Rate Yourself in ALL Classes...

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Sauceman, August 20, 2010.

  1. Sauceman

    Sauceman New Member

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    Just rate yourself as each class based on how you play in pubs. It's 1 out of 10, so don't put a 10 unless you're dropping like 30-40 kills or something.

    Assault: 5/10
    Tank: 4/10
    Support: 8/10
    Assassin: 4/10
    Gunner: 10/10
    Sniper: 8/10
  2. Kyou Kizu

    Kyou Kizu New Member

    Likes Received:
    Assault: 4/10
    Tank: 7/10
    Support: 9/10
    Assassin: 6/10
    Gunner: 2/10
    Sniper: 6/10
  3. sokoto

    sokoto New Member

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  4. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    Based on my own skill and not anyone elses:

    Assault: 9/10
    Tank: 6/10
    Support: 6/10
    Gunner: 7/10
    Assassin: 1/10
    Sniper: 7/10

    Yeah, I'm a bit of a one trick pony, but dont have enough play time with the other classes. Always seem to do bad when I try to get some... Sniper and Gunner I do okay with but Assassin is just frustrating.
  5. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    Assault: 10/10
    Tank: 7/10
    Support: 4/10
    Gunner: 9/10
    Assassin: 1/10
    Sniper: 1/10
  6. Shon3n

    Shon3n New Member

    Likes Received:
    Assault: 7/10
    Gunner: 9/10
    Tank: 5/10
    Sniper: 4/10
    Assassin: 1/10
  7. Rawdell210

    Rawdell210 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Gunner 10/10
    Assassin 1/10
    support 6/10
    sniper 7/10
    tank 7/10
    assault 5/10
  8. PhantomPhoton

    PhantomPhoton New Member

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    Let's see....

    Assault: 8/10
    Tank: 2/10
    Support: 8/10
    Assassin: 5/10
    Gunner: 4/10
    Sniper: 1/10

    I love to play as an Assault! Upgrading turrets, constantly spawning Buzzers, escorting bots, taking down Jackbots and turrets, hunting Assassins, clearing lanes... the flexibility to really help my team on all levels instead of having to concentrate on just a few specialties.

    I also like playing Support, hacking local turrets, spawning Gap Shots, overhealing bots and pros, and pushing my level 3 firebase forwards to good positions to give attacking Pros a healing station and opposing Pros nightmares...

    I'm not too bad with the Assassin either, but I find the lack of team gameplay options for her make her a tertiary character at best for me. However, I have mad props for good assassins on my team, especially when you gals swing by the lane I'm trying to clear and ice a Pro I'm in a firefight with...
  9. BlueZebra

    BlueZebra New Member

    Likes Received:
    Assault: 10/10
    Assassin: 9.9/10

    Assault has to be my best class as of now. Got my 25 streak easily with him as well as my 6 -multikill. I typically go 30-<5 with him O.O

    Assassin I used to be amazing with her but then I played tactical and suck bawls. Recently got my groove back and I know how to play as an assassin...but at this point I honestly have to say I like the assault class more.

    Support...eh, I'm okay, I don't use airstrikes enough, rarely use him for anything other than blitz.

    Gunner, I honestly don't play this class. I just don't like it. He got ruined for me when I was on a team of 5 gunners for way too many games. I smile whenever I destroy him with my Assaults AR.

    Tank, rarely played, kinda fun but not my play style.

    Sniper...I suck. D: I got headshots and I typically go positive but compared to my sniping in any other game, it's turrible. Just turibble.
  10. Vike113

    Vike113 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Assault: 2/10
    Gunner: 4/10
    Tank: 5/10
    Support: 2/10
    Assassin: 9/10
    Sniper: 6/10

    I really should play something other than assassin, but backstabbing people is so much fun. :twisted:
  11. Karishadz

    Karishadz New Member

    Likes Received:
    Assault: 7/10
    Tank: 5/10
    Sniper: 1/10
    Support: 8/10
    Gunner: 8/10
    Assassin: 7/10

    The Assault is pretty easy to use and pretty gosh darn deadly towards other Pros with a Gold Crit endorsement. But that's what I mostly use my Assault for. Since I tend to not kill bots as him due to the low damage he does towards Blackjacks.

    For the Tank, for some reason I just don't like him at all. I can still rake in a good K/D with him but I seen other players use him alot better then I do.

