A big reason why I like this game is because most of the community is focused on the objective. Games like MW2 get old because a minority of the players actually try to win, and don't care so much about their k/d ratio. I'm not saying there aren't k/d whores in this game, but its a nice refresher to see people playing the game the way its meant to be played.
I agree, for the most part. You see someone pick Support, Tank, Gunner, you know that at least they will understand the pros and cons and work with them. Although, even with the playtime I have, the stereotype of useless Assassins and Snipers will forever be burned into my brain. You're guilty until proven innocent!
im a KD whore but i do play towards my teams advantage by pushing players back. probly the main purpose of a gunner.
I find myself struggleing in game to focus more on working as a team other than getting good kd since i started xbl with cod4. Its kinda like second nature to me but im working on getting in that team state of mind. For what its worth my K/D is 1.807
I was like that until about 2 months ago, when I started trying to win every game I played in MW2. But I know what that feels like, its kinda tough to break that mentality. You're right, that is a role the gunner plays, but you do have to push in the right spots and help push lanes and such.
I agree people are more focused on objectives, but i still see people that dont lane push at all and our money ball is down being ganked while they are camping in the middle trying to kill people... i feel like sometimes just me and my friend do all the work.
Most of the games I've been in the enemy team never builds turrets and will just rush to my teams base.
Usually its my team that doesnt build turrets, our defenses are super low and when they build long shots to take out all the turrets i spend money on, my team doesnt bother taking them out...
I don't see how a "K/D whore" is a negative thing to your team. This is basically playing defensively, and this is how I play now. Not just to "whore up them kills", but because I can hold down a side, run away heal up and go back and keep pressure on a side without running in for a 1-2 kill and dying. Just because people want good K/D's doesn't mean they aren't helping, they may actually be doing more then you are/ the team is.
I'm with the K/D people, so long as kills aren't the only thing they're going after, a high K/D ratio means more money for them while feeding the other team less. This means better upgraded players and more money to spend on turrets, bot spawns, juice and the annihilator. But it definitely shouldn't be the only thing you're going after, especially classes like support.
I was that one guy on UT99 that would spend all of his time playing Team Deathmatch while the rest of his team was playing Capture the Flag. One of the reasons I love MNC is because I can spend almost all of my time hunting down and killing exposed enemy pros and still contribute greatly to the team's objective.
I've started playing assassin recently, and found that they are actually extremely good at pushing bots and destroying turrets