My wishes for this awesome game

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Wishlist' started by DarkAssault30, August 19, 2010.

  1. DarkAssault30

    DarkAssault30 New Member

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    First, let's say it. I love the game :D

    But there's a few things missing, and some few readjustment that should be done to make the experience even more amazing. Here are my wishes, or my ideas, if you prefer.

    1.More teams : If this is supposed to be a big sport thing, why only two teams? We need more team. But not only that. Each team could have his own unique Bot or ability ! Wouldn't that be awesome?

    2.More maps : Some more maps to diversify would help, right?

    3.More customization : With our hard earned money, we buy titles and custom classes. With those customs classes, we should be able to customize the character himself. You would attach more to the character, having it your way. Maybe even add a catch-phrase to choose, that would be cool. We should be able to customize the armor by buying parts .

    4.The boring part : Yeah, re-adjust the support medical gun, shooting around a specifical spot where you are aiming. That's probably it. I like mostly the classes like they are now.

    That's all. It's a lot to add with updates, but these add-on should be considered.
    Give comments about what is good and bad about the list. I want to see your opinions. :)
  2. fake

    fake New Member

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    Fully agreed. I was disappointed w/how little I can do with custom class. Why buy so many if they are all essentially the same options for each class number?

    Could you please clarify?
  3. VawnOTheDawn

    VawnOTheDawn New Member

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    Yeah, I'm not sure what you're getting at about the gun. You noted the fact that it can shoot around corners (i think?) but you didn't say whether that was bad or if it should be made easier, just that it needs to be "adjusted".

    Also, "specifical" is not a word.
  4. V5S

    V5S New Member

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    My only problem with the Heal gun is that it automatically decides for itself that healing players is a top priority. Several times I've tried to heal a dying turret only to have my gun repeatedly latch onto the nearby Tank who already had full health.
  5. elaeth

    elaeth New Member

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    I think thats more of an overall issue, the gun should heal who/whatever is in your targetting reticle first. It makes stupid decisions in every direction sometimes.

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