Players SWOOTH and SixxxBrezel/Ham Ham harassment?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Feedback and Issues' started by NintOMan, September 19, 2011.

  1. NintOMan

    NintOMan New Member

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    Would blocking a player from leaving the exit at the beginning of a game be considered harassment? And when he finally leaves a side exit, to continue jumping in his face deliberately getting in his way, also be considered the same?

    This is the treatment I got from the two aforementioned players when I played earlier this evening. I've had my fair share of problems with SixxxBrezel (a.k.a Ham Ham) in the past, ranging from general BM and taunt-spamming, to full on repetitive constant racism when I pick the Assault class against him. Words are fine, I can deal with words, even if I feel they go too far sometimes. But my real problem was when they crossed the line from words to actually affecting my ability to play my game.

    SWOOTH almost never says anything, but will always join in the taunt-spamming etc. And he was also apart of the blocking harass I received when they both picked the tank class, which is something I've never seen them do which leads me to believe they did it simply to block me in (and everyone else who started the game on their team aswell). The choice wasn't optimal, given their knowledge of the game, and I felt compelled to sit it out and sit in base whilst I watched the enemy's gunner/support combo push our turrets and their bots onto our ball. I figured, losing the game would mean more to SWOOTH and SixxxBrezel then it does to me. Which was evident when they trashed before rage quitting when we lost.

    I felt like they ruined the match for myself and everyone involved. Things were much better when they left and I'm sure everyone was glad to see them go. There were alot of new players in so kicking didn't goto plan, and all of the BM was directed towards me anyway so why should anyone else have a problem, which is fair enough.

    I'm not expecting a ban from this as I have no evidence, but I am aware that they also trash other players in MNC and even some that post on this very forum. I'm hoping some more reputed members could possibly come forward and confirm/deny this happening to them by the hands of these two players at any point. I know it shouldn't be an issue as SMNC is on the way but I feel that every match these two are in will leave a sour experience for all involved. The way they blocked me was co-ordinated and certainly required them to be communicating with eachother, which tells me they've done this before.

    Words I can deal with but I feel they went too far with the harass by interrupting game-play.
  2. Robbert

    Robbert New Member

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    Did they actually the whole game long blocking the exits or only when the game started? If only at the beginning i would say, yes it is annoying but i can be fun to do against nubz to do because they don't know there is another exit. :twisted: But constantly doing this throughout the match is something i would find actually trolling and indeed something to complain about.

    Also you're right about them being annoying when somebody who's better then them in the server.
  3. Colcut

    Colcut New Member

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