In future DLC, include...

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Wishlist' started by ChrisMikeRack, August 19, 2010.

  1. Faulty46

    Faulty46 New Member

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    How bout some holograms in the background to theme the place. Instead of just the audience make it so it looks like your in the wild west or some other place and theme the combat arena to look like it as well with outfits for the characters. It may sound a lot but it would be much better than the plain (but still good) arenas we have.
  2. RedBeardRaven

    RedBeardRaven New Member

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    I think that Team Death Match could work but there would be tweaking necessary or a decent amount of test time to make it top notch. Things to consider are the bots, ( having them there as fodder/juice boosters, turrets ( placement/use at all ), respawn times, and/or map size.

    I would also like to just plainly see more maps for crossfire if nothing else. Four maps are good enough, but to give the game more appeal, it would be best to include to as many as possible.

    I would love to be able to customize crossfire options for personalized games. Customizing maps would help elongate the game as well but not particularly necessary. What I mean is by choosing what bots spawn out, be it one specific for the whole game, time released for YOUR choice of bots, or the purchasing of force spawn bots to be set to anything you want. I would love to be able to pay $100 to spawn a Jackbot at my choosing, or force Gremlins out for $75 a pop. This would increase more strategy on the Tower Defense side of the game. Other custom game options could be restriction on playable classes ( i.e. only 2 Support or only Snipers... etc. ), Moneyball defenses slider, bots difficulty slider, respawn timer scaling, changing value for using juice stations/ejector stations, and possibly gravity rules. Just a thought on that.

    I think Capture the Flag would be interesting to play but I thought of another play on the game time just for Monday Night Combat. Capture the Mascot... it would be nice to have custom mascots for the Hotshots and Icemen and for each team to go after that mascot to bring it back to their base for bonus points/money/bots/stat increases. Who knows, it could be like an Oddball feature where he/she who holds the mascot racks up juice/money/points for their team.

    Hmm, can't think of much more right now so I will leave it at that.
  3. Gern3r

    Gern3r New Member

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    I think more maps are definitely needed. Maybe some that are a bit varied in terms of style, i love the art style of the game but there isn't anything truly unique that sets the maps apart at the moment except the layout, keep the same style but maybe some trees or something in in future maps or some snow maybe, just an idea will keep it more varied.

    Also maybe a couple of bigger maps, i feel this could go in hand with maybe an extra special for each class, for instance on a bigger map instead of firebase the support could have the ability to lay a teleport down so when a player dies on a larger map they can get straight back into the action essentially like the engineer can on team fortress.

    I think in terms of new game modes it would be cool to have one with control points like on team fortress i feel it would work really well in this game with each control point having one or two turret nubs. It would also be a great game type for the assassins infiltrating each control point and taking out the most dangerous defence so the assault can get in and hold the enemy off in order to capture each point.

    Also character customisation is definitely important i think.
  4. Arcell

    Arcell New Member

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    While I agree with you most everywhere else, here is where we differ. Jackbots given their power should be $1000 minimum, otherwise it'd just be overtime all the time. Also Gremlins are already a class specific bot spawn.
  5. RedBeardRaven

    RedBeardRaven New Member

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    Well that is easily remedied if you and others truly felt that way but I was thinking more of it in different terms. Being able to choose the bot when you tapped down and the wheel menu pops up so you can choose on the fly. ( I know gremlins are default but why have default when you can choose right? ) $100 for a Jackbot might be too low, but it is there as an ultimatum... you can upgrade your skills in the beginning of the match, or send out a Jackbot and build some turrets for beginning offensive pressure. The price can of course be raised or lowered so that isn't too much of a bad thing.

    Either way Uber Entertainment, you did an awesome job right off the fly. Keep up the awesome work.
  6. ChrisMikeRack

    ChrisMikeRack New Member

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    Yeah jacbots would def have to cost more than $100 imo. I think 1000 is closer to the mark.

    CHoosing your bot spawns sounds good to me. Couldnt you just assign 3 bots (from the upgrade screen) to left down a right on the D-pad? Then your 3 faves to spawn can be quickly accessed.

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