1st mnc gb match disputed?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by quaabi, August 21, 2010.

  1. quaabi

    quaabi New Member

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    Well if yu wanna play "pub" play ur public games...but others like to play a couple games more competitively. Also this game has very good mlg potential...and i think if uber was smart...they would invest in it...besides...competitive gaming has a way more bigger fan base then public gamers...MY opinion.
  2. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    I don't see any rules being changed. Just no glitching. Not every game gets rule modifications. Ex: Shadowrun
  3. quaabi

    quaabi New Member

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    Yea...but MNC wuld be perfect if you can change teams etc.....
  4. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    Well obviously. I meant no gameplay restrictions.
  5. Monty

    Monty New Member

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    You serious? Lets take a look at some stats. As of the time of this posting, Halo 3 has 79,213 users registered to compete in Gamebattles. Seems like a huge number, right? Not when you compare it to the upwards of 10 million sales worldwide Halo 3 has had. That would equal less the one percent of Halo 3 gamers who have signed up for the primary professional gaming league. Hell, the number of registered Gamebattles users right now is only three percent of the first day sales of Halo 3.

    The same holds true for Modern Warfare 2. The combined total of both the Xbox 360 and PS3 Gamebattles accounts comes in at an astounding 496,384 users. You're probability saying "Well Monty, surely that has to be a significant chunk of the Modern Warfare 2 users, right?" You'd be wrong again. The number of Gamebattles users today only accounts for less then 21 percent of American pre-orders for the game. With Modern Warfare 2 sales reaching over 1 Billion dollars (and still growing), a conservative estimate of how many total sales Modern Warfare 2 has made worldwide is 16.6 million copies. Gamebattles users make up only a measly 2.99%.

    And finally, the same will hold true for Monday Night Combat. There is 148 teams currently registered for the Monday Night Combat ladder on Gamebattles, with 11 current free agents. Lets make the liberal assumption that each team has 10 members (while the majority have nowhere close to that amount). We would then have 1491 players registered for Monday Night Combat Gamebattles. This would only account for a little more then one percent of the 135360 players ranked on the leader boards right now.

    I think it is safe to say your opinion is incorrect. If anything, developers should be pandering to the casual gamers, but fortunately only Nintendo does that. I certainly hope that Monday Night Combat will be able to find a happy medium between 'professional' gamers and casual ones.
  6. xxxScorpion

    xxxScorpion New Member

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    All of this.

    I was going to say "Competitive gaming fans outnumbering the rest of the world of gamers????" but meh, too lazy. You put it nicely. Well done.
  7. Intricasm

    Intricasm New Member

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    Great post, I personally believe that to truly succeed, the developers should keep both groups in mind when doing updates and everything else. Bungie is very good at doing this with the Halo games, and Valve seems to be pretty good at it, too.
  8. quaabi

    quaabi New Member

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    eh...yea ur right...i just enjoy competitive gaming and not playin the game for story mode or achievements..
  9. The_Jx4

    The_Jx4 New Member

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    I happen to be one of those Pro players in Halo, when I first started it was a whole different ballgame because Weapon power and such was drastically changed.

    It has its Pros and Cons, especially when going back to Social and expecting to kill someone with 4 BR headshots.

    ^_^, let the "OMFG I'm Pro" players have their fun, and you can have yours too.
  10. shadow391

    shadow391 New Member

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    But how many of those 1st day halo units are still playing??? those Halo GB ppl ARE tho... But its not Like you dont have mute/avoid buttons.. so u dont have to hear ppl call you noobs... but how does the game going MLG or being on Gamebattles affect you and your fun?? Cause everyone is good?? or people are playing smarter?? or is it hard to kill them??.... Just cause the Game is on GB or MLG doesn't mean u cant keep playin your pubs and keep running around with your grenade launchers, rockets, etc..

