Once this game goes to pc i think....

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by oultrabeatdowno, August 20, 2010.

  1. oultrabeatdowno

    oultrabeatdowno Member

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    I think I'm going to buy this game again! Yes that's right!
  2. Sm1tty Sm1t

    Sm1tty Sm1t New Member

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    I like your sig. Quite neat.
  3. Neff

    Neff New Member

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    What would be awesome is if we could link our XBL stats with PC stats (if it comes out on PC). That way I don't have to pack my 360 when I have to travel for work.
  4. Shon3n

    Shon3n New Member

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    Hahaha, thats a very good point. I'm going to have to dualboot my mac for this.
  5. Neff

    Neff New Member

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    Or if they release it on Steam and use the universal code thingy, then there wouldn't be a need to dual boot (if this new OSX update really does fix the redraw issues)
  6. TheJackalMan

    TheJackalMan New Member

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    I've known a few guys who've pumped a game through XBLA and as I remember (possibly incorrect) Microsoft owns production rights, so they couldn't put it through Steam unless Microsoft wants them to.

    It would be nice if they could perfect the networking that was used in the game ShadowRun where PC players could play with Xbox players. That way the player base isn't split up.
  7. oultrabeatdowno

    oultrabeatdowno Member

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    Wat part of it is cool lol?
  8. Xbawx

    Xbawx New Member

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    To those talking about it being on Steam, I can tell you now I highly doubt it will ever go to Steam. If anything it would go to Microsoft's crappy Games for Windows Live client. But yeah, I'd probably buy this on PC if it came out.
  9. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    Madballs received a Steam release two months after it launched on XBLA. We don't know what Uber agreed to.

    Scoreboards shouldn't be compatible. In fact, I can tell you right now they won't be. They're separate platforms. If Uber is smart, they will remove leader boards from the PC version.

    Likewise, there will not be cross platform support. Mediocre PC players unfamiliar with the game would destroy the best of the Xbox crowd. Thumbsticks will always be inferior to mice & trackballs for shooters. In Shadowrun, the PC turn radius was nerfed, and the 360 version was given aim assist. PC players still kicked butt, despite FASA's propaganda to the contrary.

    This is why organizations like MLG are such a joke. The best Halo players in the world would be slaughtered by average ArmA players. The only 360 games which require skill are shmups, and those sell poorly compared to the latest piece of crap Activision has squeezed out.
  10. ScottyG302

    ScottyG302 New Member

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    If it's such a joke, prove it to me. Go actually play halo.. etc.
  11. l2ELLIK

    l2ELLIK New Member

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    Fixed :D
  12. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    I have. The original Halo is one worst FPS's I've ever played; it exemplifies everything wrong with modern shooters. The only aspect Bungie got right with this series is vehicle combat, but they refuse to create a game based around what they do best. SSDD.
  13. Shon3n

    Shon3n New Member

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    Or if they release it on Steam and use the universal code thingy, then there wouldn't be a need to dual boot (if this new OSX update really does fix the redraw issues)[/quote]

    This is true, I kinda forget I can play TF2 and CSS now :\
  14. ComedyFish

    ComedyFish New Member

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    Calm down. Not everyone has a supal33t Computer to play PC Games. Besides PC gaming costs a lot more than consoles.
  15. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    I am calm. Nothing in my post indicates I was excited. Please develop some reading comprehension. The Halo franchise has been a giant step backwards for the FPS genre. Those under the misconception that it's a well made series are either ignorant or have poor taste.

    If you can't afford a gaming PC, get a paper route. For $500 anyone can build a box that will run the latest games well. Considering the absurd price of Xbox peripherals, LIVE fees, and the $10 Microsoft tax on each title, PC gaming averages out to be the same price. Factor in the amazing deals on Steam/GOG/D2D, and it's probably cheaper to be a PC gamer.
  16. Tawpgun

    Tawpgun New Member

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    as a HUGE Halo fan, I must ask... why exactly was Halo a step back for the FPS genre?
  17. Intricasm

    Intricasm New Member

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    I always see PC elitists(You may not be one, but truthfully, that's what you're coming across as.) say that Joysticks make for a worse shooter, I've yet to see real proof of this. I'm not very good at PC shooters, and I never have been, simply because I can control a joystick much better than a mouse.

