My take on MnC

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by MatthewMk2, August 20, 2010.

  1. gotsmurb

    gotsmurb New Member

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    ok people. the game is called MONDAY NIGHT combat. sound familiar? raged up athletes and over the top announcers? MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL anybody? yeah. thats my take on why the game is the way it is.
  2. ChrisMikeRack

    ChrisMikeRack New Member

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    IDK, most the footy games are played and aired on saturday/sunday here :)
  3. MatthewMk2

    MatthewMk2 New Member

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    NO? Really? ZOMG, you sir are a genius! Genius!!
  4. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    Obvious troll is obvious.
  5. SaintJ

    SaintJ New Member

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    While I want to respect your opinion, it gets voided out by the fact that you have a 97,000 gamer score. I cannot fathom the amount of time that you play video games. I just can't muster respect for someone that spends that much time to do that.

    If I were to muster the respect, it would still be invalidated by your pathetic approach on the subject.

    This maybe deleted, and understandably so, but please get a life.....
  6. Shon3n

    Shon3n New Member

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    Even though you guys are complaining about the announcer, I find him helpful.

    I mean he tells you when the annihilator is up amongst other things.
  7. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Honestly what sold me on this game was gameplay videos. I find the quirky humor to be something new and fresh. Too many games these days are all about being serious. It's a nice sign of relief to know that it is just a game.

    Also remember the budget the Dev. Team had to work with is nothing to compared to "other" full retail games.
  8. fake

    fake New Member

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    QFT. I don't get how anyone missed this...maybe the bong smoke haze?
  9. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    Honestly, part of what turned me on to this game was the over-the-top style that seemed to fuse armed combat with a live sports event, pro wrestling, and American Gladiators. Not to mention that Roller Jam crap from TNN I'm embarrassed to have watched any of.

    It's sometimes corny, but it's a fun, vibrant atmosphere. This isn't even my usual type of game, but I'm having a ball. It really doesn't strike me as though they "tried too hard," save maybe with the bacon. Still, even when it's not funny, it's got a certain charm and mood to it that remains endearing.

    Yahtzee ripped on 'Splosion Man in part because the cake bit came directly from Portal without any real context besides "look at this! It's from Portal!" In fact, it looked pretty much like this:

    Maybe the bacon bits (hehe, bacon bits) came from elsewhere, but it's not something I recognise. I haven't even played Portal, but I know that Glados sings "Still Alive," that the protagonist is offered cake, and that ever important meme that the cake is a lie. And I know about the Companion Cube, and other details. So when I see cakes in 'Splosion Man, and an achievement saying "not a Portal reference," I know the context. Maybe I should know "bacon" from somewhere else, but what Yahtzee really seemed to be getting at was merely throwing in pop culture references for the sake of them being jokes in and of themselves.

    Most of this game seems self contained. The humour is part of that. And if someone can correct me on Bacon, I will tuck tail and admit I was wrong, but I do usually hear these things repeated in meme form by like 30 of my friends even if I never touch the game. And then 3,000,000anonymous people online thoroughly beat that dead horse. And so on.

    There's probably a lack of depth here, but it doesn't seem forced. It seems shallow because the primary think is a "sporting comeptition" between trained professionals with a "deep-seated hatred for each other."
  10. NotFrank

    NotFrank New Member

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    Well put Ekanaut.

    humor is after all universal... what is funny to one is obviously funny to all.
  11. Hiryu02

    Hiryu02 New Member

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    You know what I want in the next update?

    More Mickey Cantor!

    I don't mind the announcer at all, though a mute button for those who dislike Mr. Cantor is reasonable.

    For myself however, I want more voiceover options. The only thing that gets to me is the repetition. The actual writing is fine. Perhaps record another 3-6 lines for each "event trigger", and maybe another line or 2 per class. I'm all for more Mickey Cantor, more Bacon, and more class responses.

    Oh, and can we get maybe one more music theme to play in the lobbies? The present one is great, but you know, variety (and bacon) is the spice of life!
  12. ChrisMikeRack

    ChrisMikeRack New Member

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    Thats a horrific post. And you see reason that someone who has played a **** lot of games on the 360 means they should have their opinion about a 360 title invalidated? Dont you see how silly that sounds?

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