin very quickly before they even get out of cloaked. Gunners generally wont die from a front grapple, which you may then use your grapple on them afterwards. But all you need to do is utilize Slam.

    Assassin- Your fighting your own kind, you should know how to kill her.

    Every class has a very easy time killing Assassins, you just have to pay attention and use your skills.. Thats why Uber implemented them into the game anyway.. for you to use them. If you get a back grapple, theres noone to blame but yourself.
  2. Wutang85

    Wutang85 New Member

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    I agree....

    I got killed a lot by assassins when I started still happens..

    guess what? I'm good but i'm not great so I should expect better players who have mastered a class to kill me a decent amount of times....

    People expect to come in here and own like it's a random death match unreal tourney game or something.....not going to happen

    I main Assault and have 0 trouble killing assassins...Yes some kill me....but those players are really good and deserve and have earned those kills.....Why would I complain about that ?

    That is how the game is supposed to work...

    Everybody wants to think they are good because they beat their friends or the computer on medium difficulty........

    Just get used to the fact that there will always be somebody better than you and get on with life....

    Thanks for making this post. Hopefully people take your advice and run with it....

    and what you posted is only a fraction of strats against Assassins....

    I get more mad at Snipers than anything........but I dont' think they are OP just because the good ones kill me.

    Just enjoy the game people......learn from your losses.
  3. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    An assassin with no lag should be feared
    An assassin with any lag should be laughed at
  4. fatMasticator

    fatMasticator New Member

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    oh the painful truth.
  5. JackBotXL

    JackBotXL New Member

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    Dude, if anything i would say that the assassin is a little bit underpowered. For starters shes weaker then freaking butter(and really thats all the reason i need). Pretty much every class can rape you in more ways than one SPECIALLY the tank...bastard.
  6. Rawdell210

    Rawdell210 New Member

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    idk. ive seen plenty of assassins got 20-4 and such. underpowered if u dont know how to use them is wat ide say.
  7. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    90% of all Assassins have a negative K/D spread at the end of every match, its amazing how many people will call the Assassin overpowered when only 10% of them are decent and only 5% are good.
  8. Z75 Shadow Fox

    Z75 Shadow Fox New Member

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    Assassins are an amazing class if you know how to control her. i.e. myself. fragile but deadly. they get knocked backed easily and have no recovery. GT Shadow Fox 7274 if your pro add me. im always on top of the list. and screw the K/D spread its about the money in the game and the win. Full on team game
  9. King_Wonderful

    King_Wonderful New Member

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    Some real good advice handed out at the top there, if only I knew that during my first number of games, hahaha!

    A lot of people who cry about classes being unbalanced will normally do so after a day or two of playing. That's the biggest problem, people thinking they've figured out the whole game despite having very little experience with it. So being assassinated by those dang assassins over and over again isn't because you lack the tactical know-how of dealing with such an opponent, it's obviously because the assassin is over-powered and cheap and glitchy and grumble grumble grumble.

    I normally enjoy coming across Assassins, cause I'm fairly good at dealing with 'em. But my word, if there's one that knows what she's doing, it's terrifying. Though a good assassin keeps me much more focused. If I'm worried about the constant threat of an insta-kill, I'll definitely bring my A-game.
  10. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    That is true, but deaths usually = money for the other team, keep that in mind. If you die by a bot its different, but if you die by a player, gives the other team money. Aslong as the K/D spread isn't horrible its alright,

    xCOLONEL QUESOx New Member

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    I agree with this. I also feel that assassins are fantastic at killing bots, and if they focus equaly on other players as well as destroying bots, they will be quite the team player. I also feel like an assassin who focuses on bot destruction as a main source of income towards their upgrades does much better in the long run when they finally focus on pro vs. pro combat. Of course don't quote any of this as assassin is my second pro of choice lol.
  12. fake

    fake New Member

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    I play as a support and get destroyed by assassins all the time. I still don't want to see them nerfed since I enjoy the challenge. Even as a support, I'm glad not to go around complaining about how the assassin's OPed.

    I love the balance on this game and def. wouldn't want to see the class weakened in any way, even if they do consistently pwn me.
  13. VawnOTheDawn

    VawnOTheDawn New Member

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  14. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    I wll admit that an Assassin with a perfect connection is simply deadly but I do agree that they need some tweaks.

    1) They should not be able to cloak while in the Grapple animation.
    2) The level of the smoke bomb should limit the height of the escape jump to prevent them from jumping all over even at level 1.
    3) The cloak skill should not recharge unless you are uncloaked.
  15. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    I'm going to assume you meant money earned. Nobody cares that that leet sniper on your team went 30/5 while his moneyball was being shredded. Money earned generally reflects your actions as a whole towards trying to win.

    So if I'm 9/5 but have $4,000 as an assassin, I was doing something right.

    And I think cloaking during an animation is a boon we should keep when it comes to dealing with turrets, especially on supports camping their firebase and say, the rest of your team are incompetent pickups.
  16. XJaeX

    XJaeX New Member

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    haha that's pretty much the way it is for every game guys. thats funny stuff right there.
    haha nothing really needs to be nerfed, no matter what you do to the game, the player will still do the same stuff. and you cant nerf a player. now can you. well maybe, maybe with a pipe or something, but thats inhumane. i dont know if anyone has ever played mw2 but the models were extremely rigged, they nerfed them, and players found a way around it, and they are still rigged. so take what you want from that.. if you havnt played mw2 then i cant really think of an example. just be happy theres no aimbots in mnc yet. that would be rigged . then we can all complain together :lol:
  17. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    Cloak only recharges while cloaked not moving at Lvl 3. and it recharges ridiculously slow.
    I agree about the smoke bomb, sounds like a smart idea kinda
  18. Downfall

    Downfall New Member

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    Who are these people that think Assassin is OP I think they are the worst class by far.

    1.Upgrading her skills mean little, her goal is Backstab, if you need to run/cloak for a minute you are doin something wrong.

    2.She can't do much against Turrets/Bots, so unless the pros give you kills you are usually broke. Which I guess doesn't matter since she doesn't change much when upgraded

    3. Every class can counter her fairly easily, and you missed that the Support's Heal/Hurt gun can flicker her cloak by spamming L.

    Most Importantly, Melee Grapple class with CD on her Grapple! On CD see can do much to get a kill, Stars don't hurt much and are hard to hit, and Blades are kinda the same.
  19. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    Do you even play this game? For the record, the Assasin is one of the best lane pushers in the game.
  20. Downfall

    Downfall New Member

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    No she isn't...Hey look I can make blind statements too.

    Explain how she can compete taking out Bots/Turrets with...
    Gunners Mortars
    Assaults Pipes/Bomb
    Snipers AoE Passive/Flak
    Supports Firebase/Airstikes
    Tanks Grenades/Blossom

    Most of those classes can OHK a bot wave, or clear it quick from a distance. What can the Assassin do Shuriken/Blade them down 1 at a time, OR use her skills (note her skills grant her no bot/turret Kill power), and where is her range to take out a Turret? Granted Juiced she can do some damage, but seriously bro what are you thinking? Plus play some Blitz with Assassin, then get back to me about her wave killing power. Also don't try and strawman and argument around she isn't build for Blitz my Point is she has no AoE, and no Killing power with Skills.

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