    Shadowrun is probably one of the best FPS games i've ever played, and I loved that game. I participated in gamebattles and MLG games for it and my friends and I did fairly well. I didn't really see any PC gamers 'kicking console gamer's butts', In fact I never saw a single PC gamer/PC Gamer Team rise to any kind of prominence in the Shadowrun scene.

    That being said, there's a reason I have a PC and Consoles. I like them both, I just don't like the elitism(from both sides, not the PC exclusively. Consoles have elitists and fanboys that are damn near as rabid as PC elitists.)

    Also, someone enjoying something you don't doesn't make them ignorant or prove that they have poor taste.
  18. Drastone

    Drastone New Member

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    Well aside from spewing off random insults, you seem pretty heated to me. But I felt the need to respond and point out a few corrections.

    Halo DIDN'T advance shooters, ON THE PC. However like its spiritual father goldeneye, it pushed console gaming forward to add another tombstone to the slowly growing grave of PC gaming. It showed that a good CONSOLE shooter was possible. If not for it, and the likes of goldeneye this game probably wouldn't have even existed. (and you can argue your OPINION of it being bad, however the majority says your opinion is... misguided.)

    PC gaming is NOT cheaper. If anything I'd settle for it being equal, however even THAT is debatable, since as of right now you can get an original 360 for 119$, and thats all you really need to play. Also I'd like to point out that usually those steam deals are bottom bin games that you normally wouldn't even look at if they were in stores (and most of them for good reason.)
  19. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    The late nineties were a renaissance for the FPS. Developers were moving away from the genre's Wolfenstein/DOOM roots and were beginning to pair deep storylines with innovative gameplay:

    • Unreal
      System Shock 2
      Deus Ex
      The Wheel of Time
      Thief: The Dark Project
      and The Metal Age
      Rainbow Six
      and Rogue Spear

    Even multiplayer gaming had come of age with the likes of Starsiege: Tribes, Unreal Tournament, Counter-Strike, and Codename: Eagle.

    Then Halo came along and destroyed all of that progress:

    • Excessive backtracking
      Regenerating health
      Terrible enemy AI
      Inaccurate, generic weapons
      Two weapon limit
      Paltry enemy variety
      Ridiculous tone (comic enemy dialog)
      Unoriginal story/setting (Ringworld)
      Plagiarized script/characters (Aliens)
      Generic versus maps
      No online multiplayer

    Take away the vehicles, grenades, and Martin O'Donnell. Halo is sheeeeit soup potboiled to appease ignorant console gamers who cut their teeth on garbage like GoldenEye.

    I'd hoped Bungie would have hired some decent level designers by the time the third game was released, but Halo 3 featured some of the worst backtracking I've ever seen. It's overrated crap like this that causes reviewers to praise BioShock and Fallout 3 as being excellent games, when in reality they are watered down eye candy that can't hold a candle to their forerunners.

    Compared to what was released in the fall of 2001 (Aliens vs. Predator 2, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis, World War II Online, etc.), Halo: Combat Evolved had nothing new to offer. At least Red Faction (much like Halo, a once promising PC title that was reengineered to be a soulless, console dud) had destructible environments, online mulitiplayer, and a map editor.

    Halo : video games :: Twilight : pulp fiction
  20. Intricasm

    Intricasm New Member

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    There was no Regenerating health in Halo: Combat evolved. The AI was actually quite good for Console shooters.

    I personally like the two weapon limit, because I always found it idiotic that the main character could carry an entire armory on him with no problem whatsoever, and i'm not sure how the weapons are inaccurate, but alright.. Some people enjoy a comedic portion to their games, the Grunts were my favorite part of that game because of how funny they were. What did Halo steal from Aliens, exactly?

    See, you're speaking purely PC gaming when you're going off about Halo. Halo was the very first Xbox game ever released, this was before Xbox Live had any real functionality, and it was also before anyone knew the game would attract so many fans. Back then gamers were a small group of people, but Halo brought FPS games on console to the mainstream's attention because it was fun for people who were hardcore FPS gamers, and people who had never played an FPS in their life(I fall into that group).

    You may not like the game, but the reasons you point out are present in almost all FPS games, before Halo and after it. Admittedly Halo did start a bunch of rival developers into making simplified 'Laymans' games, but it makes them money, so they're going to keep doing it.

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