Sniper Rifle really could use a buff.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by The Reaver, August 20, 2010.

  1. The Reaver

    The Reaver New Member

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    I know that you're supposed to get headshots with it. I get it. Don't call me a noob. ;_;

    The thing is, sniper rifles do nothing if you DON'T get a headshot. Usually in shooters, the headshot is an instant kill, but body shots are still pretty powerful. The MNC sniper rifle body shots are EXTREMELY underwhelming. Plus, there's the fact that everyone moves pretty fast in this game, and the Assault and the Assassin are virtually impossible to headshot due to their high mobility.

    Would anyone be up for seeing body shots become more powerful? Especially against Support/Assault.

    I don't even mean for it to be that much more powerful than it already is, just a slight increase to body shot damage would be good, but it's pretty weak at the moment.
  2. Dystopia

    Dystopia New Member

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    I played Sniper once or twice, and it didn't seem so bad. I did gold armor, silver RoF, and bronze reload speed, went for headshots on slow targets, and body shots on everything else. The MNC sniper rifle is actually a really slow-cycling automatic, so holding the trigger helps when you can keep your scope on them. Oh, and most people seem to forget that the sniper rifle can be upgraded with penetration and splash damage, and tend to hide behind bots or just around corners. Don't quote me on this, but it looked to me like the splash damage triggers on every target hit, so penetrating multiple targets standing near each other hits them all multiple times.

    Then again, I only played two matches tops, so we should get advice from someone who actually knows what they're talking about.
  3. Diablohead

    Diablohead New Member

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    Weak bodyshots? we are playing the wrong game because I can kill most classes in 3-5 body shots, even a tank.
  4. Louis010

    Louis010 New Member

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    the sniper is already god when played right, it only takes 2 shots to kill the quicker classes unless they have gobinumb and for tanks and gunners just aim for the head its easy pickings going for them, it really doesnt need a buff its fine as it is, trust me i play sniper all the time :)
  5. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    A single body shot may be weak comparatively, but the difference is that the sniper rifle in this game fires RIDICULOUSLY fast. Plus you get explosive shot which is a free bodyshot hit on anyone nearby.
  6. Monty

    Monty New Member

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    Yea, I dunno. I don't have this problem. I play primarily as a sniper, and with the sniper upgraded all he way, I don't have a problem dropping any class in two or three body shots (except those damn assassins, they move so fast!).
  7. Raiden

    Raiden New Member

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    The problem is that your not thinking in terms of balancing. You see yourself not getting as much kills as others so your calling foul. Ok, so lets look at your scenario of buffed body shots. Who is easier to take down no, tank/gunner or an assault. In terms of character model size, the tank and gunner would have a tremendous disadvantage compared to every other character in the game. Add that with the RIDICULOUSLY fast firing sniper rifle and the fact this is the first game i've herd of where the sniper round has splash dammage, and you now have a sniper who doesn't really have to aim.

    Case and point, the body shot is the way it is for balancing.
  8. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    I'd have to agree... if you think this sniper rifle needs a buff then you don't know how to use it. And you're probably not using your flak or traps enough!
  9. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Wow really. I find the body shots with the sniper rifle to be crippling. Granted there are endorsements that weaken it. A good sniper doesn't really do 1v1 face to face battle. So if you're a sniper and an Assault is looking your way I wouldn't advise engaging alone. You know run away, bait him into a trap or maybe into some teammates. In a situation like this I find body shots from the sniper rifle to just destroy me, while he teammate/s finish me off.

    I don't play as a Sniper, but this is the kind of sniper I am "afraid" of. A sniper trying to battle with me 1 on 1 face to face I'll just laugh at you and shoot a nade or two getting you near death as you run for cover. If I know that there is a Sneaky sniper that is just basically trying to weaken me only to have a bot finish me off, I turn the other way.

    So yea, I find the damage taken by a body hit fro the Sniper Rifle to be just right. I find 3/4 shots will kill me unless I have an endorsement that weakens the shot.
  10. CausticSushi

    CausticSushi New Member

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    Yeah, sometimes they get away with a sliver of health but theres really not much you can do about it. Your main targets as a sniper are the slow moving, big headed, heavy hitters. The Gunner and Tank. Anything else you can still shoot at but with more difficulty.

    People underestimate a level 3 Flak too, its pretty devastating.

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