Introduce yourself..

Discussion in 'Uber Entertainment Discussion' started by Ekanaut, April 18, 2010.

  1. Bufger

    Bufger New Member

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    Thought i'd post here, i have a habit of making my posts epicwallsoftext so please tell me to shut up or ban me if i start to get boring.

    Bufger is the GT from UK (only Bufger on the whole interwebz). 26 with house, wife to be and little boy on the way so im not sure how much spare time i'll get soon :eek: . As for work i'm an Engineer for a big car manufacturer which is a pretty cool job (i get to drive the cars around racetracks quite a bit which is never boring)

    Love gaming and have since Galaxian and boulder dash <3. Started playing online on the PC playing total annihilation and then on a console playing battlefield modern combat on the PS2. From there is been the Xbox360! I'm an Ambassador for and XBL so i like to think im a friendly guy thats willing to help people.

    I would consider myself as above average for the amount of time i can put into games. I only get online a couple of times a week but i can easily hold my own. I like to spend alot of time in real life (a strange concept?) drinking with friends, working on cars and Paintballing nearly every weekend.

    Well thats me. Hopefully i'll see some of you guys online! i may not take it all as seriously as some of you but i enjoy it just as much. I'm LOVING the tank class at the moment!

    I'll shut up now :ugeek:
  2. fatMasticator

    fatMasticator New Member

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    my burnt out video card has made me a console gamer.
  3. The_Support

    The_Support New Member

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    Hello, Everyone

    My name is Brandon and I have been gaming for a long time. I am 24 now and have been gaming since age 5. I am really big on FPS games and such. I just quit World of Warcraft for the 50th time and just got back into 360 and brought up my XBL Gold account and picked this came up a couple days after it came out. As soon as I got used to this game I loved it because it is a game unlike any other. In a way it kinda reminds me of a World of Warcraft BG the way you have to work as a team and whatnot.

    Anyways if you want someone on your team that is a team player and knows how this game works shoot me a message over XBL! My Gamertag should be in my sig.
  4. Funky Jammer

    Funky Jammer New Member

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  5. Shademonger

    Shademonger New Member

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    Hello Uber Nation, I'm inside you.

    My name is Dylan and I'm a graphic designer by trade, gamer at heart. I started gaming when I was three and my family got our first Nintendo Entertainment System. Since then I've been fully absorbed in the culture of this budding art form. I have witnessed the culmination of great works of interactive media, and reveled in them.

    I am married, my wife is a graphic designer as well, and is in on the knitting revolution that seems to be sweeping the nation. Life with her has been just swell.

    This game has been spectacular, and I look forward to playing with many of you in the future, send me a friend request and I'd be happy to play.
  6. Glenn ZA

    Glenn ZA New Member

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    Since I will be spending loads and loads of my waking hours right here on these forums it is just ethical for me to give a little introduction.

    My name is Glenn. I'm from Cape Town, South Africa. As everyone else here, an avid lover and fan of Monday Night Combat. (Thank you UBER Entertainment for this super stunning game).

    I am a recreational console gamer through and through and made the switch from PC gaming back in 2006 over to console.

    I help run and manage "The Gamer Network" in South Africa, which includes:

    Apart from helping the local gaming Communities is South Africa I am fortunate enough to be an Xbox LIVE Ambassador too where I assist gamers on LIVE as well as on

    There is a lot more to me than just gaming but I look forward to making new friends both locally and Internationally.


    ;) :cool:
  7. Shademonger

    Shademonger New Member

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    Welcome Glenn! Pleased to meet ya. You sound like a pillar of the community, that's always refreshing.
  8. Glenn ZA

    Glenn ZA New Member

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    Thank you kindly Shademonger. Appreciate the kind words. :cool:
  9. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Hi there. I am Sean otherwise known as DeadStretch. Making a new and hopefully long lasting membership with the Uber Nation.

    I am currently jobless and have recently applied for a grant to go back to school. I live in FL and was laid off 3 years ago and had a hard time finding work since then. I used to drive a forklift in a Supply warehouse. I would like to become an IT basically because it's the job of the future. My dream would to be involved in Sound Design for video game and own my own independent record label for various forms of music.

    I have been a console gamer my whole life although as of late I have had the urge to get into PC gaming. At the moment I only own a Xbox 360 and I'm an avid fan of XBLA games. Changes are if it's released on XBLA I want it or either have it. I grew up on the classics Mario, Donkey Kong, Excite Bike then later found first person shooters. Quake III Arena(DC) and Time Splitters: Future Perfect(Xbox) were my fav at the time. Lately I've been getting in RPG's. Not so much the turn based ones. I am a HUGE fan of Mass Effect!!

    That's me in a nutshell. Feel free to add my over Xbl Dead Stretch (with a space)

  10. Zuonius

    Zuonius New Member

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    Hello everyone. My name is Josh, but I am known in my circle of gamers as Zuonius (zoo-oh-nee-us). Call me Zuo for short.

    I, like many others, have always dreamed of becoming a game developer (programmer to be more specific). As far back as I could remember I have always been interested in the logical processes of decision-making that a computer follows. Afters years of teaching myself an assortment of programming techniques and practices, I eventually fell into the networking field. I work in the IT department at an inbound call center, I basically single-handedly manage over 300 computers because my boss is lazy and the other assistant he has is worthless. I'd rather be coding helpful applications for our company, but I'm stuck doing everyone's reports because I'm a nice guy and nobody else around here knows how to use freaking Excel.

