Why should I go for the win?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Cornstalk, August 22, 2010.

  1. Cornstalk

    Cornstalk New Member

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    I've been playing MNC as a team game. My goal has been to crush their money ball, see the other team driven before me, and hear the lamentation of their pit girl (Song). But what does that gain?

    No, I'd get that from kill streaks, harassing Bullseye, and in general camping (even farming MMO style) the other team as long as possible. There's no cash prize for dropping the money ball sooner. Overtime means jackbot farming or easy coins from strafing the money ball while juiced!

    The Satisfaction of Winning?
    Yes. But... 15 minutes of working that doesn't straight up kill the money ball means overtime. Overtime means people juice rush the money ball. 1 player can win it for their team even if they had been slowly losing the whole game thanks to juicing the money ball.

    But does that even matter? It's not like I lost out on some 'winnings' because the other team beat us to the juice punch on the money ball in Overtime.

    There really is no encouragement to win except the sake of saying "I win!" Where are my Big Money and Big Prizes?

    Does anyone else want some (in-game) cash incentive for going after the money ball like the gods at Uber intended? Maybe it would encourage random strangers to function as a team more... Hey, I can dream.

    This turned into more of a rant then I meant it to be...
  2. TheJackalMan

    TheJackalMan New Member

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    As most of your points are valid, there is a cash prize for winning, a $1000 boost to your total earnings if your team wins.

    But yeah, other than that, just have a gunner ready to juice rush during over time and **** around the rest of the match :p It seems to work.
  3. Dystopia

    Dystopia New Member

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    It's there, it's just too small to matter. You get money per hit on the ball and an extra 1k for winning the match. I could make up for that loss with about 2 mins in the lane. Or I could just troll the crap out of the other team for money AND fun. Honestly, I have a lot more fun (and money) losing every match going insanely positive or farming bots the whole time. And this makes me sad.
  4. xxxScorpion

    xxxScorpion New Member

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    If you tear down the ball in two minutes for 7 runs that's 1k extra each game on top of at least 700. 1700x7=11900 which is far more than you would get for hammering out a 15 minute game for the most part. If you're not in it for the leaderboards or the money or the fame or blah blah blah play the game for the same reasons people play almost every other game, to have fun. Playing is even more fun when you're winning eh?
  5. Cornstalk

    Cornstalk New Member

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    Going for fast wins doesn't factor in the ragequit portion of the game. Usually people leave before the second map starts if they get destroyed that fast. That in itself wouldn't be too bad, except 50% of the time, the game seems to bug and just won't add new players. This leads to more time waiting in the menus then actually playing the game.

    It's this terrible circular logic that seems to lead back to "Only go for kills, juice the ball in OT"

    Maybe OT is the problem?

    Edit: Just wanted to say, I still love the game. MNC was the first shooter since Team Fortress Classic (2000 to 2004) that I've played online with/against other people on a regular basis. :D
  6. xxxScorpion

    xxxScorpion New Member

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    Yeah I get a ton of quitters myself so I can understand the headache. The two minute quit isn't the problem but the 7+ quit is just plain annoying. Doing all that work to drop their ball and push then they quit out at the end right before we get out points. Lameness indeed.
  7. PhantomPhoton

    PhantomPhoton New Member

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    I think a lot of us agree that the OT ruins the game for those of us who actually want to play for the win during the first 15 mins. I'm guessing Uber is aware of this at the moment, and hopefully plans to do something about it, but right now they're busy with patching the actual glitches and bugs.

    In before: "you should be better", "MY team never has this problem", etc, etc, etc.
  8. rhineville

    rhineville Member

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    You 'get' nothing for winning versus matches in l4d, or capture the flag in halo. Even if it was some in-game thing (like cash) cash in this game is essentially useless. Really the only thing you get out of a good k/d ratio is useless cash. I'd rather have some satisfaction for being a good teammate than money that I don't need.
  9. Dystopia

    Dystopia New Member

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    I'd rather have fun than any kind of satisfaction. When I'm playing Assault, blasting my way into the other team's base and taking down their ball is fun. When I'm playing Assassin, roaming around the map being an unkillable nuisance is fun.

    Maybe if my teammates were like "hey bro, wanna go Assault this round?" I'd be a team player and we'd rake in the wins and (useless) cash all the time. But since no one on MNC but my friends seem to have mics, it looks like I'm going to be that guy killing the game for PhantomPhoton every other round or so.

    Just sayin.
  10. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    As someone else said, I think the general consensus of those serious enough about the game to be posting here is that Overtime makes the rest of the match a pointless exercise in most cases. I'm not going to lie, I find myself doing it against an easy team... camp just out of reach of that LazerBlazer and watch them all try to fight me off while I use my Charge and Nade Launcher on them etc. Wait till overtime then kill the ball off quick.

    There's no pressure to keep the bots piling in or to do anything like that because you just need to wait till overtime. I stand by my idea that maybe OT could have been a timed 'drain' but the shields still need to be broken, that way the team that's been pushing right would still be able to get the advantage, just the 2 minute pressure is on as well.

    It's a tough argument. When it really boils down to 'why should I care about winning when I can just get a bunch of kills' it's only yourself that really knows why. I know I care about winning the game rather than K/D. There have been loads of times I've been 2 - 11 - 5 but top points.
  11. Dystopia

    Dystopia New Member

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    That would be pretty godlike. It'd actually make Crossfire... Crossfire. Instead of, you know, Team Deathmatch with a juice rush minigame at the end.
  12. Camjo-Z

    Camjo-Z New Member

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    I think a good way to keep Overtime from being so cheap is to just make it so instead of having the moneyballs go down, have them take twice the damage per shot (but will still stay up until bots take the shields down) and have bots increase their speed to get to the moneyball faster and make things more frantic.

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