    Ye this comment was dumb... Idk wat to say to this...
  11. Monty

    Monty New Member

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    You seriously think all of those Gamebattles accounts are active? I'm positive they aren't, since at least one of them is mine, which I now longer use. I'm sure there is others out there like me. Even taking this into account, the numbers are still favor my argument. In the past 24 hours, 787,351 unique players have played Halo 3. The entire Halo 3 Gamebattles population, including inactive members or members who haven't played Halo 3 in the last 24 hours, would only account for roughly 10 percent of the total number of gamers.

    I also have nothing against Gamebattles as a concept, but it's when the Gamebattles mindset become 'mainstream'. I have no problem if Gamebattles makes the general population better at playing (the rise of the Battle Rifle in Halo 3 would be a good example), hell I enjoy the game more then. I'm a fairly decent player at most shooters, so better competition is better for my gaming experience. However, when the Gamebattles mindset slips into public matches is what irks me. I should be able to use whatever weapons I feel like without a negative stigma attached to using that weapon.

    I also use muting as a last resort, because I am a social gamer. I enjoy talking to fellow gamers, and muting someone hinders my playing experience. That's one less person to chat with in a Free for All, or one less teammate to communicate with during important moments in a match. On top of that, I've received messages from people because I was using 'nooby' weapons. These messages usually consist of a rant of what they did to my mother last night, and normally followed with how "we should 1v1 in the Octagon so I can show you how to really play the game" or how I can't "run with the MLG big boys". This is where my distaste for Gamebattles comes in, not from the concept itself.

    And yes, I am very long winded.
  12. Rawdell210

    Rawdell210 New Member

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    i might do BB for this game but not sure
  13. quaabi

    quaabi New Member

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    i understand..but pub gets boring after a while...to me anyways...soo i need a goal to play for....like to have one of the nicest team or best team rank etc etc...
  14. iLLusive sN

    iLLusive sN New Member

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    Let me give all of you new to gamebattles a few tips because i have a 7k gb rank.
    - Everyone on GB will dispute so make sure u take pics
    - GB is full of little kids
    - Gb doesnt do enough to make sure games are played without exploits or glitching so get used to it
  15. shadow391

    shadow391 New Member

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    Exactly... How is less than 10% of the halo community ruining the game and its Fun?? So what that's less then 1 person in a 10man game that may even be on the other team that u may/may not have to mute/ignore... besaides That 10% has its own game mode on halo anywayz...

    Since when is less than 10% "MainStream"???
  16. Monty

    Monty New Member

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    But the rules and stigmas of Gamebattles seep into the general population, even if they're unaware of it, for good or bad. There wasn't a stigma on the shotgun in Halo 3 when it first came out, now everyone rages when they get their face blasted in by a shotgun shell. That originated from Gamebattles outlawing the shotgun. On the flip side, the Battle Rifle in Halo 3 has become a lot more popular, which is a good thing. That too originates from Gamebattles. If Gamebattles wasn't around, I guarantee the Battle Rifle wouldn't be nearly as popular as it is. Even casual players learn very quickly that the battle rifle is the most versatile weapon, and this stems from MLG players bringing the BR over from thier playlist.

    On top of that, MLG players don't stick to the set MLG playlist. When one ends up in your match in a social gametype, generally they still expect MLG rules to be followed. Social is intentionally a lot more easy going then ranking matches, and when one or two people can't understand that, it ruins the game for a lot of people. I'd have no problem playing in social with MLG players, as long as their check their "GAMING IS SERIOUS BUSINESS; MY KDR MEANS MORE TO ME THEN MY FAMILY" mindset at the door.
  17. D3C3P7AKONZ

    D3C3P7AKONZ New Member

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    well said monty....
  18. Warskull

    Warskull New Member

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    Competitive gaming can be fun, but shooters on a console? The lack of dedicated servers (or even a way to set the host) makes lag a noticeable issue and gives the host a huge advantage. Plus you have the aiming with the analog sticks which is clunky. The infrastructure just isn't there. Plus MLG Halo has set some crappy precedents for competitive gaming on the console (tweaking the weapons.)
  19. st4ticblue

    st4ticblue New Member

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  20. Imsoooometal

    Imsoooometal New Member

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    And sooooooooooooooooooooooo it starts.

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