Stop asking for more classes.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Wishlist' started by Pigyman, August 20, 2010.

  1. Pigyman

    Pigyman New Member

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    Did Valve ever add more classes in TF2? No, they didn't.

    Just like TF2, MNC doesn't need any more classes. Tell me, what would a new class do that the current classes don't already do? You have Tank and Gunner for heavy-duty defense and offense, you have Assassin and Sniper for elimination of individuals, you have Assault for general combat and you have Support for helping the bots and turrets.

    Being that this is a Tower Defense-type game, I think that covers everything we need. New maps, sure. New game modes, why not. Hats, the obvious flaw of this game. But no new classes.
  2. cherrypieluva

    cherrypieluva New Member

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    stop comparing this game to TF2
    Did Uber ever try to make this like TF2? well, i dont know.

    Just like every other class based game with a cartoonish art style, MNC doesn't need to be compared to TF2 at every possible chance. Tell me, what would comparing an xbox live arcade game to a big budget full disk game do? You have class based parts, and a not realistic art style, and 2 teams yes.

    Being that this is a Tower Defense-type game, i think that you should stop comparing it with TF2. Its similar to ratchet deadlocked, sure. And a couple other games, why not. people like me, sick of hearing it compared. But stop comparing it to TF2
  3. VawnOTheDawn

    VawnOTheDawn New Member

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    ^Yes, but people do need to slow down a bit with their suggestions. Maybe they can make new classes, but I'd much rather see more customization on the classes that already exist first. For instance, being able to purchase alternate weapons that aren't necessarily better all-around, but better for a certain playstyle, like a sword for the assassin that does less damage but has a poison effect, for example.
  4. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    What else would you compare it to when trying to convey similar concepts that work well in-said game and it near the same. I bet here's one you don't hear often, due to the fact that it was highly overlooked, Shadownrun. (360/PC version)

    Sure the Tower-Defense part makes MNC unlike any other(that I've played) but it's base gameplay is, being class-based, is the defining point of the game.

    Anyways I do agree, MNC does not need any added classes. It would just ruin the balance and flow of the game.
  5. fake

    fake New Member

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    Yeah - I'd prefer more customization over more classes too.
  6. jjcpockets

    jjcpockets New Member

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    Tell you what, I'm going to keep asking for new classes and you keep saying that they're useless or unnecessary. Then, if new classes are ever introduced, you can just choose not to use them while my team takes advantage of the new classes. Heck, maybe they'll make MNC Classic for people who don't want to play with any new content.

    And every time someone makes the comparison to TF2 I have to say something smarts: TF2 launched class-based shooters like Street Fighter did fighting games; did every game that failed to perfectly mimic Street Fighter fail or did some of them become competitors? If you just want to play TF2, then you can. If you want to make sure other people have to play games just like TF2 then I'm not sure who you work for.
  7. cherrypieluva

    cherrypieluva New Member

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    shadowrun, ratchet deadlocked, star wars battlefront 2, etc.
    ratchet due to the similar artstlye and direction, shadowrun due to the similar art style, and class based, and battlefront 2 due to the class based shooter system.

    there's just no need, that every third thread i look in, to see someone comparing this game to TF2. i highly doubt that's what they were going for. maybe they have a key component or 2 from TF2, but essentially you can take any key component from a game, that this game has in common and compare it. doesnt make it any better. im just sick of seeing it, its just not necessary in most cases.
  8. Pigyman

    Pigyman New Member

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    A class-based game with a strikingly similar art direction? You're right, I have no idea where they got that from.

    Alright, but nowhere did I say, "This is just a TF2 clone." I said "Just like TF2, this game doesn't need more classes, all bases are covered." And like I said before, what would a new class do that the current classes don't already do?

    Again, nowhere did I say, "This game is exactly like TF2." I said something closer to, "This game follows similar design principles to TF2 and therefore is comparable from a design-oriented perspective." Gameplay-wise this game is quite different from any other game I've played, but in terms of design there are quite a few similarities.

    Now, if I compared it to Star Wars: Battlefront 2 would I be getting a reaction like this? Probably not, but the same concepts would be in effect. I simply chose the most popular class-based title, which just so happens to be a game that many like to associate with this one. Sorry for my poor judgement and lack of foresight.
  9. cherrypieluva

    cherrypieluva New Member

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    its not just you. its everyone. everyone compares this to TF2. And yeah pretty much all bases are covered, and if they did at a class or 2 i would love to see it AFTER they get customization of some sort for the classes they already have. although i would like to see one that could be more bot helpful, because the support doesn't do much for bots besides over heal jackbots...

    yes, it has similar design principles. it doesnt mean that just because TF2 hasnt added any classes, that this game will never need an additional class. im sure that if you could think for about 10 minutes, anyone could come up with a class, that could add features to this game that it doesnt already cover.

    If you compared to Star Wars BF2, your correct you wouldn't be receiving this reaction as that is a fresh comparison. TF2 is super over compared if i do say so, and im not directing this 100% towerds you. but more towards the fact that i see a "LAWN MCN IZ COPY UF DAH TEEEF 2 CUZ ITZ NOT REAL GRPHICZ ND CLASS BASE SYSTEM" when many other games follow those principles
  10. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Sure there are many other games but when trying to give an idea or an example wouldn't you go with a more popular title. That way more people can understand what you are trying to say. Imo MNC more closely resembles Shadowrun and Warpath. Not many have played either game so they might not get the point I am trying to make.

    Really though is comparing it to TF2 that much of a big deal that it caused you to forget what this thread was about. Regardless of it being a topic that many have started their own thread over.
  11. cherrypieluva

    cherrypieluva New Member

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    ive played both, and i get that you would like to compare it to TF2, but its so over compared it hurts to read. people need to stop looking to compare this to other things to prove a point, and just explain why. now in this, i guess i can see where he is coming from and ive already stated my opinions on the "new classes" matter. but yes. im done as im not particularly mad at OP, but more at the over use of TF2 in this forum

    SHAMMYBUD New Member

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    I'm just glad we are all friends here at the forums.

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