    Oh the Sniper. To tell you the truth the aiming on his scope is so smooth and accurate that it makes it hard for me to hit someone with it. I do snipe alot in other games. Mostly in Bad Company 2 where they have this fancy lil Bullet Drop and travel time. And due to my mind automatically referring to BC2 while playing as a sniper I tend to aim ether just a tad bit too high or a tad bit ahead of the person. I will admit it, I r noobcake with MNC Sniper class D:

    The Support, is one of my favs while playing. You can never be too poor with a support if you use him right. Unloading a shotgun in a cloaked assassins face or attaching a Air strike to tanks. while my turrets and gapshots takes care of the other Pros or bots.

    The Tank, is by far one class I love to play as. Just for his taunts alone. Along with him being a Anti-Assassin Class if you add Gold armor. Mowing down the inferior team in a hail of red hot lead as it penetrates there very armor, ripping through there flesh with no mercy whatsoever.

    The Assassins a fun class to play. As long your good at it. You can be all stabby stabby and poof away in a smoke bomb of flashyness. Pretty much what I do most of the time anyhow...
  12. Bufger

    Bufger New Member

    Likes Received:
    Assault: 5/10
    Gunner: 8/10
    Tank: 5/10
    Support: 5/10
    Assassin: 9/10
    Sniper: 10/10

    I can effectively use every class now but there are only a couple i can really own with and i use each one for each different arena.
  13. Trigger

    Trigger New Member

    Likes Received:
    Assault: 6/10
    Tank: 5/10
    Support: 3/10
    Assassin: 8/10
    Gunner: 9/10
    Sniper: 6/10

    Assassin was the first class I felt like I was good at, and I can consistently do better than the other assassins in my games when I play her.

    Gunner is my favorite class, and I find I usually outplay the other gunners I come across.

    Everything else I can play if the team needs it, but I'd really rather not, as it probably won't end too well. Support I can't really play at all, I don't know why but I just can't.
  14. Xbawx

    Xbawx New Member

    Likes Received:
    Assault: 6/10
    Tank: 7/10
    Assassin: 4/10
    Support: 8/10
    Gunner: 10/10
    Sniper: 6/10

    I use gunner way too much. :p
  15. Louis010

    Louis010 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Assault: 2/10
    Assassin: 8/10
    Support: 9/10
    Gunner: 7/10
    Tank: 5/10
    Sniper: 10/10

    I just cannot do the assault class, i cant work out how to play him at all, i try different endorsements and i've just gave up with him now :lol: i did once go 17/10 with him but that about my best ever

    I love all her flashy combat, its my favourite class to play apart from sniper just for all the jumping and stabbing, go 20-25/8-10 most of the time with her.

    Used to enjoy playing as support but now find it boring, find it easy to go 25/5 with him though on a regular occasion

    My first custom class was the gunner, i used to love it and used to love dominating all the rank 0-5's... now people had got good at the game im no good with him sadly :( still get positive k/d but only by a few kills

    I find the tank hard to play because of his speed and the short range of the jet engine, mostly just kill bots and turrets with him insead of getting shot up

    Sniper..... :twisted:
  16. JBizzle

    JBizzle New Member

    Likes Received:
    Assassin- 8/10
    Assault- 2/10
    Gunner- 2/10
    Tank- 2/10
    Sniper- 5/10

    Good thing for the assassin class :lol:
  17. Qbakies

    Qbakies New Member

    Likes Received:
    Assault: 8/10
    Tank: 2/10
    Support: 9/10
    Assassin: 2/10
    Gunner: 5/10
    Sniper: 6/10

    Support and Assault are definitely my two favorites but I have a Sniper custom that I've been having fun with too.Tank, Assassin, and Gunner just don't suit my style that well.
  18. Ownage Messiah

    Ownage Messiah New Member

    Likes Received:
    Assault: 3/10
    Tank: 2/10
    Gunner: 10/10
    Sniper: 2/10
  19. Tomato

    Tomato New Member

    Likes Received:
    Assault: 7/10
    Tank: N/A
    Assassin: N/A
    Support: 10/10
    Gunner: 7/10
    Sniper: 8/10

    I never play as tank or as assassins. I love the Support, and mainly play as him. I can be a very good sniper when i'm on, but if i'm not its ugly.
  20. XFire_Team_Leader

    XFire_Team_Leader New Member

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    I;m the best Tank in the game. :cool:

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