I wonder why I didn't make this sooner, as far as I know, no one has gone into much detail of what I'm about to tell you.. well, as irrelevant as it might seem at the time, there is still time before SMNC(I imagine this will also apply for SMNC, but who knows, the rules have changed) is released. So it's a TL;DR for a guide, so it's not going to be in 5 lines or anything, I thought I'd prepare you even though you can see the size of the topic at first glance. So what are the essentials, and are they really that different for each class? No, not different at all actually. Arsonist did a great job giving a bunch of rich info for new players, but I basically just want to tell you what the game requires you to be good at for giving an arse kicking! Three things describe it: 360 awareness prediction timing Conquer these elements in a match and you will have your basic game intact. After this it obviously depends on how well you combine it with your aiming ability and all general game IQ. Using myself as an example(sniper), my best essential skill is prediction. Ranging from easy predictions as where newbs will run into my icetraps, to insta predictions where I need to think a couple of steps ahead to counter a close enemy with my traps. When I say prediction, I don't mean as in predicting your enemys quick movement, as a sniper that falls under aim. When it comes to predicting movement it's in the whole general picture of "What teh fucz he gunna do?". Second essential skill for me is timing. As a sniper it's hard to explain. My timing goes into all the tiny details. Best explained; I am usually on the verge of dying, but only on the verge. My third - or as I'd say WORST essential skill is definitely 360 awareness. The reason I say it's my worst: It makes me an unrealiable asset for my team. Am I playing one man army my 360 awareness is near perfection. Every enemy that is a threat for me I WILL notice(At times, Myst or Vlane put in enough effort to surprise me though, lol). When it comes to being a threat for the team though, I am blind as ****. I can wank in a lane and completely ignore the other lane, this is my weakness and am of course working on it, but it also makes me happy that I'm a sniper, so I play the one class that can be selfish and just frag away while Vlane and Myst hopefully takes care of the winning part. Moose might participate as a fat bastard with his 150 % railgun accuracy. Back on topic, this was an example on how these essential skills work. 360 awareness: How much of the arena are you watching, how much of this **** do you actually process in your brain. How many things do you include/exclude from the arena while playing. Personally I'd say the master of this is Vlane or Arsonist Prediction: How many steps ahead can you reliably think. How much do you trust yourself to counter your predictions. How much can you read a player and then how far can you predict his actions. No idea who the master is.. *cough* Timing: This one definitely defines wether you're a bad or good assault, but it's also in general knowing exactly when and where to be. If you've taken a couple of minutes of your precious life to read this, then please by all means, do think about it the next time you play, and you might see some of your "essential" weaknesses.
Honey, it seems as if your threads don't get a lot of attention, especially with that Beta like right there.
When it comes to people on these forums, I shouldn't take Myst's word for granted. My apologees my dear lovely friend. Sigh....