This isn't so much a request for new features for Monday Night Combat, but an idea for a totally different game. After reading Assassin's character bio, I get the feeling that there is a lot of story that can be told here. Her fight for individuality and against the oppressive corporate atmosphere that you've created would make for a pretty cool action/espionage game, maybe sort of Metal Gear-esque. Game opens on a cloning facility where Assassins are being made, klaxons begin to sound and lights begin to flash on a control panel. Some scientists start getting panicky as they look at a monitor of several identical brainwave patterns, except for one screen that is becoming erratic. Camera zooms through fields of cloning vats to single in on one particular assassin. Her eyes open and then form into slits of anger. From here, you'd have a pretty sweet "escape from dystopia" story going on, and could provide an opportunity for Uber to expand on an already pretty solid IP. Take it or leave it, I know you guys would definitely have something here though.
And after she escapes from this testing facility, she gets contacted by a rogue organization that inform her she's the descendant of a long line of assassins and, in order find what the scientists were looking for before they do, she must unlock the memories of her ancestors...
You should call this something like...Assassin's Motto...or maybe Assassin's Concept...possibly Assassin's Hypothesis. Yeah, I'm just reading from a thesaurus, what of it?
hey maybe Vawn was thinking of a name like "ASSASINS CREED" doesnt that remind you of anything???... hmm...
That was indeed the joke, yes. Seriously though, plenty of ways to set this apart from Assassin's Creed. Could even include other classes from MNC and turn it into an action RPG.
Oh man, Meech Munchies and Scrab Cakes. That was indeed a very fine game, and something along those lines would be a great fit for Uber, I think. I'm sure they could get the humor part down.