30,000+ Gamer Score

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by SaintJ, August 20, 2010.

  1. SaintJ

    SaintJ New Member

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    Not because I WANT that score but
    For those of you with gamerscores like that, what motivates you to have such a high gamer score?
  2. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    Having a 360 since launch. Seriously, who cares about gamerscore? (And if you do then 30k is nothing).
  3. Xbawx

    Xbawx New Member

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    I like gamerscore and was at some time kind of a gamerscore whore, but now it feels like a waste of time. I like getting achievements, but I don't really strive for them anymore. I have 35,000 GS btw.
  4. SaintJ

    SaintJ New Member

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    If you don't care, why do you have a 30,000+ score?
  5. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    Readers are leaders. I have had a 360 since it launched in North America; that's almost 5 years of playing on the 360. You really think that 30k is a big deal? Heck, that's only ~6 games a year played to completion. Even if you don't get the full gamerscore out of a game, most give you achievements just for playing and you can beat an average game inside of a week. Again, simply owning and playing a 360 for so long means you will have a higher gamerscore.
  6. Shon3n

    Shon3n New Member

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    I used to be an "Achievement Whore", now I only try to complete games I enjoy playing. I guess it gives me an extra task in some games.

    I also have 77k (I have no life :| )
  7. SaintJ

    SaintJ New Member

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    Okay, I can see that after buying a variety of games. 5 years... yeah that makes more sense. But 77,000+? or like 50,000+? Just...why.....seriously.....
  8. kraivyne

    kraivyne New Member

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    I used to hate the xbox 360 until I worked with Microsoft and was forced into getting one.

    Since I was a game tester in Dubai and in charge of relating all information on games to my staff, I ended up with 30k+ gamerscore.

    Can't say I'm proud of it as it is just a number.

    Only time I ever actively hunt achievements is when I really enjoy the game and want to absorb every aspect of it.
  9. SaintJ

    SaintJ New Member

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    Well your reason makes more sense. It's part of your job. Casually obtaining a 50,000+ score? I don't know anyone outside of receiving SSI or is just a slug in life (not that they are related) that can spend that time doing that!
  10. V5S

    V5S New Member

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    I don't care about GamerScore as a whole, but I am an achievement hunter. I love the challenge presented by some of the harder ones and the sense of accomplishment when the little dink noise pops up onscreen, especially when I've been working on it for hours.
  11. Sm1tty Sm1t

    Sm1tty Sm1t New Member

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    I recently hit 60k thanks to MNC -- the reason I want a high gamerscore? Cuz back in the 90's I was the kid who always played on easy, used cheat codes, and restarted levels if I started losing.

    Achievements are a way to show people and to remind myself that I can accomplish things in a game without being an asshat.
  12. rhineville

    rhineville Member

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    My friend has over 30,000, but that's just because he rented a lot of games.

    Personally I couldn't care less about my gamerscore or achievements. EXCEPT when it comes to left4dead. My friends and I agree that for some reason, that series' achievements are more like "challenges" and getting some of the harder ones can be really rewarding.
  13. Arcell

    Arcell New Member

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    I don't care so much about the number itself as completing games (100% achievements). Games I really enjoy playing I feel compelled to get all the achievements in.
  14. Terminal Happiness

    Terminal Happiness New Member

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    I've got around 20k gamerscore and really didn't give a **** about it. I've rarely gone after an achievement except those that were fun or sounded hilarious (Dastardly on RDR, where you have to hogtie a woman, put her on the train tracks, and watch her get run over (even though that was secret); and the Swinger in Fable II, which I won't get into). Just having the console for a while will get you that.
  15. brendy

    brendy New Member

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    I have 90,000+. I used to play games and try to get every achievement. It was fun and added life to the games. But then it got out of control. I would play games just to get achievements, and not for fun(Madden, Avatar, King Kong). Now I just play games for fun, and don't worry about achievements.
  16. GN MuRRaY

    GN MuRRaY New Member

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    Just having a number of games available to me since launch was one reason. Trying to break 39k just for the hell of it, working at a LAN center for two years following the 360's launch helped tbh :X
  17. vvipeout

    vvipeout New Member

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    currently my GS is 36,741 and honestly I love plying games 100% or as far as i can get while still having fun with them.
  18. Diablohead

    Diablohead New Member

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    I don't buy games that often but I do like earning all the achievements in a title where possible, i'm at 29,200 right now just from playing games in my spare time since 2007... I say that because in 2007 I had to remake my gamertag after a huge cockup on microsoft's side of things when it came to gold and credit cards, the account was suspended due to their terrible unmovable card data rule (you can do so now but back then it was forbidden by their tech support) so I had to start fresh on the gamertag I use currently. The old tag had about 7k on it but it's a shame since I had that tag since halo 2 :(
  19. FiercelyFuzzy

    FiercelyFuzzy New Member

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    I'm sorry what? If you don't care why do you have it? I don't care and I had 30k+. If you had the Xbox since it first launched and played most games that came up with it, it happens.
  20. XJaeX

    XJaeX New Member

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    ive had my 360 for 2 years now and im at 76000 gamerscore , im not a achievement whore.. anymore.. but i own about 100 games, (no avatar here either) that game is lame..
    but if you own enough games and play enough you will rack up the gamerscore.. its not that ALL people do it purposely, most people like to not just beat a game but dominate it in the process. and besides most people mod their stuff now.. ie gamerscore games.. mnc leaderboards....

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