The BIG List of Bugs

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by Sm1tty Sm1t, August 12, 2010.

  1. PhantomPhoton

    PhantomPhoton New Member

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    I can confirm this glitch, I have experienced it twice now. Exactly as you posted.
  2. The Wind

    The Wind New Member

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    I play assassin a lot and I've noticed that the right bumper dash doesn't work sometimes. I press the button but there is no onscreen effect. This is usually remedied by dying, of course that's not very favorable...I've also experience the floating gap shot and the juice glitch.
  3. Entropy

    Entropy New Member

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    I get "disconnected from host" after almost every single match. It seems like the host migration doesn't work when you are in a lobby. If I'm playing by myself, this doesn't matter, but when I'm playing with a friend, it disbands our party and sends us each back to the main menu, so we have to start up a new lobby, all join it, and then search for more matches. Add in the 1-2 minutes we spend at the end of most matches waiting for the host to migrate before the scoreboard appears, and we end up with a lot of wasted time. We just quit playing altogether last night because it was so frustrating. We played about 10 matches, and only 1! time were we able to play back to back matches without being kicked back to the main menu.
  4. PhantomPhoton

    PhantomPhoton New Member

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    Just out of curiosity, is there a forum sticky or blog post being updated with the steps Uber is taking to resolve these issues, and when they expect to have a patch up?

    I'm sure Uber is working hard on addressing these points, and the ones posted in the "exploits" thread, but some sort of communication from them would be great on this!
  5. Sm1tty Sm1t

    Sm1tty Sm1t New Member

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    BGolus (Ben) is doing a rather nice job updating us in this forum.
  6. PhantomPhoton

    PhantomPhoton New Member

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    The new locked sticky helps a lot! I really congratulate Uber on their community involvement!
  7. ikickrocksyo

    ikickrocksyo New Member

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    I know in the sticky locked thread about issues, it states that the work around for eating up the firebase deploy is to not look at the floor or wall. I can't confirm at the moment, but I believe if you also hammer the Y button as the skill finishes recharging, it'll also not deploy and resets. I think I've had it happened to me twice while in open space. I'll check see if I can duplicate it later on tonight.
  8. PhantomPhoton

    PhantomPhoton New Member

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    Shammas posted a video showing an Assault who had figured a way onto the roof of one of the arenas.


    Prolly should add this to the list of bugs as well.
  9. zodbones

    zodbones New Member

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    There's a weird spawn bug where I'd be stuck in Limbo for a while, wait literally a random amount of time before spawning, and then spawn with the death cap UI in my way so i can't control my pro.

    Another bug is when I'm playing the support and his beam points off in a random direction to the left, and his hack skill won't work on anything.

    Also there's a small bug with the Spawn bot button and turret nodes.
    If you push down on the D-pad to activate the spawn bots or upgrade turret too fast you end up over spending.
    For example I want to spawn bots for 100 and I mash down on the D-pad to do so, I end up spending 200 for 1 bot instead of 100.
  10. Pastriot Chef

    Pastriot Chef New Member

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    It's possible to pay double when upgrading turrets if you repeatedly hit down on the d-pad. I've had it happen quite a few times, so far.

    *edit* Heh I wait until after I'm done playing MNC to register so I can post this, and of course someone beats me to it.
  11. Provolown

    Provolown New Member

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    1. Every time I lose connection to the host while in the loading screen(juice/bacon) I get kicked out to a screen with just the MNC logo with a weird game summary page, and the only way to get out of this is to dashboard and re-launch the game. Very annoying!

    2. I haven't yet had a problem with it yet, but I can see it happening. You can get out of every map for jumping on top of the spawn locations with certain classes.

    3. If you are smashing a skill button before it's ready, it will use it when its ready but nothing with happen. So it uses the skill "mana" but the skill wont do anything. This was hard to explain and I will elaborate on it more if need be.
  12. D4rk_Angel

    D4rk_Angel New Member

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    Well, you know, for a thread that states the word "BIG", you don't have all of the bugs in there yet, for example, the split-screen ones, they're pretty easy to spot. I'd recommend you to add them to your thread, good job by the way.

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