    I play the Support class, and I'm a very frustrating opponent to deal with. You can usually find me romping through the crossfire maps with Von Pirate, Doogeygetsitdone, BlackBluRRR, Midgeto, and my fiance Alicetron.
  11. Tomato

    Tomato New Member

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    Hey all, I'm Ben, and my last name sounds like "I bought a tomato", thus the nickname Tomato. I'm 15, mainly xbox gamer, but I will play some RTS on the PC from time to time. I am, at this point, completely fed up with MW2, so Monday Night Combat is a welcome escape!
  12. Ethan8-bit

    Ethan8-bit New Member

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    Hello, Uber Entertainment and the MNC Community.

    I'm Ethan. I'm 20 and currently a junior in college going for a major in Software Engineering with hopes of joining today's video game designers. Currently learning more about C++ programming, as well as digital devices and algorithms. I'm more of an avid console player, but I play games on the PC as well, so it varies and depends on the game I'm sucked into at that moment.

    I currently have no job and searching for one, but I've applied in a work-study program at college to help with some of the costs. Scholarships have helped a lot with tuition.

    My thoughts on this game is that it's a great game at a great price on Xbox Live Arcade, and something that stands out from the 360's game library. I'm an avid Team Fortress 2 player on the PC, and I feel that this game has that same feel that TF2 has (Not in a "THIS IS A CLONE" way). It's fun, energetic, cartoony, and has that unique atmosphere that keeps people coming back for more.

    I usually play with community members from the F@NB0Y$ Forums ( and love playing as the Gunner and mainly using his Mortar.

    It's good to see all of you! If you see me in a match, send a message saying "HEY YOU'RE THAT ONE GUY!" Act now and get a discount of luxurious brown knit caps!
  13. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    A big Uber welcome to all the new members! I recognize some of you from Twitter and playing Crossfire.
  14. Shademonger

    Shademonger New Member

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    A "big Uber" welcome? Is that a bit redundant? ;) Thank you though, sir. It's a pleasure to bask in the glow of such a fine product and wonderful community.
  15. Glenn ZA

    Glenn ZA New Member

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    Thank you kindly. It is really great to finally be here in the forum amongst the Uber Team and other MNC Fans!
  16. N0NEoftheAB0VE

    N0NEoftheAB0VE New Member

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    I'm Jason, gamertag: N0NEoftheAB0VE, have been exclusively a console gamer all my life (save for Sim City) and just last xmas finally moved up the current gen with the xbox

    Fave games include San Andreas, GTAIV, TF2 (360 version), Super Mario 3, Transformers War for Cybertron and now this - I dunno what it is - but this game is addictive
  17. D3C3P7AKONZ

    D3C3P7AKONZ New Member

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    Hi Guys I understand we are being screened for possible viruses here is my bio i hope im clean

    Name - Locky
    Age - 26
    Nick/GT - D3C3P7AKONZ - xbox360 (feel free to add me)
    Country of Origin - The big Island commonly known as Australia
    PC or Console - both i aint a hater
    Hobbies - Games, Drinking, Partying, General Mischief xP

    I fail @ most things i try in life except games.... like my daddy always said!! if u suck @ something dont try hard to get good at it just find something your really good at and make others feel miserable about it :twisted:

    wise words i feel so im sorry for what happens on the battlefield...
  18. SenorPancake

    SenorPancake New Member

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    Hello everybody!

    My name is Pancake, although some people tend to call me Dan.(Nasty habit, really).
    I am 20 years old, finishing up work here at Rutgers University as a History / Psychology double major.
    I work as a summer camp counselor - my 5th year at my camp here.
    I bought MNC and am loving every second of it - I got sick earlier this week and if it wasn't for Uber Entertainment I would have been bored.
  19. King_Wonderful

    King_Wonderful New Member

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    Hi you guys.

    I'd like to introduce myself with a joke but I'm not funny so I can't. My name is Marc, I'm eighteen and feeling too old to enjoy anything any more. I love love love music, drawing and writing, generally a big fan of anything creative so if your imagination is as big as a... as a... as a really. Really big dog, then we should totally chat 'til our mouths hurt. I take very few things seriously and like to laugh at most things in life (I go down a storm at funerals).

    Monday Night Combat is crazy amazing, stupendously refreshing because of how fast paced it all is, a real contrast to what I'm used to. Also love that the game is very tongue 'n cheek, firing out one-liners by the bacon-wielding fistful.

    So ho ho heck yeah, if you ever need someone to shoot in the face, look me up! The gamertag is Kaiser Wiggly.

    xCOLONEL QUESOx New Member

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    Names James Patrick Lynch, aka Colonel Queso (original profile is forever gone, so xCOLONEL QUESOx it is). I am quite the /shadowrun fan, although nobody plays it, loved team fortress so find MNC a great new game for the collection. I am super competitive (as in enjoy tournaments and what not, not screaming at my t.v. when I get laid to waste). I love casual games and intense team vs. team privates. P.M. me for a good time. Get at it.
    p.s. Boyce bound for Music Ministry. Christ is my life, music is my gift, why not mix it up?

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